by PieEater » 22 Mar 2025 10:18
by Sutekh » 22 Mar 2025 10:19
blueroyalsblueroyalsThe Cube So at some unspecified recent date, the EFL disqualified Yongge. Why exactly was this kept a secret?
Apparently the letter from the EFL was dated 22nd February. So initially he was supposed to be disqualified around about now. But he got an extension on the original 28 day deadline to the 4th April. So the club/EFL have been sitting on this news for about a month already.
Further to this the club announced exclusivity with Platek 2 days later, on the 24th February, and the disqualification date was subsequently extended
So would that announcement have been made without the disqualification letter? Was it just a ploy to buy more time? Have they overstated the progress when briefing the press?
by Sutekh » 22 Mar 2025 10:21
PieEater I'm also not clear on Couhigs claim, he got his loans paid back, but he lost some money on legal fees. His legal bill can't be more than £1m, so what is the other claim.
As I recall from the commentary posted the £6m offer for escrow came from the club and the judge agreed. What does the club think he could have profited £6m from? If his claim was completely spurious they'd of offered a much lower value in escrow.
by PieEater » 22 Mar 2025 10:23
SutekhWestYorksRoyalLower West
Coutig has charges over physical assets. The assets cannot be transfered to a new owner without the charges being removed. Money being deposited into escrow parks this legal dispute. With the next hearing not scheduled until June.
I'm going to go off what Couhig's lawyers said in court if that's okay. They clearly said it doesn't block a sale; they just don't want the funds to disappear to China.
Yes didn’t the judge say he saw no reason why a sale couldn’t be completed with things as they currently are?
by WestYorksRoyal » 22 Mar 2025 10:33
by Royal_jimmy » 22 Mar 2025 10:51
by Snowflake Royal » 22 Mar 2025 10:51
WestYorksRoyalLower WestEsteban
The claim doesn’t block a sale, it can be resolved with a mere guarantee the potential award won’t vanish with our owner the minute the scumbag sells to someone else. And there is no impending sale being stalled by the claim. That was exposed as bloody fantasy.
Coutig has charges over physical assets. The assets cannot be transfered to a new owner without the charges being removed. Money being deposited into escrow parks this legal dispute. With the next hearing not scheduled until June.
I'm going to go off what Couhig's lawyers said in court if that's okay. They clearly said it doesn't block a sale; they just don't want the funds to disappear to China.
by WestYorksRoyal » 22 Mar 2025 10:54
Royal_jimmy Surely though Dai owes a lot of money in China and his business is crocked. The best thing for him is to take the £20-30m and sort his own mess out.
This whole behaviour sums up his attitude to owning the club. I mean by the way we've handled player contracts, rather than sell good players Dai has rejected bids and we ended up losing some good players for nothing or almost nothing. We just have to cope the club isn't the next thing!
by Snowflake Royal » 22 Mar 2025 10:54
blueroyalsblueroyalsThe Cube So at some unspecified recent date, the EFL disqualified Yongge. Why exactly was this kept a secret?
Apparently the letter from the EFL was dated 22nd February. So initially he was supposed to be disqualified around about now. But he got an extension on the original 28 day deadline to the 4th April. So the club/EFL have been sitting on this news for about a month already.
Further to this the club announced exclusivity with Platek 2 days later, on the 24th February, and the disqualification date was subsequently extended
So would that announcement have been made without the disqualification letter? Was it just a ploy to buy more time? Have they overstated the progress when briefing the press?
by windermereROYAL » 22 Mar 2025 11:13
by tmesis » 22 Mar 2025 11:41
windermereROYAL Seeing varying reports that the 28 day deadline has already started. they`re not chucking us out before the season finishes anyway with all the implications that would bring.
by Sutekh » 22 Mar 2025 12:43
tmesiswindermereROYAL Seeing varying reports that the 28 day deadline has already started. they`re not chucking us out before the season finishes anyway with all the implications that would bring.
