by royalstevep68 » 21 Apr 2021 22:47
by Elm Park Kid » 21 Apr 2021 22:47
morganb Patient play seems to allow the opposition to regroup and get 11 players behind the ball thus making them harder to break down.
No idea what goes through the minds of Reading players, for weeks they've looked like they don't want the chance of getting into the play offs and a opportunity to play in the Premier League. They've gone through the motions but they lack something - Passion? Effort? Ideas?
As for where this leaves Pauno and his back room staff, was the season a success (well we'll finish higher than in the past few seasons) or a failure (we had a flying start but have gradually slipped down the table to 7th and recorded a number of poor performances and duff results)?
by Crowbar6753 » 21 Apr 2021 22:49
by Royal_jimmy » 21 Apr 2021 22:51
Snowflake Royal Yep.
How many times have we started a season with the same one who started the season before in the last 10 years?
It's Stam.... and .. er... does Adkins squeeze in? And neither of them finished that second season as manager.
To be honest I'd take 3 seasons of 15th if it was the same oxf*rd manager in all three for a change.
by Scutterbucketz » 21 Apr 2021 22:52
That was dogshit and I haven’t enjoyed watching a single Reading game all season.
Hmm really?
Been quite a few good ones
by tidus_mi2 » 21 Apr 2021 22:55
That was dogshit and I haven’t enjoyed watching a single Reading game all season.
Hmm really?
Been quite a few good ones
Yeah I’m sure they’re were but I’ve completely forgotten them. Don’t enjoy watching them on tv playing in an empty stadium. Seems meaningless. This whole season has been that way.
If the euros are played like that then I’ll be as interested.
by Lower West » 21 Apr 2021 22:56
Snowflake Royal He's looking to control possession and dictate the game.
by leon » 21 Apr 2021 22:56
That was dogshit and I haven’t enjoyed watching a single Reading game all season.
Hmm really?
Been quite a few good ones
Yeah I’m sure they’re were but I’ve completely forgotten them. Don’t enjoy watching them on tv playing in an empty stadium. Seems meaningless. This whole season has been that way.
If the euros are played like that then I’ll be as interested.
by Getthebeerens » 21 Apr 2021 23:00
Elm Park Kid My argument has always been that it takes multiple seasons for a team to develop a specific style. Players have to know each other and the manager's tactics extremely well in order to to make the quick decisions necessary on the pitch to play quick, attacking football; they need to know instinctively who is covering them before deciding to push forward. Sometimes you can have a team that has the potential to jell together, but a lack of confidence or a particular management style prevents it. In which case bring someone else in can result in fast results. But more often than not it's just a long, tough process of working together towards a common objective that the players believe in. It's why it's so important for a manager to be respected and seen as long-term fixture - why work hard towards any particular goal if you don't have confidence it will work or that the manager (or fellow team mates) will be around in a few months?
We've repeated the same managerial decisions for long enough now to know that they don't work. We're not going to just randomly find a 'diamond in the rough' who's going to magically transform the club into PL material, even though it seemed like it a couple of times. Either we take a public decision to stick with Pauno for multiple seasons, or we bring in an established Championship manager and let him start the process. To be honest, I don't mind which one, as long as we stick with a manager going forward.
by Zip » 21 Apr 2021 23:05
Lower WestSnowflake Royal He's looking to control possession and dictate the game.
Might be the plan. Normally it simply results in hoofed up balls from the back. The opposition know that by pinning us back we have no out ball. Our passing is generally too poor for intricate passing movements.
by Scutterbucketz » 21 Apr 2021 23:08
Hmm really?
Been quite a few good ones
Yeah I’m sure they’re were but I’ve completely forgotten them. Don’t enjoy watching them on tv playing in an empty stadium. Seems meaningless. This whole season has been that way.
If the euros are played like that then I’ll be as interested.
Most recent example of a very good performance was when we beat Bournemouth 3-1.
by URZZZZ » 21 Apr 2021 23:11
ZipLower WestSnowflake Royal He's looking to control possession and dictate the game.
Might be the plan. Normally it simply results in hoofed up balls from the back. The opposition know that by pinning us back we have no out ball. Our passing is generally too poor for intricate passing movements.
We have become very predictable. The biggest disappointment is the lack of movement,
Olise and Ejaria can beat several players and still have no options. The likes of Puscas and Meite have to do more.
by URZZZZ » 22 Apr 2021 00:06
by yuomi » 22 Apr 2021 00:33
URZZZZ Back seven did OK - aren’t conceding many and a clean sheet away from home is always a positive. As usual - would like to see more offensively from Yiadom and Richards but their main task is to defend well and they both did so
Front four were embarrassing - Olise and Puscas in particular, neither got hold of anything. Ejaria worked hard but really doesn’t offer enough and Meite hasn’t been the same since his latest injury (although in his defence he’s pretty much the only one still scoring)
Rafael - 6
Yiadom - 6
Holmes - 8
Moore - 7
Richards - 6
Laurent - 7
Rinomhota - 6
Meite - 4
Olise - 3
Ejaria - 4
Puscas - 3
Subs - 5
by URZZZZ » 22 Apr 2021 01:06
Snowflake Royal So the thing that comes to mind here, is that with previous successful Reading teams, you know the most likely XI, you know the shape, and you know the pattern of play for how the side will score.
