by Elm Park Pasty » 10 Apr 2013 10:35
by MouldyRoyal » 10 Apr 2013 10:36
Rumpole Surly it's simple, hold a joint silence for the victims of Hillsborough and Lady T?
That way the mongs in the crowd won't know what to do and will probably spend 60 seconds staring at their shoes in silence.
by Norfolk Royal » 10 Apr 2013 10:39
Rumpole Surly it's simple, hold a joint silence for the victims of Hillsborough and Lady T?
That way the mongs in the crowd won't know what to do and will probably spend 60 seconds staring at their shoes in silence.
by Z175 » 10 Apr 2013 10:41
by Norfolk Royal » 10 Apr 2013 10:50
Z175 SJM shouldn't have said this before the Liverpool match, its irresponsible as it will incite Liverpool and create a tinderbox situation.
I dont agree with most minutes silences/applauses at football matches, they should be reserved for relevant ones like where a STH died in Upton Nervet after the previous home match or the passing of certain ex-players. It loses its poignancy if you do it 19 times a season. So it would be a bit odd to honur politicians, but its even more strange for it being a few days after 24 years after the Hillsborough disaster.
That said I get the impression we are going to be treated to political offensive chants all game long from Liverpool fans, with the fans of the Socialist Republic of Reading joining in, so its already been politicised.
But isn't Reading somewhere that gained under Thatcher? I would assume that in 2013 Reading is surely a nicer place than in 1979, so perhaps we should, in ther interest of balance, show that if Liverpool suffered with redundant dockers, Reading gained something like massive employment , numerous jobs in IT, finance, property etc. This is tongue in cheek as I was only 4 when Thatcher left office, so don't really have an opinion on her, Snowball, perhaps you can explain your stance? Why don't prosperous Berkshire pensioners with ipads owe something to Thatcherism? Were you born ooop north?!
by peterroyal76 » 10 Apr 2013 10:58
loyalroyal4lifeIdealDivvy YNWA
Most pathetic song in football these days. Song itself is mediocre, gets cringeworthy when they sing it in a football stadium.
It's like some team singing Justin Bieber songs 30 years down the road.
least they have a unique song
by peterroyal76 » 10 Apr 2013 11:00
Maguire Britian now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Britain in 1979
To be honest I think you should all just say thank you.
by sandman » 10 Apr 2013 11:08
ScottishRoyalSt. Brynjarparky
Haven't we done enough this season? The scarves at the memorial and then the YNWA song after the truth came out. I think this is a joint Thatcher/Hillborough minute so the Liverpool fans can't boo.
It is also rather selective, as an earlier poster pointed out nobody discusses the Heysel disaster or any of the unneccessary deaths caused then. Deaths which still leave Juventus fans bitter and have likely led to some of the hostility to English sides playing in Turin in recent years (stabings, assault...).
by Norfolk Royal » 10 Apr 2013 11:19
by Lucky Libran » 10 Apr 2013 11:21
Z175 But isn't Reading somewhere that gained under Thatcher? ... Why don't prosperous Berkshire pensioners with ipads owe something to Thatcherism?
by philM » 10 Apr 2013 11:25
by Gunny Fishcake » 10 Apr 2013 11:32
by The Goat was fed » 10 Apr 2013 11:44
by parky » 10 Apr 2013 11:51
by Alexander Litvinenko » 10 Apr 2013 11:56
by Royalclapper » 10 Apr 2013 12:01
Dave Whelan and Sir John Madejski have suggested that remembering one of Britain's finest leaders seems an appropriate tribute for those who have clearly forgotten how inconvenient it was not to be able to go shopping on Sundays.
by Tommy Youlden's Ears » 10 Apr 2013 12:03
by Barry the bird boggler » 10 Apr 2013 12:08
by melonhead » 10 Apr 2013 12:08
by Divvy » 10 Apr 2013 12:15
Alexander Litvinenko This is clearly one of SJM's "off the leash, talking to the media without a minder" instances - and all it's done is muddy the waters about what was mairly straightforward.
I think now the club (who are probably cursing SJM for saying this) need to come out and clarify exactly what the minute's silence is for on Saturday.
Any attempt to combine the two - or even have confusion about it - would be an unmitigated disaster.
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