SJM walks out on to the pitch...

SJM walks out on to the pitch doing the two-arm wave. Do you:

A. Applaud and sing 'There's Only One John Madejski'?
B. Applaud - after all we did get to the Premiership under him?
C. Applaud politely just because he's the owner so you ought to really?
D. Carry on trying to work out who's on the bench for the opposition?
E. Mumble 'tight tosser' under your breath?
F. Boo and jeer?
G. I'd be too pissed to notice to be fair.
H. Actually I don't go to games.
Total votes: 177
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Pseud O'Nym
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Re: SJM walks out on to the pitch...

by Pseud O'Nym » 02 Sep 2010 23:48

This is nothing to do with the Team Board, surely it belongs in AE?

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nev monkey
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Re: SJM walks out on to the pitch...

by nev monkey » 03 Sep 2010 10:15

trueroyal1871 I would just give him the vvanker sign as I usually do when he comes out whilst the other happy clappy mongs around me lick his arse. It doesn't even have that much to do with the way he runs the club, I just don't like him ever since he was rude to me so he can suck my cock as far as I'm concerned.


rob the royal
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Re: SJM walks out on to the pitch...

by rob the royal » 03 Sep 2010 14:37

If we polled this across the entire fan base I reckon there'd be a lot more people who put option C and option H.

Still, according to this rather minute and unscientific poll:

If you discount the people who applaud out of politeness (because 'they're exceedingly well brought up what?') that leaves about 30% who give him a positive reaction and 30% who react negatively.

Meanwhile 15% are deep in tactical consideration working out what options the opposition have on their bench - proper football people.

Riskit for a biscuit
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Re: SJM walks out on to the pitch...

by Riskit for a biscuit » 03 Sep 2010 19:48

I don't boo, but I refuse to clap and so watch the penalty shootout instead. :evil:

Big Foot
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Re: SJM walks out on to the pitch...

by Big Foot » 10 Sep 2010 17:12

So what's the crack for tomorrow? Cheers and jeers?

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