Royal RotherRoyalBlueRoyal RotherRoyal LadyDo you honestly think that supporters will suddenly turn up and boo the team and sing "sit down for Steve Coppell, he's not worth standing for" just because many of us can see that we're potentially heading for trouble? Your holier-than-thou attitude day in, day out on here is getting tedious and you quite obviously don't know our supporters as well as you seem to think you do. I'll be very surprised if I hear any sort of booing aimed in the direction of our team or manager at any upcoming game. Our support at the games is what counts to the players and management. If some of us wish to discuss our concerns on here, we'll jolly well do so, without having to put up with criticism from the likes of you.Royal Rother But the point you are mising is that it is clear that the club have been trying to fill those gaps and that, for whatever reasons, have not been able to attract the quality they would like within the budget set.
You either support the Board and the manager in carrying out that policy or you don't. I do.
But in the meantime giving the team anything other than 100% support for their honest endeavours seems futile and feeble. The players are only as good as they are, and, in my opinion they are good enough to stay up - just.
If we go down it just means they were not good enough to stay up, that's all - it doesn't mean that they gave less than 100%, it doesn't mean that the club is a shambles, that Coppell can't hack it when the pressure is on and all that rubbish.
There is a long-term financial plan here to ensure the long-term stability of the club. That works in the supporters favour as well as the owner. In times of financial instability and uncertainty, deviate from the policies that drive those plans at your peril - as I suspect the next few years will indicate to several recent / current Premier League clubs great cost.
Do me a favour will you? When you have a strong point to make, please don't use "jolly-well" in future - it just makes me laugh.
Do me another favour and read the content of the Team Board after and during recent defeats and tell me if that constitutes 100% support for their honest endeavours. I think not.
And tell me you have not heard booing and aggressive reactions to mistakes made by those players from the stands. And tell me you think that won't get more noticeable in the coming weeks if we do really get pulled into the mire. Sorry but that's just ostrich syle naivety.
Are you really suggesting that this team board should only contain 100% support for the team and their honest endeavours (as in the example you set with Lita , of course!)??
If so, time to shut up shop Graham!
Lita's endeavours were anything but honest - a player who main trick is falling over when someone breathes on him could never get my 100% support.
Look, I don't mind constructive criticism it's the tone of much of it that gets my goat. And the "fact" that we are doomed because of this that and the other.
Very few people have denied that we have a major problem on our hands this season, but to say the club is a shambles when it is actually one of the most astutely run in the country, to say we are down if we lose to Bolton, etc. etc. etc. all these things are just plain silly.
I don't have a pair of RTGs; I have always applied a balanced realism to what is happening and knee jerk over-reactions of either extreme irritate me.
If you took the trouble to read what RL has actually said rather than tarring her with what others have said, you might see that you're actually responsible for most of the knee jerk reactions here.