Silver Foxmelonhead14) Would you like to see more or less foreign owners in the English Premier League and why?
I thought he meant more or less foreign, like the Welsh
cmonurz Ian Harte @ianharte23
To all the people asking if I have retired from international I haven't trap didn't even know I was Irish #whataclown
Retweeted by Jonny Fordham
scumbagBrianstorm can we have a half-time review of Sunzu please??? Sounds like a bit of a lad from what I have read so far
I'd say he's a cross between the legendary Jimmy Kebe and Andre Bikey, based on these 45 minutes he's unpredictable and a bit mental.
marcusopptlcs Is it true on the 7th day God created Jimmy ?
No, on the 7th day jimmy created god!