Absolute disgarce

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by SLAMMED » 15 May 2011 16:16

Bit of a non-event then.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by LWJ » 15 May 2011 16:17

Well you know Reading mongs. They like to make a mountain out of a mole hill

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by The Cap » 15 May 2011 16:50

Some interesting replies made to this post.

Some serious, some flippant and who knows maybe, just maybe, I set this post up to gain a better insight into some of the characters (set in the Hob Nob vista) who tend to come on here regularly and some who turn up once in a blue moon.

Job done. Cheers. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by RoyalJames101 » 15 May 2011 16:53

"Dave Jones, is a paedophile" is what was sung.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Royal With Cheese » 15 May 2011 18:41

RoyalJames101 "Dave Jones, is a paedophile" is what was sung.


If you sang "Dave Jones is not a paedophile" in there it wouldn't scan properly so can understand from a purely technical standpoint where people are coming from.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by RG30 » 15 May 2011 18:42

He's had abuse before at the MadStad on the same subject so nothing new, doesn't make it right though.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by who are ya? » 15 May 2011 19:04

I was singing "Dave Jones is a Peter File" so my conscience is clear.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Norfolk Royal » 15 May 2011 19:11

SLAMMED Is that it? :|

'greed. They could have at least done the cheeky smile bag of sweets one.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Big Foot » 15 May 2011 20:19

But DJ is happy to cash in on his shady past by writing a book appropriately named 'No Smoke, No Fire'?


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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Yahoops » 15 May 2011 21:01

The chant was a disgrace and indefensible.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Z175 » 15 May 2011 21:09

Big Foot But DJ is happy to cash in on his shady past by writing a book appropriately named 'No Smoke, No Fire'?


What about a little boy who runs away from his parents one evenign after hearing what he thought was his lovely hometown described as a S***hole where people want to go home from?

Imagine if you were a farmer whose sheep had been molested. They are scared, they lose weight, they don't reproduce. You have to sell your farm and your children lose their home. If you sing any footballing song you take the risk that its incredibly below the belt to certain people.

I'm being facetious but frankly DJ deserves a lot of sympathy and respect for the dreadful things that happened. Special treatment? Maybe not.

If you read the extracts from his book in the papers its moving. The allegations completely ruined his and his wife's and his childrens lives for 18 months. Not to mention he lost his job as a premierleague manager. I feel sick when I think of what happened to this poor man and don't want to remind him of it during a game personally.

Yet when you've witnessed the vitriol Wenger gets at Old Trafford when there werent ever any allegations then I think you have to accept, if you want to be in football, horrible chanting is going to happen. If you are sensitive or a prude then its not the job for you. Its sad, but its a fact. Reading fans didn't make up this allegation. Reading fans didn't decide to prosecute him with no evidence. It was an absolute disgrace what happened to Dave Jones to get this label. Singing songs about it? Well its always going to happen, ask Wenger.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Forbury Lion » 15 May 2011 21:18

Forty To be honest, I didn't hear it, but you're right. Completely out of order.

I didn't hear it either, which suggest it may have been a small minority of fans. I don't condone it.

However, those who are quick to condone a chant such as this should ask themselves if they have double standards since I've heard chants about, amongst other things, stabbing Swindon fans, players being rapists, bestiality towards sheep etc etc. If your going to draw the line then where does it begin?

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Z175 » 15 May 2011 21:22

Forbury Lion
Forty To be honest, I didn't hear it, but you're right. Completely out of order.

I didn't hear it either, which suggest it may have been a small minority of fans. I don't condone it.

However, those who are quick to condone a chant such as this should ask themselves if they have double standards since I've heard chants about, amongst other things, stabbing Swindon fans, players being rapists, bestiality towards sheep etc etc. If your going to draw the line then where does it begin?

Not to mention the ginger community

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by moo » 16 May 2011 00:47

Forbury Lion
Forty To be honest, I didn't hear it, but you're right. Completely out of order.

I didn't hear it either, which suggest it may have been a small minority of fans. I don't condone it.

However, those who are quick to condone a chant such as this should ask themselves if they have double standards since I've heard chants about, amongst other things, stabbing Swindon fans, players being rapists, bestiality towards sheep etc etc. If your going to draw the line then where does it begin?

Not to mention the ginger community

We had ginger day.

Maybe on Tuesday we should have Paedo Day, to show that these allegations were really appauling.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Compo's Hat » 16 May 2011 01:07

Row Z Royal Hopefully the likely offender won't have to watch the game from Ninian Park station* again...

*Yeah, I know, but it spoils the joke otherwise.

He was sat in the South Stand.

:roll: at Reading fans telling each other how to be a Reading fan again. I'm starting to lose count of these threads it's getting that boring!

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Big Foot » 16 May 2011 07:08

^ wasn't it you who started the thread telling everyone not to sing 'This is a shithole, I wanna go home'?


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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Avon Royal » 16 May 2011 07:31

:roll: at this thread.

In terms of personal abuse, the chants on Friday pale when compared to the treatment dished out to "Baldy" at St Andrews a few years back. :wink:

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by Snowball » 16 May 2011 08:44

Sheep-Shaggers is just a very old joke.

Newport County's own fans sing it when they so 1-0 up

I don't think such =jokey generalisms can be compared to calling someone a paedophile

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Re: Absolute disgrace

by Svlad Cjelli » 16 May 2011 08:49

It's always the same with things like this - everyone has their own standard on what is and isn't acceptable, and it's virtually impossible to define where the line should be drawn. One person's "unacceptable chant" is another person's "banter." All attempts to make rules on these have always failed - so it's really a wishy-washy definition of what people find "offensive" - which of course is the same, subjective, question.

But for some, though, it's clear that anything is acceptable if it gives your team an advantage - but I don't buy that at all.

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Re: Absolute disgarce

by super darren caskey » 16 May 2011 09:43

Im sure we are not the first fans to do this to him and we wont be the last.Im sure hes a bit hardened to fans chants by now and more than likely expects them everytime he comes out the tunnel.It dont make it right but...its just the way it is,hes a public figure.The only type of chants i wouldnt condone are ones about hillsborough,hysel or munich where people actually lost their lives.We rarely play liverpool or man utd(untill next season)but i am sure reading fans wouldnt stoop that low.

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