by John Madejski's Wallet » 04 May 2008 11:18
by 07RFC » 04 May 2008 13:17
John Madejski's Wallet I was livid today when Bikey was taken off for Marek and Harper was left on the pitch. (as were most people around me).
Bikey may have been bizarrely strolling around in the middle, but in the 2nd half especially, he put in more good passes than the rest of the team put together. He was also looking for the forward pass whenever possible, and keping the ball really well. Harper on the other hand was doing nothing other than being Harper. Running around, passing sideways and flapping his arms. TO leave him on and take Bieky off was just inexcusible
by PEARCEY » 04 May 2008 21:32
John Madejski's Wallet I was livid today when Bikey was taken off for Marek and Harper was left on the pitch. (as were most people around me).
Bikey may have been bizarrely strolling around in the middle, but in the 2nd half especially, he put in more good passes than the rest of the team put together. He was also looking for the forward pass whenever possible, and keping the ball really well. Harper on the other hand was doing nothing other than being Harper. Running around, passing sideways and flapping his arms. TO leave him on and take Bieky off was just inexcusible
by Sir Rodger Doyle » 04 May 2008 22:54
by kwik-silva » 05 May 2008 09:23
Sir Rodger Doyle ... Now, if anyone thinks Bikey had a good game on Saturday they should try concentrating on a more individual sport...Having a go at Harper seems to be a sport for some nobbers on here...Against Spurs, Bikey should have played at the back with Ingimarson. The Midfield should have been Oster, Matejovski, Cisse, Harper and Hunt With Kits up on his own. You could have changed things around for the last twenty minutes by throughing Lita and or Long on. Don't blame Harper because the Manager got it wrong.
by Royalee » 05 May 2008 09:28
by Fezza » 05 May 2008 09:33
Royalee Will somebody please explain what Harper adds to the team? Other than lots of shouting, pointing and running.
by kwik-silva » 05 May 2008 09:38
FezzaRoyalee Will somebody please explain what Harper adds to the team? Other than lots of shouting, pointing and running.
Harper = Hunt without the ability to tackle
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