Hound not sure how true that is. Certainly my place had multiple christmas parties, which were all well attended
I also don't know if "most places" cancelled or not, would be interesting to see the stats.
But certainly, there was enough data out there for business owners to do the right thing because frankly it's not rocket science. I lost about £2000 cancelling a Xmas party for one of my businesses and know directors who did the same for theirs. I also heard of people who did not.
If small businesses like us can take the hit in the middle of a pandemic because we have brains, you'd expect a large business with much more money and with paid medical staff advising them and for whom physical health is of utmost importance (compared to in my case where the office people can continue working from home) to do the same.
I agree with SCIAG that if true this was another example of extremely poor judgement by the club.
But probably quite normal for the UK. Stupid country run by stupid politicians serving generally stupid people.