The Renaissance of John Halls

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Re: The Renaissance of John Halls

by floyd__streete » 29 Aug 2007 19:30

Gus the teenage cow all John Halls and my good self ask is precisely the same, respect!

Well, neither of you have my respect. Thanks anyway for your interest, a valiant effort. Your good self - that really is a matter of opinion.

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by sotonroyal » 29 Aug 2007 20:01

to give gus the teenage cow some credit the title of this thread really captured my imagination. could almost be a missing oscar wilde novel

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by cmonurz » 29 Aug 2007 20:10

This thread has reminded me to add gus to my 'wazzock of the year' thread.

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by From Despair To Where? » 29 Aug 2007 20:44

, it saddens and disturbs me to see the guestapoesque mentality here, its like communist russia,

NKVDesque surely?

If football is a religion and religion is the opium of the masses then Gus is the bicarb used as a cutting agent.

Ten munutes of pretty much nothing and a run out against a 3rd tier side doesn't make much of a renaissance. Much as I'd like to see Halls achieve something at Reading, I'm not holding my breath.

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by bobby m's syrup » 29 Aug 2007 21:12

Gus, you do realise that after reading your protestations, everyone who reads this post is going to post that IP address on every forum known to man. As such, I would not have expected a supposedly intelligent person to post such utter claptrap about automatic emails etc if it were true. However, in your case, I am prepared to make an exception. :lol:

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by Royal With Cheese » 29 Aug 2007 21:25

Wow, it's like someone's fused Frimmers and Dodger Royals DNA to create a super twat.

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by urzzz » 29 Aug 2007 22:00

Mate, you're either really taking the pIss.

Or you are really incredibly stupid!

I favour the latter

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by topfuller » 29 Aug 2007 22:31

Gus the teenage cow I didn't edit wikipedia page, someone at university did whom i know

but i was wrong about bikey and seol

as for ip address connundrum, university host detects when their ip address is published on any public site, they receive an auotmatic mail about it then the host can detect on which of the computers in its network was the information published, then they ask questions, it's simple, anyway it's not too serious......i don't reallyc are anymore, wasn't this page about Halls rather than technobabble and oneupmanship, how petty!

Thats possibly the biggest load of old bollocks iv ever heard on this forum.. and thats saying a lot!

'university host detects when their ip address is published'

Whatever !!

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by cmonurz » 30 Aug 2007 07:50

Royal With Cheese Wow, it's like someone's fused Frimmers and Dodger Royals DNA to create a super twat.

That's not the most subtley funny post ever on HNA?, but I just choked on my Weetabix.


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by Jerry St Clair » 30 Aug 2007 08:19

Gus the teenage cow as for ip address connundrum, university host detects when their ip address is published on any public site, they receive an auotmatic mail about it then the host can detect on which of the computers in its network was the information published, then they ask questions, it's simple, anyway it's not too serious......i don't reallyc are anymore, wasn't this page about Halls rather than technobabble and oneupmanship, how petty!

You are Jason Bourne AICMFP


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by Wycombe Royal » 30 Aug 2007 08:38

Many forums automatically display the IP address where a message was posted from, so I don't really see the issue here.

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by southbank1871 » 30 Aug 2007 08:41

Gus the teenage cow as for ip address connundrum, university host detects when their ip address is published on any public site, they receive an auotmatic mail about it then the host can detect on which of the computers in its network was the information published, then they ask questions, it's simple, anyway it's not too serious


Genius Augustus! So if their IP address is published anywhere on the net, the uni receives an automated email informing them of this? Of course that's what happens.

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by Skyline » 30 Aug 2007 10:07

Gus the teenage cow as for ip address connundrum, university host detects when their ip address is published on any public site, they receive an auotmatic mail about it then the host can detect on which of the computers in its network was the information published, then they ask questions, it's simple, anyway it's not too serious

Really? Any public site anywhere in the whole world? What kind of supercomputer are they using to do this monitoring then? And think of the bandwidth they're using monitoring all those public sites.

I'm sure Limerick University's controlling body would be very interested to find out that their computing department was using huge amounts of computing power and bandwidth just to check to see if their IP address was posted anywhere in the whole world, instead of, oh I dunno, actually using it to do research - you know, the thing universities are primarily established to do.

Or maybe you're just a crock of shit. I would say we should let the audience decide, but it looks like it already has.

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by Mr Angry » 30 Aug 2007 10:54

Gus - f**k off sunshine.

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by Stooper » 30 Aug 2007 10:57

The problem with Halls is that you've all made your minds up about him already, and he will never have a good game in your eyes.

The same happened to Keith Jones - you ignored his good moments and slated him when a pass went astray. If Caskey made the same bad pass it was "unlucky" and Jones was a "useless oxf*rd".

Give John Halls a chance, and notice the good as well as bad.

and ignore his coke habit

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by rg6royal » 30 Aug 2007 11:28

Stooper The problem with Halls is that you've all made your minds up about him already, and he will never have a good game in your eyes.

The same happened to Keith Jones - you ignored his good moments and slated him when a pass went astray. If Caskey made the same bad pass it was "unlucky" and Jones was a "useless oxf*rd".

Give John Halls a chance, and notice the good as well as bad.

and ignore his coke habit

good post. at the swansea game i noticed a few good points about him although there were bad points such as his positioning isn't the best.

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by BobKnows » 30 Aug 2007 11:43

Stooper The problem with Halls is that you've all made your minds up about him already, and he will never have a good game in your eyes.

The same happened to Keith Jones - you ignored his good moments and slated him when a pass went astray. If Caskey made the same bad pass it was "unlucky" and Jones was a "useless oxf*rd".

Give John Halls a chance, and notice the good as well as bad.

and ignore his coke habit

good post. at the swansea game i noticed a few good points about him although there were bad points such as his positioning isn't the best.

I think the fact that Coppell hasn't given up on Halls is telling. There must be something there.

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by mini _dariusz » 30 Aug 2007 11:43

John Halls is possibly one of the biggest let down signings that this club had made in recent years. When we signed him I thought he would prove to be an excellent acquisition for the club.

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by Bacon Double Cheese » 30 Aug 2007 12:07

He always seems to have a cold.

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by bigmike » 30 Aug 2007 12:15

Gus the teenage cow really I think you don't undertsand ip addresses at all, of course the university can contact me because as they are hosts of ths ip address they have individual extra code ip's for each computer in the university and most employers do too so easy on the porn downloads

what a load of crap....

I can tell you that they do not have extra code IP addresses every network card (NIC) will have what is known as a Mac address. If you were refering to MAC addresses as extra code ip addresses then I hope that you are not studying Networking

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