Er! football cliche alert, all well and good speculating about the next seven, but taking one game at a time is how the professionals approach fixtures. The situation will change all the time with other team's results to be factored in, perhaps we should concentrate our efforts accordingly, treat e...
Seol Ki Hyeon eats dogs in his own country it could be worse, he could be Dodi, dead in a tunnel. I'm not sure I've got the hang of the rhyming thing, but was that similar to what you had in mind? That would do nicely... Or perhaps “What’s it like coming from a country whose neighbours or near ...
Could we perhaps scale the heights of good taste by combining something about Koreans eating dogs with something about an Arab getting killed in a car crash? Garn, URZ.
Oh yes, we're all happy when the success is rolling in, but as soon as we hit a rough patch the moaners have got the knives out for the manager - saying 'he can't handle the bad times' with such unwitting self-irony. Give the guy some slack, for Christ's sake! He's taken this club higher than most o...
The arrogance that comes out of this article is absolutely flabbergasting. I just hope it's as tongue-in-cheek as most of the posts on this board (Innit?). :wink: Kitson is a player who has been giving the scientifically impossible 110% recently, it is not to be believed that he will be the next Fra...
Good news. But the arrogant git was beginning to lose his shine anyway, and I'd say Benni McCarthy, Gamst Morten Pedersen and David Bentley are much bigger threats. Could they, perhaps, be persuaded to eat some half-cooked Asda sausages on the morning of the match?
I can't be bothered to read the whole of this thread, so someone may already have mentioned it, but didn't Robin Friday once crap in someone's kit bag only to later be deified by Reading supporters and get his mug shot in the RFC Hall of Fame? OK, so LL is a bad boy. So what. He'll be a hero if and ...
Daniella Our support is embarassing and just lacks passion and tradition, full of soccer AM fans who will vanish when the club goes through rough times.
This, however, is absolutely true.
Doesn't this fella Daniella provoke a lot of replies, eh? Must be touching a raw nerve somewhere.
God, that was almost getting interesting! Thanks thefruits for bringing us back down to earth. 2-1 to Reading, scrappy game, in post-match interview Coppell says it was nothing to do with the Reading fans screaming themselves hoarse, and how did he get a voice like that?