Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 24 Oct 2012 15:02

Para Handy :lol: I think you'll find I have no friends on here!

Rather that than be backed up by Ideal and Lacoste!

I know no-one on this site and simply tell the truth! I like about ten other contributors who say it as it is - and a few others who have hearts in the right place, but no clue! I have never wished to do other than talk about the team that I support, sometimes complimentary, sometimes worried! I never realised there were a set of people who live to hurl abuse across the net against true RFC fans but I have found it out! I would rather support Ideal for attacking difficult issues than one of the serial failures on this site who have nothing to say - whilst attacking those who do eloquently speak!

ive not checked all the stats, but simply by judging from your posts on this thread, you are probably the most abusive poster on here

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by sandman » 24 Oct 2012 15:10

No Fixed Abode You never know how somebody will take the abuse dished out, that is the point. Name calling is name calling at the end of the day. Maybe a better example would be gingers. Calling someone a ginger kant is as bad as calling someone a black kant.

Hi Kits.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 24 Oct 2012 15:11

Hoop Blah
If there is such anger over Terry's ban why haven't they given any indication of what they think would've been a just sentence and the reasons behind it. I can understand the logic of 4 vs 8 games for the two recent cases, I can't really see the logic behind saying the muliple abuse isn't worse than one outburst.

i think what they want is a clear policy from the FA about how future offences will be dealt with, that is open, and transparent, and consistent, in a way that the suarez/terry cases most certainly werent

this would make sure that it was not possible to look at a future case judgement and be able to think one was deleyed or more lenienty, due to any racism inherrant in the system itself.

i cant see the logic behind the 4-8 game ban at all
if anything i think it could be argued they were the wrong way round, in that suarez had more mitigation in that the word he used is a common part of his national language, and carries few racist connotations from his point of view, plus he admitted it straight away.
and john terry tried tio lie and blag his way throuproceedings to get away with it.

it should be zero tolerance. if you use racist(or homophobic, or sectarian) language on th efield, it should be a 8 match ban(or 4 if prefferred,) for every oneand this should be doubled each time it occurs.

you cant use the exuse that its just descriptive,or that it was just an outburst , that you arent a racist, the words just came out
you cant distinguish like that.
would be like you punching someone in the street, and then asking the police to let you off cos you arent usually a violent person.
the authorities can only judge by your actions.if you punch someone, youre violent, if you use abuse someone racially, youre a racist,

We'll have the agree to disagree on quite a bit of that^^ then (not for the first time!). Repeated use of an insult is worse in my opinion as it, IMO, shows more intent and disregard and I do believe you can throw a race related insult without neccesarily being a racist.

Heat of the moment is no excuse of course, but things are said in the heat of battle or an argument that you don't mean and would regret saying. Repeating those in different instances and willfully doing so is worse as that regret and remorse is obviously not there (IMO).

I just can't help thinking that a lot of the comment and discussion has been counter-productive to the cause.

fair enough, i just think zero tolerance should be the way forward, and that it doesnt matter if you say it once, or ten times, in the heat of the moment, or premeditatively, use it descriptively, or as a genuinely intended insult.
the ban should be the same, as a deterrent, and a message to black players that its to be taken seriously

today the PFA have come up with a series of recommendations to the FA, for how to deal with racism, covering all of the points put by roberts when making his stand.

stronger punishments
consistent punishments
fair and transparent process
acknowlegdement that racism should be gross misconduct, and therefore carry the risk of sacking, just like in any other job
and making sure black managers get at least an interview for managers jobs

seems like it was a totally productive move by roberts, and if the FA take it up, then i hope this will be an end to the threat about a seperate black players union

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Extended-Phenotype » 24 Oct 2012 15:31

No Fixed Abode
No Fixed Abode How many of you are guilty of singing along to 'You fat bztard'... at games?

Just as bad as calling someone a black bztard imo.

Not sure fat people have had the same level of oppression. Also, people aren't black because they stuffed themselves full of f/cking cake.

You never know how somebody will take the abuse dished out, that is the point. Name calling is name calling at the end of the day. Maybe a better example would be gingers. Calling someone a ginger kant is as bad as calling someone a black kant.

Closer, but still no cigar.

While you can invariably be bullied for ginger hair, it is unlikely to be a trait which has seen the individual genuinely judged differently as if they are a different lower species, who don’t deserve the same rights.

It more than likely hasn’t been an issue which has seen ginger-hate crime, terrorism and outright prejudice.

It’s rare for someone with ginger hair to have been turned away from a job because of it or being made to stand on a bus, or to live in fear of total strangers wanting to chase them out of the country they ‘don’t belong in’.

They don’t have an ancestry tracing backwards into increasingly extreme times which involved murder, torture and enslavement.

So no, while mocking someone for being ginger ain’t on, to anyone with a brain it isn’t as bad. Surely you can appreciate that?

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Hoop Blah » 24 Oct 2012 15:56

melonhead today the PFA have come up with a series of recommendations to the FA, for how to deal with racism, covering all of the points put by roberts when making his stand.

stronger punishments
consistent punishments
fair and transparent process
acknowlegdement that racism should be gross misconduct, and therefore carry the risk of sacking, just like in any other job
and making sure black managers get at least an interview for managers jobs

seems like it was a totally productive move by roberts, and if the FA take it up, then i hope this will be an end to the threat about a seperate black players union

That all sounds like a pretty bland set of wishes that doesn't really challenge the status quo (apart from the nonsensical Rooney rule which I don't agree with) as they're all pretty much in place already.

