by The Quiet Man » 27 Nov 2012 13:15
by Hoop Blah » 27 Nov 2012 13:26
andrew1957 The truth is that without spending tens of millions we won’t have the players who can play that way - so we need to accept that our style is the “Reading way” and we need to stick with Brian. Lets face it the current style has just brought the most successful ever decade at the club by far.
by domo » 27 Nov 2012 13:54
by domo » 27 Nov 2012 14:07
by Esteban » 27 Nov 2012 14:15
The Quiet Man Specifically we are struggling badly against 3 in midfield which we also did consistently in the championship as well.
by Royal Rother » 27 Nov 2012 14:19
The Quiet Man Quite what the financial background is I'm not too sure but if we are being constantly told there is very little money available for January and we spent less than almost everyone else in August then the whole AZ takeover has been a bit of a damp sqib and just like under Sir John we are just not going to be able to compete at the highest level.
by sandman » 27 Nov 2012 14:28
by Royal Bahamas » 27 Nov 2012 14:36
domo I dont normally post on here but its raining and Im bored of my work so here is my pennies worth..
I like Brian and has done a lot better than I ever expected him to. The trouble for me is the style of football that permeates all the way through the club and for the last few years is a very predictable style with from waht I can see no potnetial to change
Direct fast wing play and counter me its like Readin are playing the way they did (not as well ) as in 2005/6 and the world football had continued to develop while we still play in the same way.
As a result everyone on the Reading infrastructure is used to building and developing this style and we dont bring in people who will challenge and question this approach..tbf last year I thought that while we punched above our weight,overachieved etc, we were in general, extremely boring to watch (with the exception of a few games). Until the club takes that decsion to look at how the rest of the football world hhas taken on new ideas new approaches etc we will always struggle UNLESS we get the very best players of the type we use
So..wingers have to be more skilful, better at delivery, vision etc than any we have currently, Midfields have to be the best at shutting down , spoling etc, strikers have to be Shane Long like and defenders have to be..good at defending.. So if you want to play like this and have a level of success then you need Stoke type players etc who have cost a lot more than our lot..
Alternatively you can do what other teams like Swansea Wigan and others have done but it takes absolutely does not need to cost more and if patient probably costs a lot less, but the management, coaching staff from academy up proably need to relearn (which is tough) or leave, and the supporters probably have to accept potnetial relegation, defeats, etc while that transititon takes place.
I was also one that could see what Rodgers was trying to do (and saw his impact at academy level as my son is at one that plays reading chelsea and others) and was beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the patience wasnt me thats the biggest chance we ever had of changing and now its going to take lot more to make it happen .
The academy players who I have watched are being developed in the Reading way (although did see some really promising ones when they came to Fulham) which is a shame as thats where it can have a great impact ...I am a STH and go to virtually all the games but in the last 2-3 years I cant say I have enjoyed the football being served up that much but there isnt a magical cure..just a brave one.
by Extended-Phenotype » 27 Nov 2012 14:39
melonhead i do have a counter argument E-P- there isnt the money
its just not enough of one for you
lets talk about it, explain to me, im aching to understand you
where do you want the money to come from?
do you want AZ to put more money in?
what if he cant afford it?
which players would you have bought/not bought with th ebudget we did have of ten million quid?“the risk of investing more money to stay up” vs “running things cheaply for the benefit of the club”. We can disagree, but the conversation isn’t pointless, nor is either opinion irrelevant.
what if its not about risk though?
what if simply AZ has given us what he can afford to this summer?
what if he doesnt really have much more to throw away?
what then?
im sure he will put in what he can afford to in january as well, but if that isnt enough what can we do about it.
you can sit there typing we need more all you like, but how is it helping?
by Barry the bird boggler » 27 Nov 2012 14:40
by melonhead » 27 Nov 2012 15:17
Extended-Phenotypemelonhead i do have a counter argument E-P- there isnt the money
its just not enough of one for you
lets talk about it, explain to me, im aching to understand you
where do you want the money to come from?
do you want AZ to put more money in?
what if he cant afford it?
which players would you have bought/not bought with th ebudget we did have of ten million quid?“the risk of investing more money to stay up” vs “running things cheaply for the benefit of the club”. We can disagree, but the conversation isn’t pointless, nor is either opinion irrelevant.
what if its not about risk though?
what if simply AZ has given us what he can afford to this summer?
what if he doesnt really have much more to throw away?
what then?
im sure he will put in what he can afford to in january as well, but if that isnt enough what can we do about it.
you can sit there typing we need more all you like, but how is it helping?
