Pauno out

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Re: Pauno out

by Millsy » 29 Dec 2021 12:10

Hound not sure how true that is. Certainly my place had multiple christmas parties, which were all well attended

I also don't know if "most places" cancelled or not, would be interesting to see the stats.

But certainly, there was enough data out there for business owners to do the right thing because frankly it's not rocket science. I lost about £2000 cancelling a Xmas party for one of my businesses and know directors who did the same for theirs. I also heard of people who did not.

If small businesses like us can take the hit in the middle of a pandemic because we have brains, you'd expect a large business with much more money and with paid medical staff advising them and for whom physical health is of utmost importance (compared to in my case where the office people can continue working from home) to do the same.

I agree with SCIAG that if true this was another example of extremely poor judgement by the club.

But probably quite normal for the UK. Stupid country run by stupid politicians serving generally stupid people.

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Re: Pauno out

by Stranded » 29 Dec 2021 13:53

Party was poor judgement, would be interesting* to know if it was an official club bash or if the players decided to use their own downtime to hit the town together - would be hard to stop the latter unless there is a clause in their contract not allowing that.

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Re: Pauno out

by Hound » 29 Dec 2021 16:29

Don’t really agree, if they hadn’t got it from the party, they’d prob have got it from elsewhere the way things are going

Parties etc are an important part of team bonding and spirit etc, and we need to keep that strong

It’s been a pretty joyless year for the players; I’ve no issue with them going out tbh

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Re: Pauno out

by hughsies no.1 » 29 Dec 2021 16:44

Reliably informed that Pauno was against the party and told the squad after WBA game no Christmas parties given COVID situation.

It was ignored and well, the inevitable happened.

Question is, do the players lack respect for the manager by ignoring his advice or are they simply just being young blokes doing what young blokes do this time of year?

Will be interesting to see if Dellor et al question Pauno on Christmas party and his response, by saying players ignored his advice would not go down well with them I imagine…

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Re: Pauno out

by Lower West » 29 Dec 2021 17:01

hughsies no.1 Question is, do the players lack respect for the manager by ignoring his advice or are they simply just being young blokes doing what young blokes do this time of year?

How many of the players plan to remain at Reading ?

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Re: Pauno out

by Mid Sussex Royal » 29 Dec 2021 18:04

Ok if the testing thing is right we prob got it from WBA given the club was rife with covid and tried to get the game called off

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Re: Pauno out

by royalp-we » 29 Dec 2021 18:55

I’d give him till Christmas

Reading Fans - July 2021

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Re: Pauno out

by Donny Ironside » 29 Dec 2021 19:42

i think the players who disobeyed pauno need to be put on the bench and fined 2 weeks wages , or sacked

idiots, its just us fans being hurt by this

if the fa fined clubs for missing games then they wouldnt be careless

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Re: Pauno out

by AthleticoSpizz » 29 Dec 2021 20:05

hughsies no.1 Question is, do the players lack respect for the manager by ignoring his advice or are they simply just being young blokes doing what young blokes do this time of year?
ok, yes they are young (and here's a a tale that will not go down well in these regions…but) a lot of them are very impressionable and easily led by people who should know better.

One of our youngest strikers has been subject to racism within the club, it (obvs) was a subject that needed external Police help….and he was rightly advised to escalate it (by a club senior manager experienced in such things).

The answer went something like this…..”I’ve been told by (insert, club captain :roll: ) don’t do that, the Police can’t be trusted”….he didn’t (and to date, still hasn’t?), much to the bemusement of those trying to help him… the jabs, how can you help folk with attitudes like that?

Not all, but some of our own Demi-gods are naive and easily led…..don’t have the jab, or your knob might fall off……lol not

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Re: Pauno out

by URZZZZ » 30 Dec 2021 01:28

Hound Don’t really agree, if they hadn’t got it from the party, they’d prob have got it from elsewhere the way things are going

Parties etc are an important part of team bonding and spirit etc, and we need to keep that strong

It’s been a pretty joyless year for the players; I’ve no issue with them going out tbh

Agreed with most of that, certainly don’t blame them having the party regardless

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Re: Pauno out

by URZZZZ » 30 Dec 2021 01:31

hughsies no.1
Will be interesting to see if Dellor et al question Pauno on Christmas party and his response, by saying players ignored his advice would not go down well with them I imagine…

Little point, he’d only waffle on about something irrelevant anyway

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Re: Pauno out

by Nameless » 30 Dec 2021 08:10

Donny Ironside i think the players who disobeyed pauno need to be put on the bench and fined 2 weeks wages , or sacked

idiots, its just us fans being hurt by this

if the fa fined clubs for missing games then they wouldnt be careless

I stopped at ‘I think.....’

