Schards#2Royal Rother If 50% of the time we played like we did against Watford and the other 50% like we did against Sheff Wed and Swansea I reckon 99% of the supporters will be very happy.
Not you of course, you'll still be clinging onto your belief that with Coppell and Madejski at the helm RFC will be dull and uninspiring.
Aren't you the guy that bitches continually about people posting after a bad result that reinforces their stated opinions?
Yet you seem to do the same whenever there's a result that reinforces your opinions.
Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
We can save the ridicule until the end of the season when we can establish who was right and who was wrong. Like we did last seson. Do you remember that? When you were proven completely and utterly wrong?
You would have thought that might engender a little humility and respect for other people's opinions, particularly those whos opinions have been repeatedly correct in the past.
Do you really mean that you are looking forward to the end of the season so that, if you are right, you can pour ridicule on someone who dares to support his team and chooses to see the positives rather than exagerate the negatives?
It's what I've always said about people like you, it's more important that you're proved right on an anonymous internet forum than supporting your team.