Sign the Petition to save BBCRB Commentary

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by PieEater » 24 Jul 2006 19:33

Do you think JM can get 107 in Pangbourne?

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by bluehoops » 24 Jul 2006 23:41

From the Official Site:

"We are aware that some supporters are unhappy with the announcement that BBC Radio Berkshire has decided not to pay the live commentary fee that we requested for the forthcoming Premiership season.
We believe the commentary fee has been set at a fair level for Premiership football, especially for a radio station that only has one professional club within its broadcast area.
However, we are prepared to meet BBC Radio Berkshire in the middle on the figures that have been quoted in the media, and we hope that they will reconsider their offer so that these ongoing discussions can reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion"

Classic spin, and sadly as transparent as a Scotsman's tan. I wonder if BBCRB will stand their ground in the hope of popular support or allow the club to gain in the middle ground.

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by iang040563 » 25 Jul 2006 01:28

I sent this email to JM at the weekend - about an hour before "his signature" appeared on the Petition. Do you think this had anything to do with it?
I am just writing to offer you my thanks at getting Reading into the Premiership - this is something that you dream about, but never think is going to happen.
Your passion for Reading FC is unrivalled - I cannot get to every game but remember seeing you dropping in by helicopter before a game with the matchball, and to build up a team, the stadium, the Academy, and the whole set up as it is now, does take commitment and finances - which is something the entire fan base at Reading is grateful to you for.
My first season as a Reading supporter was when we were still in the old Division 4 - it was ironically the last season we were in the bottom flight of League Football. I was actually a founder member of the North Hampshire branch of the Reading FC Supporters Club
In those days I lived in Basingstoke, but then a new job took me to the south coast, then I moved to Crawley, then Milton Keynes, and now live in SE London. Up to the recently, I have still been able to get to games, but the spiralling cost of tickets considering that we now have only one income and two children under the age of four, means that living in the second most expensive city in the world on one income with three dependents does make money a bit tight. I cannot afford a season ticket anyway, but still liked to come to the odd match as and when I was in the area or was able to.
I will probably not be able to come to your stadium again this season, as even if I could afford it, I am unlikely to be able to get in to see the team I have supported for over twenty years, as lots of new "lifelong Reading supporters" have now come out of the woodwork, and deprive genuine lifelong supporters like myself of a seat. However, you could say this is my fault, as I have not got a season ticket, and what you want to see at every game is a full stadium. Fine, I am happy with this, and at least this season, I can watch Reading on Sky Sports live from a local pub regularly - something I have not been able to do outside of the top flight.
However, what was the real reason for handing over the commentary rights from BBC Radio Berkshire to 107FM? Even as a Supporter who relied on radio commentary to keep me up to date on match days, I never have been able to access 107FM and have relied on BBC Radio Berkshires coverage. I know this is probably a business decision, and as a businessman myself have a lot of time and respect for the way you conduct business - but I am also a believer in partnership agreements - and this is not something that has happened here, and feel that the genuine fan base that live outside of the Reading area who cannot necessarily get to every game are being penalised as a result of Readings continued success. Is there any chance of this being opened up to debate so that the fans can decide? My gut reaction is that the majority of Supporters feel that this is a right business decision if you want to upset the loyal Royals who cannot get to every game.
I know you are extremely busy man, especially with the new season only a few weeks away and there are lots of rumours about exciting transfers, so am not expecting a reply, but please do not forget that you have supporters that have been with Reading longer than you have, who are now feeling that this is a decision that has been made without thinking about how it is going to affect the fans.
Best regards

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by Jay » 25 Jul 2006 01:34

I doubt very much that John Madejski would have signed that petition. He would speak to the media (which he has done).

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by TFF » 25 Jul 2006 01:39

iang040563 I sent this email to JM at the weekend - about an hour before "his signature" appeared on the Petition. Do you think this had anything to do with it?

Yes - it was all down to you. Well done :wink:

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by RoyalBlue » 25 Jul 2006 08:37

bluehoops From the Official Site:

"We are aware that some supporters are unhappy with the announcement that BBC Radio Berkshire has decided not to pay the live commentary fee that we requested for the forthcoming Premiership season.

I wasn't aware that our high level of discontent focused on Radio Berkshire's decision 'not to pay the live commentary fee that we (RFC)requested for the forthcoming Premiership season.'

I thought it revolved around the unreasonably high sum demanded by RFC and their subsequent decision to grant exclusive rights to a radio station (partly owned by the Chairman) with an extremely poor area of coverage in a contest that many suspect took place on a far from level playing field!

As you say, classic spin!

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by Forbury Lion » 25 Jul 2006 10:19

RoyalBlue their subsequent decision to grant exclusive rights to a radio station (partly owned by the Chairman) with an extremely poor area of coverage in a contest that many suspect took place on a far from level playing field!
107 deny they have an exclusive agreement, although it will work out that way if nobody else comes to an agreement to buy the rights.

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by Jay » 25 Jul 2006 10:27

1077 - Boyd Butler - We are currently talking with BBC Radio Berkshire in the hope we can sort something out, for a fee less than has been reported. What we don't want is unhappy supporter. The fans must come first.


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by Gordons Cumming » 25 Jul 2006 10:41

Boyd Butler

Bless him.

