Call time on Pog

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Jagermesiter1871 » 04 Mar 2015 22:25

Just another addition to my long list of Russian dislikes.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Snowball » 04 Mar 2015 22:29

SCIAG When, and more importantly, how, did Blackman get three assists?

Two in the home game v Millwall, and 1 v Blackpool

according to trnsfrmkt

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Re: Call time on Pog

by SCIAG » 04 Mar 2015 23:36

SCIAG When, and more importantly, how, did Blackman get three assists?

Two in the home game v Millwall, and 1 v Blackpool

according to trnsfrmkt

So two of his three assists are on his own goals :| Not having that.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by leon » 04 Mar 2015 23:42

Jagermesiter1871 Just another addition to my long list of Russian dislikes.

Like the username. But 1781 would be the icing on the cake.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Jagermesiter1871 » 05 Mar 2015 00:08

Jagermesiter1871 Just another addition to my long list of Russian dislikes.

Like the username. But 1781 would be the icing on the cake.

I wasn't that drunk when registering.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Reading4eva » 05 Mar 2015 06:38

SCIAG When, and more importantly, how, did Blackman get three assists?

Two in the home game v Millwall, and 1 v Blackpool

according to trnsfrmkt

:roll: That's three against what are easily League One quality sides. Still not impressed

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Snowball » 05 Mar 2015 09:21

Not saying I'M impressed, either, just posting the stats.

Incidentally, one assist v Millwall was winning a penalty (I presume) which he scored.

But this was about Pog. He is very expensive for the goals and assists he brings.

Even if his hold up play was brilliant, still don't think he scores enough goals or makes enough goals.

If we'd bought him for 500K and he was on 5K a week and was 3rd choice striker, maybe...

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Jano » 05 Mar 2015 10:31

Been saying this for years, and I think his shirt number at the club is a slight giveaway, he's not an out and out striker/target man. We've played him out of position in a role he's not used to and never really played before, no idea why people have had such high expectations of him while he's been here. He's played 30 odd times for a Russian team blessed with attacking talent, played for some much bigger teams than Reading and generally averages about a 1 in 4 goal to game ratio I think. He is not a bad player, he's just been used very poorly by us.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Hoop Blah » 05 Mar 2015 10:57

Of course Pogrebnyak is expensive, overpriced and pretty much an unwanted drain on our limited resources. There really isn't anything we can do about that though at the moment is there?

It certainly isn't a reason not to play him, unless his cost spirals as a result of playing, which I don't believe is the case.

When we had Murray it was rightly difficult for Pogrebnyak to get a game. Murray was much more what the side needed and a much more natural partner for Cox as well. Now that Murray has gone Pogrebnyak is probably the only forward we have who can really lead the line in any way shape or form, he's certainly the only one that looks to be able to play upfront on his own. The alternative is Blackman or Mackie, neither of which have had much success and neither of which can hold the ball up as effectively as Pogrebnyak.

The main problem we have is that Cox and Pogrebnyak are too similar. They are both most suited to playing off of a forward who can lead the line and be the main goalscorer. Someone like Murray for instance. Without that partner and without any wingers or a creative force in midfield really creating too many chances for them both Cox and Pogrebnyak have struggled.

We need someone to play in the box and get on the end of things more often. That was a point Clarke made in his post-match interview as well I think. How we do that with the players we have available is something for him to work out but until we do I can't see us scoring many goals.

Should we drop Pobrebnyak (or Cox for that matter) and give Blackman, Mackie or even Yakubu a run up tops with one or other of them? Maybe, but it's not likely to happen until we're out of the cup.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Maguire » 05 Mar 2015 12:22

I like Pogrebnyak. There, I said it.

Of course he's a disappointment when you consider salary and reputation but he works his arse off and has had a few decent games recently. He's also not a massive chav idiot like half our players.

My major complaint with him is that (accepting that he's in a side that doesn't provide a lot of good delivery) he doesn't get himself into the areas where goals are scored often enough. His goal return is too low even when playing in a poor side.