A clearer set of punishments would be welcomed though, but I'm guessing they're actually already in place at the FA it's just nobody is really aware of them or willing to trust them, either that or they just plain disagree with them.


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 24 Oct 2012 16:04

Why should black managers get 'at least' an interview for ther job?

Surely it should be up to the club to decide who is best for the job and interview them?

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by DelBoyRodders » 24 Oct 2012 16:34

Britain is probably the most non-racist country in Europe or the world and we still get the likes of Roberts and Ferdinand kicking up a shit storm about it.
And as for the bloody Rooney Rule... jeez!
I see that oxf*rd Ollie Holt is jerking himself off with the excitment of it all.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by loyalroyaldaz » 24 Oct 2012 16:38

Lacoste Why should black managers get 'at least' an interview for ther job?

Surely it should be up to the club to decide who is best for the job and interview them?


Seriously though I have to agree. Are they saying that if five people apply for a position and they have planned to short list three that they must overlook a white candidate who may have all the qualities required in order to interview a Black guy even if he doesn't match up to the others?
Is that not Racism its Self FFS?

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 24 Oct 2012 16:58

Hoop Blah
melonhead today the PFA have come up with a series of recommendations to the FA, for how to deal with racism, covering all of the points put by roberts when making his stand.

stronger punishments
consistent punishments
fair and transparent process
acknowlegdement that racism should be gross misconduct, and therefore carry the risk of sacking, just like in any other job
and making sure black managers get at least an interview for managers jobs

seems like it was a totally productive move by roberts, and if the FA take it up, then i hope this will be an end to the threat about a seperate black players union

That all sounds like a pretty bland set of wishes that doesn't really challenge the status quo .

except that
the recent showing from the FA over racism has been neither consistet, fair, transnparent, or in line with all other workplaces in the U.K......

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 24 Oct 2012 17:00

Lacoste Why should black managers get 'at least' an interview for ther job?

Surely it should be up to the club to decide who is best for the job and interview them?

thats the situation now, and due topossible institutional racism- proven by the stats on how many black applicants there are, how many get interviews, and how many get jobs-means it isnt working
if they at least get the chance to go to interview, it gives them the chance to showcase their talent/skillz to teh people who matter,

and at least it isnt a rule requiring a certain % to be given jobs, regardless of talent etc

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 24 Oct 2012 17:01

Lacoste Why should black managers get 'at least' an interview for ther job?

Surely it should be up to the club to decide who is best for the job and interview them?


Seriously though I have to agree. Are they saying that if five people apply for a position and they have planned to short list three that they must overlook a white candidate who may have all the qualities required in order to interview a Black guy even if he doesn't match up to the others?
Is that not Racism its Self FFS?

or just shortlist 4.....

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by DelBoyRodders » 24 Oct 2012 17:06

It's all about 4 games.


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 24 Oct 2012 17:10

Just make it a short interview

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by DelBoyRodders » 24 Oct 2012 17:17

Where are they going to find all these black people to interview for managers jobs when hardly any of them have been applying for the jobs anyway?
Also, who are all these potential great black managers that can't get a job? That's a question that Roberts and Holt have declined to answer so far.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Petercccccc » 24 Oct 2012 17:22

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Hoop Blah » 24 Oct 2012 17:23

Hoop Blah
melonhead today the PFA have come up with a series of recommendations to the FA, for how to deal with racism, covering all of the points put by roberts when making his stand.

stronger punishments
consistent punishments
fair and transparent process
acknowlegdement that racism should be gross misconduct, and therefore carry the risk of sacking, just like in any other job
and making sure black managers get at least an interview for managers jobs

seems like it was a totally productive move by roberts, and if the FA take it up, then i hope this will be an end to the threat about a seperate black players union

That all sounds like a pretty bland set of wishes that doesn't really challenge the status quo .

except that
the recent showing from the FA over racism has been neither consistet, fair, transnparent, or in line with all other workplaces in the U.K......

In some peoples opinion you mean?

Personally I think the criticisms of the process taking too long and being 'unfair' or inconsistent are unfounded.

Other work places/industries all sack ALL workers found guilty of racial abuse do they? Furthermore, the FA can't sack a clubs player so having a pop at the FA for the clubs actions is pointless really.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Hoop Blah » 24 Oct 2012 17:26

melonhead thats the situation now, and due topossible institutional racism- proven by the stats on how many black applicants there are, how many get interviews, and how many get jobs-means it isnt working

What stats? I think it's a shame there aren't more black managers (and I made the point on the other thread that, contrary to popular belief, those black managers who've been given a chance have done reasonably well) but I've not seen any stats on the above.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Alexander Litvinenko » 24 Oct 2012 17:33

Hoop Blah
melonhead thats the situation now, and due topossible institutional racism- proven by the stats on how many black applicants there are, how many get interviews, and how many get jobs-means it isnt working

What stats? I think it's a shame there aren't more black managers (and I made the point on the other thread that, contrary to popular belief, those black managers who've been given a chance have done reasonably well) but I've not seen any stats on the above.

There aren't any. An industry that is institutionally racist is hardly likely to publish figures that demonstrate that.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by DelBoyRodders » 24 Oct 2012 17:39

Keith Alexander was a great black football manager - but he sadly died a year or so ago.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by sandman » 24 Oct 2012 17:46

So why didn't he move up the managerial ladder?

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