Lita in NOTW

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by Millsy » 25 Sep 2007 00:53

Yorkshire Royal My God.. he's a footballer.. by definition they are all oxf*rd stupid. They shag girls. They roast girls. They hire hookers. This is because they are oxf*rd stupid. And working class. Therefore give them money and they have no idea how to behave. This is further emphasised by the stupid houses and cars they drive...

Lita is one of the most exciting young English forwards in the country. The ludicrous moral high ground taken by people on here once again makes me wonder if I want to be associated with Reading fans... Anyone suggesting that we dispose of his stories because of this minor event. FFS, sex tapes are hardly something new..

No offence (although this clearly is offensive), but you lots are just embarassing...

Spot on.

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by Uke » 25 Sep 2007 00:53

MC ROYAL Doubt there'd be this much fuss if it was a white man...

Leroy Lita in interracial gay sex?

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by Stranded » 25 Sep 2007 08:35

2 world wars, 1 world cup
Yorkshire Royal My God.. he's a footballer.. by definition they are all oxf*rd stupid. They shag girls. They roast girls. They hire hookers. This is because they are oxf*rd stupid. And working class. Therefore give them money and they have no idea how to behave. This is further emphasised by the stupid houses and cars they drive...

Lita is one of the most exciting young English forwards in the country. The ludicrous moral high ground taken by people on here once again makes me wonder if I want to be associated with Reading fans... Anyone suggesting that we dispose of his stories because of this minor event. FFS, sex tapes are hardly something new..

No offence (although this clearly is offensive), but you lots are just embarassing...

Spot on.

Is it though? I don't think many care about this as a one off isolated incident - it's more that it's yet another bit of bad press involving Lita and by association the club.

Coppell's quote this morning in the papers belies that he is checking the facts first but he is not happy - although he will start tonight.

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by BobKnows » 25 Sep 2007 09:09

Bottom line is, if Lita performs on the pitch, and doesn't piss off all his teammates, then it's totally irrelevant.

I'm still amused by the notion of someone not noticing their partner filming themselves on their mobile. I s'pose it's possible but really that's oxf*rd inobservant :lol: . And anybody that knowingly lets it happen, and doesn't understand that the arrogant cock is going to show it to all his imbecile mates, is STUPID. My sympathies go out to nobody in this one. Well, perhaps Steve Coppell, who'll have to sit Leroy down and do yet another "headteacher" chat with him :roll:

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by Yorkshire Royal » 25 Sep 2007 09:20

Uke Steve Coppell
Shaka Hislop
Steve Heighway
Ian Dowie
Alessandro del Piero
Fabio Pecchia
Slaven Bilic
Albert Camus
Karol Wojtyla
Gudni Bergsson
Phil Whelan
Arjan De Zeeuw

13 players? I don't think it's worth printing the hundreds of players that do fit my description, though I am sure you see my point...

Stranded Is it though? I don't think many care about this as a one off isolated incident - it's more that it's yet another bit of bad press involving Lita and by association the club.

Coppell's quote this morning in the papers belies that he is checking the facts first but he is not happy - although he will start tonight.

George Best got some dodgy press in his day. Didn't see Utd getting rid. And as for Maradonna.... And didn't Kluivert kill someone or something? I mean for crying out loud... A headbutt in a nightclub.. an arrest (but no charge), a mysterious bed injury and now a sex tape... I'm suprised you guys let him walk the street... Let's just ignore the letter form the FA praising his performance and attitued at the U21 championship... Let's deport him back to Congo....

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by Behindu » 25 Sep 2007 09:22

Leroy isn't even the player in our squad with the worst history of off the pitch behaviour !

Or even the second worst...

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by M Brook » 25 Sep 2007 09:26

He soon will be!

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by AF1 » 25 Sep 2007 09:30

Royal Rother I fear we haven't heard the last of this story. I will be surprised if the girl knew he was sending the video to his mates, and surprised if she isn't at this moment in sceret talks with NOTW "journalists" to get her little bit of mucky money out of the situation.

