My concern is that there could be an element of truth, that Dai, Pang and representatives are still touting us about completely unaware of the urgency and gravity of the situation. Platek and Couhig are the only games in town. EFL will not grant any leniency if we start up negotiations with a new pa...
It really really doesn't matter in the short/medium term who purchases the club at this stage; ANYONE is better than Dai, who is literally destroying our football club. Either Platek or Couhig will be an massive upgrade. But listen to Howe. Dai has invested over £200m, surely no new owner will do t...
I feel like with the characters and egos involved, if a deal is made (not certain), it'll be at the latest possible moment. After 4 April and in the EFL's added time. Clearly Couhig likes the game of all this, and a few media reports suggest Platek is similar. All I will say is everyone should want ...
The petition is meaningless. If Dai, Platek and Couhig can't find a solution is the next few weeks we're completely fcuked. That was the position before the latest news and remains the position now.
IF RFC has put forward the offer of putting £6M into Escrow, and if that's the only thing holding up the sale to Platek, then where is the issue for Mr Couhig? After his media round following last Friday, he said he was not a blocker to the sale of RFC; if thats the case, then what stops him from a...
I’d be very suprised if the EFl don’t extend the deadline til end of season to give Couhig/Platek time to complete a deal But how long is needed to give Dai a chance to complete a deal? How long is a piece of string? Clearly their play is to focus the mind and end his procrastination, with disastro...
I’d be very suprised if the EFl don’t extend the deadline til end of season to give Couhig/Platek time to complete a deal They will want 72 next season. I don't logistically what that means for fixture scheduling, but that will determine what our real deadline is. Probably early June. Perhaps we'll...
This would presumably be for the last Championship season, not the first L1 season, which will be due shortly, right? How the oxf*rd have we lost £20m with our wages capped to £16m and a conservatively estimated income of about £12m in the Championship ffs? Yes this is the relegation season, wages ...
If the existing club gets liquidated, could we be in a bizarre situation where the the new club Board spawned out of STAR are negotiating with Dai to use the SCL? Or would we refuse to give him a penny on principle? I imagine the running costs would be too high for a start-up Phoenix Club without a...
Wycombe is the most realistic option for me. Our target would be to exceed their attendances in non League. May seem petty, but actually attendances mean money and any non League side getting over 5k has a big advantage over their rivals.
Main concern from the Couhig interview is that he hasn't heard from the club or Dai's representatives. Given a court ruled we can't do a deal without reaching an agreement with him, and our club statement said we'd communicate with him, we should have already. Even if the pod was recorded 1st thing ...
If the existing club gets liquidated, could we be in a bizarre situation where the the new club Board spawned out of STAR are negotiating with Dai to use the SCL? Or would we refuse to give him a penny on principle?
Today's episode of The Price Of Football features our latest situation Had a listen on a very early train journey. Kieran Maguire has always been fairly positive about our chances and this episode is no different, but his positivity always seems to be based on the assumption that normal business ru...
- Get together a working group of interested and knowledgeable parties - Work on what can potentially be salvaged/bought/taken over and how much it'll cost - Identify potential sources of income (many different funding models are available) - Tie the two above together and make detailed plans Build...