I would definitely start him v Bradford, even thought he'll prolly get sent off. Yakubu is rubbish for a start.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by paddy20 » 05 Mar 2015 12:28

Hoop Blah Of course Pogrebnyak is expensive, overpriced and pretty much an unwanted drain on our limited resources. There really isn't anything we can do about that though at the moment is there?

It certainly isn't a reason not to play him, unless his cost spirals as a result of playing, which I don't believe is the case.

When we had Murray it was rightly difficult for Pogrebnyak to get a game. Murray was much more what the side needed and a much more natural partner for Cox as well. Now that Murray has gone Pogrebnyak is probably the only forward we have who can really lead the line in any way shape or form, he's certainly the only one that looks to be able to play upfront on his own. The alternative is Blackman or Mackie, neither of which have had much success and neither of which can hold the ball up as effectively as Pogrebnyak.

The main problem we have is that Cox and Pogrebnyak are too similar. They are both most suited to playing off of a forward who can lead the line and be the main goalscorer. Someone like Murray for instance. Without that partner and without any wingers or a creative force in midfield really creating too many chances for them both Cox and Pogrebnyak have struggled.

We need someone to play in the box and get on the end of things more often. That was a point Clarke made in his post-match interview as well I think. How we do that with the players we have available is something for him to work out but until we do I can't see us scoring many goals.

Should we drop Pobrebnyak (or Cox for that matter) and give Blackman, Mackie or even Yakubu a run up tops with one or other of them? Maybe, but it's not likely to happen until we're out of the cup.

Good post. Cant really disagree with what you say.You are right that we don't have very many options. Im just a bit worried about the lack of pace when Pog plays and how cumbersome we look. You can't fault his effort or commitment and its probably that that will keep him in the team at the moment. Hopefully we can steer clear of relegation but until the forward situation is sorted we will continue to struggle.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Whore Jackie » 05 Mar 2015 12:32

Maguire I like Pogrebnyak. There, I said it.

Of course he's a disappointment when you consider salary and reputation but he works his arse off and has had a few decent games recently. He's also not a massive chav idiot like half our players.

My major complaint with him is that (accepting that he's in a side that doesn't provide a lot of good delivery) he doesn't get himself into the areas where goals are scored often enough. His goal return is too low even when playing in a poor side.

I would definitely start him v Bradford, even thought he'll prolly get sent off. Yakubu is rubbish for a start.

Yep, I could reel off half a dozen players who I like least. Definitely think Clarke and his team have got the best out of him that we've seen in a Reading shirt, in a quite frankly dreadful team. He's one of those players who you don't appreciate the amount of work he puts in until you see it close-up. I was close to the pitch at Portman Road and he gives the defenders a torrid time.

And whilst I haven't written off Yakubu completely, the thought of him leading our attack to the end of the season is a frightening prospect.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 05 Mar 2015 12:44

Paddy20 wrote: Despite our paucity of strikers is it time to call time on the Pog? I just wonder what he offers anymore.

He can't jump
He can't shoot
He can't control the ball
He's got no pace
He hardly ever scores
He has poor first touch

He does try but is that enough? Time for a more mobile attack with Cox and Mackie up front and Yakubu and the Pog for last 15 min subs. Lets face it he has been an expensive disaster based on a short period of games with Fulham where he scored 6 in 6 and then no goals after that. Time to wise up

That will be a hatrick on Saturday then!!

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Z175 » 05 Mar 2015 13:58

Maguire I like Pogrebnyak. There, I said it.

Of course he's a disappointment when you consider salary and reputation but he works his arse off and has had a few decent games recently. He's also not a massive chav idiot like half our players.

My major complaint with him is that (accepting that he's in a side that doesn't provide a lot of good delivery) he doesn't get himself into the areas where goals are scored often enough. His goal return is too low even when playing in a poor side.

I would definitely start him v Bradford, even thought he'll prolly get sent off. Yakubu is rubbish for a start.

I agree with all that.