The guy has (not for the first time) shown appalling judgment and is a bad apple in a good bunch. As the song goes "one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch (girl)" but in reality whatever it comes into contact with will pretty soon go bad as well.

There should be no-one outside of the normal team ethic of intelligence, fair play, honesty and decency and little tolerance shown for those who think they can operate outside of those standards. Unfortunately Lita seems to think he can get away with misdemeanours off the pitch, swagger around on it whilst trying to cheat to gain an advantage at every opportunity, and still retain loyalty from the club.

Little by little he is eroding the trust of the management and I really do suspect he will be out the door at the soonest opportunity now. The trouble is, I am not convinced that there will too many clubs willing to take him on. He has really not done an awful lot to show himself to be a model employee over the last year or so has he?

Oh shut up

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by Royal Rother » 25 Sep 2007 09:55

Wow! You've destroyed me there big man!! :lol: :lol:

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by Kitsonista » 25 Sep 2007 09:59

zac naloen
Leroy is the publisher - he distributed the pics

NOTW have not printed a pic other than Lita's sex face, he can hardly argue the toss here can he?

What pictures?

A. It's a video

B. He didn't "publish" anything.

The law relates to publishing of photographs in magazines and the like.

viewing or non-commercially showing such a photo in private, generally does not create legal exposure, at least in the United States.

Keep clutching at those straws though.

Beg to differ "To publish" in the UK is defined as:

To make information available and distribute it to the public.

Unless you could prove that Leroys intent was not to publish he could be charged under the Obscenity Laws, which prohibit the "publishing" of Offensive or Obscene material. By clicking on Send he's publishing, and it might be described as wreckless, but that's what he's done. Once sent to teammates he's effectively publishing it, by putting it in the public domain. You could argue that the teamates equal a private party, but a good lawyer would carve that up. The girl could sue for this as she does not appear to know what he's done and therefore did not give consent. This would be invasion of privacy at the least.

Overall though, he's been a bit of a k**b again. He's young, rich and not too bright. All said and done he's a footballer and they use their feet not their brains. If every guy his age could, they would. Steve should sit him down, talk to him and ask him to be a bit more careful. Also the rest of the team need to understand that what happens between them stays between them. What should be of more concern is which b*****d leaked it to the press. when he sent it Leroy couldn't know what a chain of events he'd started, but I bet he does now.

Liverpool fans are quick to pick up on anything like this, wait for the chants tonight.

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by zac naloen » 25 Sep 2007 10:08

zac naloen
Leroy is the publisher - he distributed the pics

NOTW have not printed a pic other than Lita's sex face, he can hardly argue the toss here can he?

What pictures?

A. It's a video

B. He didn't "publish" anything.

The law relates to publishing of photographs in magazines and the like.

viewing or non-commercially showing such a photo in private, generally does not create legal exposure, at least in the United States.

Keep clutching at those straws though.

Beg to differ "To publish" in the UK is defined as:

To make information available and distribute it to the public.

Unless you could prove that Leroys intent was not to publish he could be charged under the Obscenity Laws, which prohibit the "publishing" of Offensive or Obscene material. By clicking on Send he's publishing, and it might be described as wreckless, but that's what he's done. Once sent to teammates he's effectively publishing it, by putting it in the public domain. You could argue that the teamates equal a private party, but a good lawyer would carve that up. The girl could sue for this as she does not appear to know what he's done and therefore did not give consent. This would be invasion of privacy at the least.

Overall though, he's been a bit of a k**b again. He's young, rich and not too bright. All said and done he's a footballer and they use their feet not their brains. If every guy his age could, they would. Steve should sit him down, talk to him and ask him to be a bit more careful. Also the rest of the team need to understand that what happens between them stays between them. What should be of more concern is which b*****d leaked it to the press. when he sent it Leroy couldn't know what a chain of events he'd started, but I bet he does now.

Liverpool fans are quick to pick up on anything like this, wait for the chants tonight.

To throw that back any decent defence lawyer would carve up the claims that he published it, he showed it to some mates, that's private.
Things like this crop up on the internet all the time with NO convictions for anyone.

