Nameless Be fair, most of us on here would benefit from a football awareness course....
I was trying to be a little discrete as there's a poster who seems to be rather defensive on the subject of the announcer and hints he is ITK....
RollerbobRoyality creeps In Surely a Donkeys head on Pog would be more apt
You're a donkeys head.
Coppelled_StreetsOuagadougouPepe the Horseman Tongue in cheek my love.
Pepe the Patronising Horseman
He wasn't being patronising, he's always coming on to me!
Pepe the Horseman Tongue in cheek my love.
Most seem happy to keep a player on £55k a week in the Champ
Maybe it's me with the issue
theroyalsaregoingup What about vuvuzelas? They got south Africa rocking for the world cup