I don't think there is much wrong with Pogrebnyak's shooting, its just hes had like a handful of half chances all season. Is that because we don't create enough or because he doesn't get himself in goal scoring postions enough? If the latter, it doesn't help that he works hard on the touchline then is too slow to get in the box!

Personally I would have him work a bit less hard. Keep him right up top, one on one the less physical centre back for 90 mins. Forget the ball, just bully the man. Then have Blackman or HRK up with him constantly running in behind.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by paddy20 » 05 Mar 2015 15:07

The Real Sandhurst Royal
Paddy20 wrote: Despite our paucity of strikers is it time to call time on the Pog? I just wonder what he offers anymore.

He can't jump
He can't shoot
He can't control the ball
He's got no pace
He hardly ever scores
He has poor first touch

He does try but is that enough? Time for a more mobile attack with Cox and Mackie up front and Yakubu and the Pog for last 15 min subs. Lets face it he has been an expensive disaster based on a short period of games with Fulham where he scored 6 in 6 and then no goals after that. Time to wise up

That will be a hatrick on Saturday then!!

Wouldn't that be great!! More likely hustle and bustle, no shots on goal subbed with 10 mins to go. I would love to be totally wrong.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by paddy20 » 05 Mar 2015 15:08

Maguire I like Pogrebnyak. There, I said it.

Of course he's a disappointment when you consider salary and reputation but he works his arse off and has had a few decent games recently. He's also not a massive chav idiot like half our players.

My major complaint with him is that (accepting that he's in a side that doesn't provide a lot of good delivery) he doesn't get himself into the areas where goals are scored often enough. His goal return is too low even when playing in a poor side.

I would definitely start him v Bradford, even thought he'll prolly get sent off. Yakubu is rubbish for a start.

I agree with all that.

I don't think there is much wrong with Pogrebnyak's shooting, its just hes had like a handful of half chances all season. Is that because we don't create enough or because he doesn't get himself in goal scoring postions enough? If the latter, it doesn't help that he works hard on the touchline then is too slow to get in the box!

Personally I would have him work a bit less hard. Keep him right up top, one on one the less physical centre back for 90 mins. Forget the ball, just bully the man. Then have Blackman or HRK up with him constantly running in behind.

I think you might have something there

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Re: Call time on Pog

by blueroyals » 05 Mar 2015 15:25

His hold up play is good, I'll accept that.

But his positioning is poor and he doesn't make the right runs. That means he's never going to score more than a few a season.

Given he's one of the highest earners he should be shipped out based on that.

Otherwise, he certainly shouldn't be played as a lone striker. I'd much rather see Cox + Mackie/Blackman up front.

In summary, call time on Pog? Yes, if somebody will take him.

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Re: Call time on Pog

by melonhead » 05 Mar 2015 16:18

which they wont, unless we play him and he scores a few
the end

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Re: Call time on Pog

by Snowball » 05 Mar 2015 17:36

Sat in the West Stand for the Forest 0-3 and the guy next to me remarked
quite a few times how, despite his hard work, Pog, kept missing the good
pass (because he didn't see the player in space.

Watching Murray, not quite 100% and probably not 100% committed to RFC,
when he played I thought he organised the whole attack.

Frankly I'd put him as worth a full division higher than Pog
(and I quite LIKE Pog)

it may well be that we don't use Pog the right way, but then, when has he ever
looked "special" over more than 1-2 games?

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Re: Call time on Pog

by KC Royal » 06 Mar 2015 13:49

Snowball Not saying I'M impressed, either, just posting the stats.

Incidentally, one assist v Millwall was winning a penalty (I presume) which he scored.

Yes, think the other may have been a flick on for the winner. His assist v Blackpool was also a pen. No problem with that, I thought winning pens counted as an assist.

Back to Pog, watching him on Sat reminded me of Kitson in 2008. Spends so much time linking up the play outside the box that he's not in the box when you want him to be. Strikes me as a confidence/fitness issue. When we were playing once a week under Clarke going by comments on him that I saw/read he was playing much better. He was pretty poor imo on Sat but he's the most underrated player in the squad for me.

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