by Victor Meldrew »
01 Feb 2013 20:28
Royal Rother Interesting point mentioned on the radio yesterday...
In American football, when clubs are looking at potential players they will spend huge amounts of money with private investigators looking into their background, interviewing family, friends, college staff, coaches etc. before they make a decision because they recognise the importance of the personality and how it fits in with the team as a whole.
Over here, despite the huge sums being splashed around clubs will spend millions on a player on the basis of a fcuking YouTube clip or a few games seen on TV.
It has been said on many occasions by Coppell and McDermott how RFC will only sign who we consider the right sort of character, and we do our research to establish exactly that - another example other clubs would do well to follow.
We don't bid for players without doing our research on them. So we can't just say on TDD, oh well, look like we're not going to get Ince, let's make a bid for another similar player. We don't operate like that. That game's for suckers and gamblers who are happy to be held over a barrel whilst being royally screwed for a player they don't even know properly!
Laughable really when you think it through.
For a generally sensible bloke(that's enough of the compliments) you are a bit naiive here.
I remember the late,great Bill Shankly saying 50 years ago that anybody could watch a player and weigh up whether they could play or not but the important bit is to find out as much as you can about the individual and his character before trying to sign him.
The majority of clubs do this and I would suggest that it is the very few that don't-the naiivety comes in by you thinking that only Coppell and Brian do this.
It is probably one of the reasons why your mate Wenger finds it difficult to sign players-he looks too deeply and for too long into these aspects and by the time he has made up his mind it is too late.
I would hope that with Akpan Brian would have spoken at length to Coppell and in the case of Blackman to his old mate and ours,Dave Kitson.
BTW would you and melonhead have internally combusted if Reading had signed both Ince and Gylfi at a cost of £18 million and become the biggest spenders in this window?
Reckless throwing money at our problem or what?