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Re: Pauno out

by Millsy » 30 Dec 2021 10:32

Hound Don’t really agree, if they hadn’t got it from the party, they’d prob have got it from elsewhere the way things are going

Parties etc are an important part of team bonding and spirit etc, and we need to keep that strong

It’s been a pretty joyless year for the players; I’ve no issue with them going out tbh

Agreed with most of that, certainly don’t blame them having the party regardless

Can't agree with this at all. With respect Hound that's a ridiculous mentality. Let's all not wear masks and meet up in huge gatherings because we're going to get it elsewhere anyway!? A very dangerous mentality that is probably behind some of the maskless mongtards I see out and about. I do agree with team bonding though and something should have been something sorted in-house in their bubble.

They have an absolute responsibility to try and stay safe as they are being paid £1000s per week to perform, knowing full well if they get covid it might not just be dangerous for them personally acutely, or more longterm (reduction in lung efficiency in many cases) but also will put their club in a tough situation, as it has done.

However I do agree that you can't really blame the players - with respect they're young folk and as footballers aren't the brightest. Pauno can only tell them so much but can't enforce what they do privately (although I thought in footy it was different and players generally are told very strictly what to do in terms of diet, alcohol, not partying before matches etc?). I'd have hoped the club would take the matter more seriously and I think if they've not been categorically instructed NOT to meet up then they should have been (100% club's fault) but if they were and didit anyway then that's different and Donny's suggestion of some sort of ticking might not be unreasonable.

Not going to get into politics as the whole system can f**k itself, I'm nonpartisan, but in a way I don't blame them as there's been no clear direction from the people who run this country (who have been having parties and walk around maskless like tossers) and the general population are thick as pig sh*t and make up their shitty rules as they go along.

Stupid country, run by stupid people, voted in by stupid people, running generally a stupid populace. This is what you get.

However as I say maybe this was some sort of masterstroke by the club. Massive injury list, poor form. Very convenient for games to be postponed at the moment. Let them have their private party --> covid 'problem' --> buys some time. It's certainly pissing off other clubs massively and rightly so. But we gotta do what we gotta do.

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Re: Pauno out

by leon » 30 Dec 2021 11:43

Hound Don’t really agree, if they hadn’t got it from the party, they’d prob have got it from elsewhere the way things are going

Parties etc are an important part of team bonding and spirit etc, and we need to keep that strong

It’s been a pretty joyless year for the players; I’ve no issue with them going out tbh

Classic Hound.

Absolute bollocks of course.

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Re: Pauno out

by Hound » 30 Dec 2021 11:45

Can’t be arsed replying to the politics nonsense, you can repeat that lot to your chums on AE

But I do suspect we’ve played the system a little regarding the Fulham game.

The state of that team we put out against wba - prob a single Covid case might have let us cancel that as well despite the issue being predominantly injury related. It might well be the case we could have put a far stronger team out against Fulham than wba but were able to cancel due to it being Covid rather than injury

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Re: Pauno out

by Hound » 30 Dec 2021 11:46

Hound Don’t really agree, if they hadn’t got it from the party, they’d prob have got it from elsewhere the way things are going

Parties etc are an important part of team bonding and spirit etc, and we need to keep that strong

It’s been a pretty joyless year for the players; I’ve no issue with them going out tbh

Classic Hound.

Absolute bollocks of course.

You’re also welcome to fcuk off back to AE as well

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Re: Pauno out

by leon » 30 Dec 2021 11:48

Hound Don’t really agree, if they hadn’t got it from the party, they’d prob have got it from elsewhere the way things are going

Parties etc are an important part of team bonding and spirit etc, and we need to keep that strong

It’s been a pretty joyless year for the players; I’ve no issue with them going out tbh

Classic Hound.

Absolute bollocks of course.

You’re also welcome to fcuk off back to AE as well

No thank you. I’m looking forward to more of your interesting takes on risk management.

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Re: Pauno out

by Millsy » 30 Dec 2021 12:01

Hound Can’t be arsed replying to the politics nonsense, you can repeat that lot to your chums on AE

But I do suspect we’ve played the system a little regarding the Fulham game.

The state of that team we put out against wba - prob a single Covid case might have let us cancel that as well despite the issue being predominantly injury related. It might well be the case we could have put a far stronger team out against Fulham than wba but were able to cancel due to it being Covid rather than injury

I'm not an AE-head, only dip in now and then, and I certainly don't have any interest in the politics thread. As I said I couldn't give a toss so I'm with you there,, just making a general point (which supports your position actually) that things are unclear from the top.

But yeah, some gaming may be going on, in which case well done RFC :D

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Re: Pauno out

by Hound » 30 Dec 2021 12:25

Classic Hound.

Absolute bollocks of course.

You’re also welcome to fcuk off back to AE as well

No thank you. I’m looking forward to more of your interesting takes on risk management.


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Re: Pauno out

by leon » 30 Dec 2021 12:32

You’re also welcome to fcuk off back to AE as well

No thank you. I’m looking forward to more of your interesting takes on risk management.


Hound did a funny!

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