Dai Brainbocs If it was an insurance scam, why on earth would you do it on match day with the close-season looming? Wasn't it the last game of the season? You'd have all summer to do it and the payout would be the same. .
Zammo The next panic on this thread will be if or when we actually receive these tickets. Thought they were gonna be posted on March 31. Nothing yet.
No Fixed AbodeUpThePrem Where is block yellow 111??? Now available online
Right behind the goal. You might be looking through the goal net.
jd82leicsRoyal Everyone's a winner.
STH's get +2
Not if you've already bought with that ticket though?
Samrfc01oxford-nick So online sales are now no longer possible for 50+ Loyalty point holders....
Where the hell have you got that information from?
RoyalBlue Does anyone know whether the website queue page does automatically update every 15 seconds as it claims?