Norfolk RoyalWestYorksRoyal The choice of name for the holding company is odd and will fuel the Bisciotti rumours. The entity is wholly owned by Chiron and Rifkind has signed the loan agreement, but why call it the same name as another leading sports investment fund? Could it be possible that Chiron have sought a partner with more resources and sporting experience? Or is the name purely a coincidence?
Yes, been trying to work that one out myself. It might be a total coincidence as passing off would not really be an issue for a holding company which is not trading on the name as such. Or it might be one and the same.
It's all a bit opaque really on the information so far.
These things are never a coincidence; what are the odds of a leading sports investment fund picking as the name for a holding company a word that just happens to be the same word as another leading sports investment fund?