by Millsy »
08 Oct 2019 10:19
I'm on the fence about Gomes, but just so we are under no illusions if we sack him the following is *likely* to happen going by past experience (BMcD excepted as he was from within the club/knew it well).
Billy Big Bollox will come in, maybe have a honeymoon game or two, followed by same old shit performances. Initial fan optimism will fade but we'll still be optimistic becuase "it's early days yet". He'll then start disrupting things, make changes to philosophy, formation and we'll be shit. Fans will argue it takes time to instill a new system, which is fair. He'll then start to re-evaluate the likes of Gunter, McCleary, Baldock, Loader even Virginia, Adam etc.. Some will say that's what we were missing, but it will soon become evident they were kept out of the first team for a reason. We're now into January with shit performances, no idea what our best starting line up is, fans arguiing over how and who we should be playing and inevitable calls to back the new man to bring in new faces in January. We make such signings, which will further disrupt the team. We will have spirited performances here and there but nothing will be convincing and the whole time fans will be saying it takes time for the new manager to get to know his players and for them to learn the new system. The season fizzles out with us having beaten relegation but still generally a shit season.
All summer fans left on here will be arguing as to whether we did the right thing not giving Gomes a longer time as we gained nothing brinign in the new man. Some will say there are signs of significant improvement, some will say he's no better than what we had with Gomes. We may then see another splash of cash ( if we can) as more new players join and we end up with a mediocre first few games of the season again.
I'd love the above to be wrong, and we get some genius who can instantly see our issues, stop the zonal marking and playing it out from the back crap and get us winning games and shooting up the league like Brian did. I just don't see that as being very likely.