Happy to discuss it with you, that’s what a forum is after all. As long as you are happy to acknowledge that you too offer opinions that “can’t change anything” and therefore it’s ignorantly hypocritical to dismiss my opinion on these grounds.
1) You think Brian should stay. So? How does that make him stay? Why bother writing that? Explain please.
2) You think McCleary looks dangerous when he plays. So what? Does that make him dangerous? Why write that? Explain why this is not irrelevant.
3) You think Gorkss has been a calamity. So? Does that make him better? Is that not pointless, then?
4) Please do explain why you escape your own rules.
by melonhead » 27 Nov 2012 15:27
by Extended-Phenotype » 27 Nov 2012 15:52
by Hoop Blah » 27 Nov 2012 16:00
Royal Bahamas I keep reading that we have a predictable style of play, etc, etc, ..... but the one thing that we can do on a regular basis is SCORE Goals, so that is NOT our problem area. Our problem is that we let their goals in! Last year, we had a team spirit, that saw an 11-man defence, when required. A Work ethic that was unparralled in the Championship. That 'Team Ethic' is not working so well this year. Of course the standards are much higher, which is what is expected in the EPL, and there are positions that we are hurting in, as far as our Defence is concerned, but there is not the 'Team' there right now, that is fighting to get back and cover the gaps. When you can have 4 to 5 players LOOKING at a ball bouncing around them, and not one of them moving for it, there is a lack of "THAT'S MINE" mentality, that we had last year. If we get that back, even with the players we have, WE CAN still SUCCEED! Come bacl Kacan, as you are the perfect example of what we need.....
by melonhead » 27 Nov 2012 16:27
Extended-Phenotype But you aren’t. You are saying it’s valid to have an opinion on one thing but not another, and as far as I can see there is no difference between the subject matter.
How is it different to discussing whether Brian stays or goes? If he’s gonna be booted, you saying he should stay isn’t going to change that any more than me saying we should spend more money changes the amount of money we spend.
It’s not the disagreeing that bothers me, it’s the hypocrisy and cheap manner by which you dismiss opinion.
We are discussing Reading FC. I think we should’ve spent more pre-season. I’m sure there is an argument against that, but calling it “pointless and irrelevant” isn’t one of them.
Not sure what is so difficult to grasp about that.
by melonhead » 27 Nov 2012 16:28
Hoop BlahRoyal Bahamas I keep reading that we have a predictable style of play, etc, etc, ..... but the one thing that we can do on a regular basis is SCORE Goals, so that is NOT our problem area. Our problem is that we let their goals in! Last year, we had a team spirit, that saw an 11-man defence, when required. A Work ethic that was unparralled in the Championship. That 'Team Ethic' is not working so well this year. Of course the standards are much higher, which is what is expected in the EPL, and there are positions that we are hurting in, as far as our Defence is concerned, but there is not the 'Team' there right now, that is fighting to get back and cover the gaps. When you can have 4 to 5 players LOOKING at a ball bouncing around them, and not one of them moving for it, there is a lack of "THAT'S MINE" mentality, that we had last year. If we get that back, even with the players we have, WE CAN still SUCCEED! Come bacl Kacan, as you are the perfect example of what we need.....
Personally I think we're scoring goals, and cheapish goals if you get what I mean, because we're over committing players going forward to compensate for that predictable and somewhat one dimensional approach.
More importantly perhaps is that we're also giving the ball away too much and too easily that we're then giving the opposition far too many chances to score. That's a direct result of the way we play, as is the fact that we're chasing the ball so much that we're probably suffering from fatigue more than the opposition during the crucial last 15/20 minutes of a game when more goals are scored.
by bracksroyal10 » 27 Nov 2012 16:49
by melonhead » 27 Nov 2012 17:05
by Ian Royal » 27 Nov 2012 17:20
Hoop BlahIan Royal In a lower league. which can't be emphasised enough.
What relevance does that have then*?
* I'm aware McDermott masterminded our promotion but comparing his sides competitiveness now with Rodgers has nothing to do with that IMO.
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