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by Platypuss » 25 Jul 2006 12:50

Jay 1077 - Boyd Butler - We are currently talking with BBC Radio Berkshire in the hope we can sort something out, for a fee less than has been reported. What we don't want is unhappy supporter. The fans must come first.

EP When the Evening Post put it to Mr Madejski that half a million listeners would lose out on hearing live matches, he said: ?Okay, tell them to send me a pound each and I?ll give it [the rights] back to Radio Berkshire.?

Yes, Boyd. Whatever you say.

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by Platypuss » 25 Jul 2006 12:57

Forbury Lion
RoyalBlue their subsequent decision to grant exclusive rights to a radio station (partly owned by the Chairman) with an extremely poor area of coverage in a contest that many suspect took place on a far from level playing field!
107 deny they have an exclusive agreement, although it will work out that way if nobody else comes to an agreement to buy the rights.

If they want to plausibly deny that they "negotiated" exclusive access, perhaps they should think about editing their own website?

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by Uke » 25 Jul 2006 13:10

Forbury Lion
RoyalBlue their subsequent decision to grant exclusive rights to a radio station (partly owned by the Chairman) with an extremely poor area of coverage in a contest that many suspect took place on a far from level playing field!
107 deny they have an exclusive agreement, although it will work out that way if nobody else comes to an agreement to buy the rights.

If they want to plausibly deny that they "negotiated" exclusive access, perhaps they should think about editing their own website?

We should quote them too, before they change it...

In other news, Reading 107 are delighted to announce exclusive rights to the Royals 2006-2007 Premiership Campaign.

The Royal Box will provide unrivalled commentary from a range of voices, including Players, Coaching Staff, ex-Royals...and of course, most importantly, you!

As you can see though they did it for us of course!

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by RoyalBlue » 25 Jul 2006 13:16

Jay 1077 - Boyd Butler - We are currently talking with BBC Radio Berkshire in the hope we can sort something out, for a fee less than has been reported. What we don't want is unhappy supporter. The fans must come first.


The last line proves that 1077 is fake! Either that or BB has recently undertaken a trip to Damascus!

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by LJ » 25 Jul 2006 13:47

I have to say i am glad the the shambles that was BBC radio berkshire's radio comentary has ended. I have always believed that 107 do the better commentary, get better interviews and are overall more professional.

I will not be signing any petition.

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by RoyalBlue » 25 Jul 2006 13:52

Gordons Cumming
Alan Partridge
Why try and start arguements on this thread for the sake of it?


juvenile mode on# " annoy you? " juvenile mode off#

Listen, Reading FC have, in the past been absolutely crap at PR. They are now and probably continue to be in the future.

It is part of the world that is " supporting the Royals ". Learn to live with it.
I have.

I am currently in negotiations with Reading FC myself about another matter and believe me I'm pulling my hair out. That is the way it is.

But why should people just accept it is the way RFC have always been and learn to live with it? If people protest/complain/make their views known, perhaps there's just a miniscule chance that the club might start to take note and things might start to improve.

One thing's certain, learn to live with it, put up with it and things are never going to get any better.

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by Gordons Cumming » 25 Jul 2006 14:05

Gordons Cumming
Alan Partridge
Why try and start arguements on this thread for the sake of it?


juvenile mode on# " annoy you? " juvenile mode off#

Listen, Reading FC have, in the past been absolutely crap at PR. They are now and probably continue to be in the future.

It is part of the world that is " supporting the Royals ". Learn to live with it.
I have.

I am currently in negotiations with Reading FC myself about another matter and believe me I'm pulling my hair out. That is the way it is.

But why should people just accept it is the way RFC have always been and learn to live with it? If people protest/complain/make their views known, perhaps there's just a miniscule chance that the club might start to take note and things might start to improve.

One thing's certain, learn to live with it, put up with it and things are never going to get any better.

True, but after a couple of decades you get a little weiry........... :cry:

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by Wycombe Royal » 25 Jul 2006 14:08

LJ I have to say i am glad the the shambles that was BBC radio berkshire's radio comentary has ended. I have always believed that 107 do the better commentary, get better interviews and are overall more professional.

Did they do the better commentary when they weren't doing any?

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by footie_chick » 25 Jul 2006 14:38

I remember only last season Reading107FM dropped the Royals Live coverage at the start of the season for about 10 matches as they couldn’t be bothered.

Do you remember, they cut to Andy West every 15 mins or so? Now all of a sudden they are the official station of the Royals?

Don't make me laugh. Since Ben Rice was axed it has never been the same

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by Blue Heart » 25 Jul 2006 15:03

Jay 1077 - Boyd Butler - We are currently talking with BBC Radio Berkshire in the hope we can sort something out, for a fee less than has been reported. What we don't want is unhappy supporter. The fans must come first.


I don't believe Boyd B has found God,
The last line proves that 1077 is fake! Either that or BB has recently undertaken a trip to Damascus!

I don't believe Boyd B has found God, that would be stretching the imagination a bit too far, what I do think is that the club are now desperatley trying to create a silk purse out of a self inflicted Pig's ear of a decision.

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by Y25 » 25 Jul 2006 17:01

Read JMs comments last night

Personally I don't think he's asking too much

BBC is better and if they want it badly they will pay

£100k is nothing these days

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