The video isn't even in the public domain, the newspaper has reported it exists and shown a "clip" of Leroy but nothing more.

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by Stranded » 25 Sep 2007 10:10

Yorkshire Royal
Uke Steve Coppell
Shaka Hislop
Steve Heighway
Ian Dowie
Alessandro del Piero
Fabio Pecchia
Slaven Bilic
Albert Camus
Karol Wojtyla
Gudni Bergsson
Phil Whelan
Arjan De Zeeuw

13 players? I don't think it's worth printing the hundreds of players that do fit my description, though I am sure you see my point...

Stranded Is it though? I don't think many care about this as a one off isolated incident - it's more that it's yet another bit of bad press involving Lita and by association the club.

Coppell's quote this morning in the papers belies that he is checking the facts first but he is not happy - although he will start tonight.

George Best got some dodgy press in his day. Didn't see Utd getting rid. And as for Maradonna.... And didn't Kluivert kill someone or something? I mean for crying out loud... A headbutt in a nightclub.. an arrest (but no charge), a mysterious bed injury and now a sex tape... I'm suprised you guys let him walk the street... Let's just ignore the letter form the FA praising his performance and attitued at the U21 championship... Let's deport him back to Congo....

Where did I say get rid?

Fact is I can understand why people get peeved is as soon as a non-footballing story involving RFC appears in the press, you know who has been involved. It does lead you to question him, and his mentality a bit - the fact that he's not performed yet this season further amplifys this.
If he'd scored 2/3 goals, no-one would care.

There must be a reason why he keeps getting caught out/involved in these things when none of the other members of the squad do - are they more sly about it or not put themselves in those situations? The media spotlight on Prem footballers is so much that any one with an ounce of sense must know it'll make rags like the NOTW.

Again, Coppell doesn't seem happy and when he's had enough the bloke will go.

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by Behindu » 25 Sep 2007 10:15

Stranded Fact is I can understand why people get peeved is as soon as a non-footballing story involving RFC appears in the press, you know who has been involved. .

Um, would it be Stack for his rape trial and the ironing incident ?

Or Marcus talking about guns ?

Or Marcus repairing cars / buses ?

Or Oster ending the court battle over his mate who he shot ?

Or Kitson talking about almost anything ?

Or Nicky Shorey's wedding ?

I think it's a bit of an exaggaration to say Leroy is the only RFC player who gets coverage for non footballing matters.

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by Kitsonista » 25 Sep 2007 10:18

zac naloen
zac naloen
Leroy is the publisher - he distributed the pics

NOTW have not printed a pic other than Lita's sex face, he can hardly argue the toss here can he?

What pictures?

A. It's a video

B. He didn't "publish" anything.

The law relates to publishing of photographs in magazines and the like.

viewing or non-commercially showing such a photo in private, generally does not create legal exposure, at least in the United States.

Keep clutching at those straws though.

Beg to differ "To publish" in the UK is defined as:

To make information available and distribute it to the public.

Unless you could prove that Leroys intent was not to publish he could be charged under the Obscenity Laws, which prohibit the "publishing" of Offensive or Obscene material. By clicking on Send he's publishing, and it might be described as wreckless, but that's what he's done. Once sent to teammates he's effectively publishing it, by putting it in the public domain. You could argue that the teamates equal a private party, but a good lawyer would carve that up. The girl could sue for this as she does not appear to know what he's done and therefore did not give consent. This would be invasion of privacy at the least.

Overall though, he's been a bit of a k**b again. He's young, rich and not too bright. All said and done he's a footballer and they use their feet not their brains. If every guy his age could, they would. Steve should sit him down, talk to him and ask him to be a bit more careful. Also the rest of the team need to understand that what happens between them stays between them. What should be of more concern is which b*****d leaked it to the press. when he sent it Leroy couldn't know what a chain of events he'd started, but I bet he does now.

Liverpool fans are quick to pick up on anything like this, wait for the chants tonight.

To throw that back any decent defence lawyer would carve up the claims that he published it, he showed it to some mates, that's private.
Things like this crop up on the internet all the time with NO convictions for anyone.

