by The Prisoner » 12 Nov 2023 00:00
by CountryRoyal » 12 Nov 2023 02:21
by Jackson Corner » 12 Nov 2023 05:17
by Brogue » 12 Nov 2023 07:31
by LUX » 12 Nov 2023 09:28
by Millsy » 12 Nov 2023 09:29
CountryRoyal Good post, definitely not soppy.
Mental health is so important and rightly or wrongly the football club you support is so intrinsically linked to that. It’s not just going to games or even watching them. For most, it’s an almost constant state of thought, thinking about the games, your chances, the highs and lows… etc, it’s all encompassing. Equally it’s not the end of the world but it is more than just a game. Naturally, as one progresses through life and other things become become more important (having a family etc) one can become a little less attached.
When I was diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer earlier this year, my whole world collapsed, yet I was still excited for the new season, I am now mostly apathetic towards us during the game, yet still find myself willing the days to progress until a Tuesday/Sat. Because of everything I don’t get to as many games as recent years but as a 31 year old who had recently qualified for the job of his dreams in a relatively highly paid industry, after significant investment and half a decade of training, my mental health is shot to shit yet I still look forward (somehow) to each game, and despite how appalling it is guaranteed to be, in some ways more than before.
When I had less to care about, I was more passionate about us. It never leaves though.
Cancer and bottom of league one in the same year, ain’t life a bitch.
by Millsy » 12 Nov 2023 09:30
Jackson Corner I just lost my mum to cancer.
by Royal_jimmy » 12 Nov 2023 09:48
Jackson Corner I just lost my mum to cancer. And that caps what has been a terrible year. I lost my job am waiting for an operation which has left me unable to get out and unable to get to games or even the pub. Ed Sheehan has a new album and is rumoured to be unbreakable. And my beloved Royals are bottom and facing an uncertain future. But I always try to smile through it as life is short. So whatever your situation remember there is always someone worse off than yourself.
by Snowflake Royal » 12 Nov 2023 13:26
by Royal Rother » 12 Nov 2023 13:41
by AthleticoSpizz » 12 Nov 2023 17:53
by Norfolk Royal » 13 Nov 2023 12:57
by Green » 13 Nov 2023 14:21
Brogue :| save it for mumsnet yeah. Jfc
by Green » 13 Nov 2023 14:22
Norfolk Royal I was planning to have one tin of Ghost Ship on Saturday night but after hearing the result I upped the ante and had two.
by CountryRoyal » 16 Nov 2023 13:30
Millsy Wtf I didn't know this. So sorry to hear this mate. Operable? Curable?
by CountryRoyal » 16 Nov 2023 13:33
Snowflake Royal This too shall pass.
Better days are on their way and we'll enjoy them more after this reality check and abysmal period.
Or the club will fold and we'll all find something better to do. Either way, it'll get better soon enough.
by NathStPaul » 16 Nov 2023 13:42
by Brogue » 16 Nov 2023 13:57
NathStPaul Very wary of anyone who uses a public forum or social media to advertise their mental health issues. If you are that comfortable to speak about it then use professionals for help rather than random mongs.
I think there are a lot of people out there who post publicly about their struggles on social media for likes and attention, it gives those who are genuinely struggling a bad name. Not suggesting the OP is doing that btw, more a broader point. It is those who suffer in silence that need the help the most. Check on your friends if you haven't heard from them in a while, check on your work colleagues if they seem withdrawn.
by CountryRoyal » 16 Nov 2023 13:58
NathStPaul Very wary of anyone who uses a public forum or social media to advertise their mental health issues. If you are that comfortable to speak about it then use professionals for help rather than random mongs.
I think there are a lot of people out there who post publicly about their struggles on social media for likes and attention, it gives those who are genuinely struggling a bad name. Not suggesting the OP is doing that btw, more a broader point. It is those who suffer in silence that need the help the most. Check on your friends if you haven't heard from them in a while, check on your work colleagues if they seem withdrawn.
by NathStPaul » 16 Nov 2023 14:49
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