I'm not sure if any club has been kicked out during a season. A few either went bust or resigned mid-season, such as Accrington Stanley, Aldershot and Newport, but others were kicked out during the close season.
A check shows that Leeds City were expelled early into the 1919/20 season.
I suspect the EFL see no issue in letting us complete the season, but wouldn't want the risk of having to start league 1 with 23 teams in 25/26.
by RoyalBlue » 22 Mar 2025 13:09
rabidbeeblueroyalsThe Cube So at some unspecified recent date, the EFL disqualified Yongge. Why exactly was this kept a secret?
Apparently the letter from the EFL was dated 22nd February. So initially he was supposed to be disqualified around about now. But he got an extension on the original 28 day deadline to the 4th April. So the club/EFL have been sitting on this news for about a month already.
I think that's fair enough. The EFL are trying to put pressure on Dai to sell up or risk losing everything, but at the moment it's a matter for Dai and the club. Had the EFL made it public, that would have given Platek (or any other bidders) an immediate reason to drop their offer, knowing Dai is backed into a corner. That hardly helps progress the sale, which is the outcome the EFL ultimately want, so it was right for them to keep it confidential.
by Reading4eva » 22 Mar 2025 13:14
by Royals and Racers » 22 Mar 2025 13:26
Reading4eva Might be an unpopular take but Bearwood especially is a problem in its current form. Now I'm not suggesting getting rid of it entirely as that would be counter productive but doing something about it needs to be done.
Be that shrinking the massive number of pitches in place at the moment or sharing it with other sports groups until a time comes when the club is at a level they can sustain it properly financially.
by JR » 22 Mar 2025 13:26
by tmesis » 22 Mar 2025 13:36
SutekhtmesiswindermereROYAL Seeing varying reports that the 28 day deadline has already started. they`re not chucking us out before the season finishes anyway with all the implications that would bring.
I'm not sure if any club has been kicked out during a season. A few either went bust or resigned mid-season, such as Accrington Stanley, Aldershot and Newport, but others were kicked out during the close season.
A check shows that Leeds City were expelled early into the 1919/20 season.
I suspect the EFL see no issue in letting us complete the season, but wouldn't want the risk of having to start league 1 with 23 teams in 25/26.
Clubs go to the wall at all stages of a season. Their records are expunged and the division limps along one club down.
Bury were thrown out of the FL after 5 games of the 2019/20 season though all their games had been postponed
Aldershot went out of business in 1992, their record was expunged after 36 games
Before a ball was kicked in the 92/93 season Maidstone collapsed after a plan to save the club by moving it to Tyneside and merging with Newcastle Blue Star was rejected by the FL. Reading got a bye to the 2nd Round of the League Cup as a result.
Leeds City were expelled from the FL after they'd played 8 games in 1919/20, however they were replaced by Port Vale who just picked up Leeds' playing record and continued where Leeds City left off.
Accrington Stanley resigned from the FL in March 1962, again their record was expunged
by windermereROYAL » 22 Mar 2025 13:41
by Extended-Phenotype » 22 Mar 2025 14:22
JR Some comments on hear on the lost profits claim and being outrageous as well as the £12/£6m escrow.
If we assume Couhig believes he has valid evidence of a breach of exclusivity, then I would hope we would all agree that a loss of profits claim his reasonable, as a breach of contract by the seller prevented him from owning the club and he wouldn’t be buying it if he didn’t think he could make a profit from it.
It therefore comes down to a forecasting exercise on future profits. £12m does sound very optimistic, but I’m sure they’ll have projections to support that and it will come down to a debate on what reasonable projections are (if the court finds there was a breach).
On the £6m escrow point - that wasn’t the club saying they agree to £6m of loss profits, more a negotiation tactic to reduce the potential downside for Dai and get more of the sale proceeds to him straight away.
by rabidbee » 22 Mar 2025 14:36
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