WIth Pauno, we know the XI, we know the shape, but I genuinely don't know the plan for scoring other than retain possession and hope one of the midfielders creates something out of nothing, or go long and hope the striker creates something out of nothing.
Contrast that to:
Coppell - get the ball wide, get down the flanks and then get the ball in the box. Go hard and fast.
McDermott - Soak up pressure, spoil spoil spoil, and hit the ball into the channels for Long & Hunt etc to chase. Or get the ball wide and cross to Le Fondre to find space and tuck it away.
Pardew - soak up pressure and then break break break, hard and fast with Fozzie and Hughes. Or get wide and swing the ball in for Butler and Cureton.
McGhee - play at pace through the pitch, find the gaps in the lines
Under Paunovich, no one seems to know what the pattern of play is. Ejaria, Richards, Olise, Meite and Yiadom all want to cut inside where it's just stupidly crowded. If you have wide forwards who want to cut in, you have to have fullbacks who want to overlap and cross. If you've got wingers who want to hit the byline and cross then full backs who'll cut inside and have a dig work well. Puscas wants crosses in, but no one wants to send them and he's asked to win long balls against 3 defenders that aren't even to him often. Not to mention he and Meite seemed to be playing in each other's pockets half the time.
There's a lot of talent and a lot of good stuff. But what's the actual repeatable understood way to attack? There isn't one. So no one really knows what anyone else is going to do. When to run, when to pass, where to pass, when to cross, when to take someone on.
I think this is the underlying problem. Maybe Pauno is doing a Coppell and trusting his players to make good decisions on the pitch, but he needs to give them more structure IMO.
It's been a good season. It's a solid foundation. But now we need a proper pattern of play. Forget plan B. Let's have an actual defined Plan A, and if it isn't working, don't just immediately change the whole thing. Switch up the players who aren't delivering on the Plan.
by alfie9 » 22 Apr 2021 06:36
by Notts Royal » 22 Apr 2021 07:48
Hmm really?
Been quite a few good ones
Yeah I’m sure they’re were but I’ve completely forgotten them. Don’t enjoy watching them on tv playing in an empty stadium. Seems meaningless. This whole season has been that way.
If the euros are played like that then I’ll be as interested.
Yeah same here to an extent. I’d rather be at the game and if I’m not I’d rather wish I was at the game.
An empty stadium with us aimlessly pissing about with the ball has lost its appeal as the season has gone on.
by CountryRoyal » 22 Apr 2021 07:52
Snowflake Royal So the thing that comes to mind here, is that with previous successful Reading teams, you know the most likely XI, you know the shape, and you know the pattern of play for how the side will score.
WIth Pauno, we know the XI, we know the shape, but I genuinely don't know the plan for scoring other than retain possession and hope one of the midfielders creates something out of nothing, or go long and hope the striker creates something out of nothing.
Contrast that to:
Coppell - get the ball wide, get down the flanks and then get the ball in the box. Go hard and fast.
McDermott - Soak up pressure, spoil spoil spoil, and hit the ball into the channels for Long & Hunt etc to chase. Or get the ball wide and cross to Le Fondre to find space and tuck it away.
Pardew - soak up pressure and then break break break, hard and fast with Fozzie and Hughes. Or get wide and swing the ball in for Butler and Cureton.
McGhee - play at pace through the pitch, find the gaps in the lines
Under Paunovich, no one seems to know what the pattern of play is. Ejaria, Richards, Olise, Meite and Yiadom all want to cut inside where it's just stupidly crowded. If you have wide forwards who want to cut in, you have to have fullbacks who want to overlap and cross. If you've got wingers who want to hit the byline and cross then full backs who'll cut inside and have a dig work well. Puscas wants crosses in, but no one wants to send them and he's asked to win long balls against 3 defenders that aren't even to him often. Not to mention he and Meite seemed to be playing in each other's pockets half the time.
There's a lot of talent and a lot of good stuff. But what's the actual repeatable understood way to attack? There isn't one. So no one really knows what anyone else is going to do. When to run, when to pass, where to pass, when to cross, when to take someone on.
I think this is the underlying problem. Maybe Pauno is doing a Coppell and trusting his players to make good decisions on the pitch, but he needs to give them more structure IMO.
It's been a good season. It's a solid foundation. But now we need a proper pattern of play. Forget plan B. Let's have an actual defined Plan A, and if it isn't working, don't just immediately change the whole thing. Switch up the players who aren't delivering on the Plan.
by Vision » 22 Apr 2021 08:31
URZZZZZipLower West
Might be the plan. Normally it simply results in hoofed up balls from the back. The opposition know that by pinning us back we have no out ball. Our passing is generally too poor for intricate passing movements.
We have become very predictable. The biggest disappointment is the lack of movement,
Olise and Ejaria can beat several players and still have no options. The likes of Puscas and Meite have to do more.
Baldock’s movement is top notch. Always looking to get beyond the back line, runs the channels well, moves defenders around
Maintain that he still could have been a decent option for us this season. Not up top by himself as his end product ain’t good enough but as a support striker
His cameo alone put the front four to shame today IMO and that was without him actually doing anything decisive
by Royal_jimmy » 22 Apr 2021 09:12
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