The video isn't even in the public domain, the newspaper has reported it exists and shown a "clip" of Leroy but nothing more.

But he didn't "show it" to his mates he sent it, that's publishing. The only reason that there have been no convictions before is that the other parties have been too embarrassed to admit they are in it. That's all Litas got to rely on now.

As others have pointed out the NOTW's gutter journos will be trawling around trying to find her and offer her money for her "side" of the story. Often a threat to the ISP of legal action is enough to have the material removed. Ms Diaz et al have worked this angle.

But and it's a big but, the CPS may decide at any time that a test case of publishing obscene material should be mounted against say Youtube or other similar ISPs to get a formal ruling on electronic publication of material which offends or is likely to outrage public decency.

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by Stranded » 25 Sep 2007 10:20

Stranded Fact is I can understand why people get peeved is as soon as a non-footballing story involving RFC appears in the press, you know who has been involved. .

Um, would it be Stack for his rape trial and the ironing incident ?

Or Marcus talking about guns ?

Or Marcus repairing cars / buses ?

Or Oster ending the court battle over his mate who he shot ?

Or Kitson talking about almost anything ?

Or Nicky Shorey's wedding ?

I think it's a bit of an exaggaration to say Leroy is the only RFC player who gets coverage for non footballing matters.

I was quite clearly not talking about "Good News" stories or interviews given the tone of the thread.

The Oster/Stack things were prior them being RFC players were they not? Admittedly Stack was on loan but we brought him in fully aware of the trial.

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by zac naloen » 25 Sep 2007 10:22

But and it's a big but, the CPS may decide at any time that a test case of publishing obscene material should be mounted against say Youtube or other similar ISPs to get a formal ruling on electronic publication of material which offends or is likely to outrage public decency.

I'd like to see your proof there's actually anything more obscene in this video than can be seen in your average 15 rated movie.


And since when has Youtube been an ISP
Last edited by zac naloen on 25 Sep 2007 10:50, edited 1 time in total.

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by Skin » 25 Sep 2007 10:22

Royal Rother I fear we haven't heard the last of this story. I will be surprised if the girl knew he was sending the video to his mates, and surprised if she isn't at this moment in sceret talks with NOTW "journalists" to get her little bit of mucky money out of the situation.

The guy has (not for the first time) shown appalling judgment and is a bad apple in a good bunch. As the song goes "one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch (girl)" but in reality whatever it comes into contact with will pretty soon go bad as well.

There should be no-one outside of the normal team ethic of intelligence, fair play, honesty and decency and little tolerance shown for those who think they can operate outside of those standards. Unfortunately Lita seems to think he can get away with misdemeanours off the pitch, swagger around on it whilst trying to cheat to gain an advantage at every opportunity, and still retain loyalty from the club.

Little by little he is eroding the trust of the management and I really do suspect he will be out the door at the soonest opportunity now. The trouble is, I am not convinced that there will too many clubs willing to take him on. He has really not done an awful lot to show himself to be a model employee over the last year or so has he?

After reading this I really want to hit you.

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by Skin » 25 Sep 2007 10:24

Stranded Fact is I can understand why people get peeved is as soon as a non-footballing story involving RFC appears in the press, you know who has been involved. It does lead you to question him, and his mentality a bit - the fact that he's not performed yet this season further amplifys this.

Again, Coppell doesn't seem happy and when he's had enough the bloke will go.

This is as bad

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by Skin » 25 Sep 2007 10:27

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe It's too many times Leory. You're not good enough to keep getting away with it. Sell him in Jan, someone will be desperate enough to pay £5m plus. Use it to buy Nugent, or one of the numerous centre forwards who would be able to contribute a lot more to this team. Leory's average at best and to be fair to him, we do not play to his strengths, he's goal scorer, our centre forwards have to be a lot more than that.

Explains Saturday and that was after Long put in a Brayson esq performance for the reserves!!

This is up there too

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by Royal Rother » 25 Sep 2007 10:28

Grow up Skin.

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