by 3points » 26 Jan 2014 11:34
by dogzbollox » 26 Jan 2014 11:49
Lacosteloyalroyal4life SJM has cocked up here, he was expecting takeover to happen well in time for funds to be made available and thus broadcast this to the fans.
I still do not see why he can't put his money where is mouth is and front a spending spree and get new owners to pay it back as part of the takeover. Gives us more chance of going up and gives NA some funds which i am sure he was promised when he joined
Thought you were a retard, you've just confirmed it.
by RepressedRoyal » 26 Jan 2014 11:54
dogzbolloxLacosteloyalroyal4life SJM has cocked up here, he was expecting takeover to happen well in time for funds to be made available and thus broadcast this to the fans.
I still do not see why he can't put his money where is mouth is and front a spending spree and get new owners to pay it back as part of the takeover. Gives us more chance of going up and gives NA some funds which i am sure he was promised when he joined
Thought you were a retard, you've just confirmed it.
The retard comment is offensive but I have to agree with the sentiment, by that I mean if you were selling your house and it was valued at £250,000 but told prospective buyers I'm going to redecorate, landscape the front garden & build a pergola in the back garden...I'll just be adding the additional 20k onto the final agreement.......que senor?
by RepressedRoyal » 26 Jan 2014 12:05
3points I know for a fact that SJM needed cash to bail out Sackville Properties, otherwise it was going into administration. So he took the cash available from AZ at the time. I think he probably did have some concerns through his DD which is why he only sold a 51% stake, and didn't sell the hotel either. If it wasn't a "concern" then AZ never had the money to buy everything at the time, which should have raised alarm bells. But desparate men do desparate things. Can't fault SJM trying to save his main business venture - RFC just happened to be the pawn in the middle
by loyalroyaldaz » 26 Jan 2014 12:55
RepressedRoyal3points I know for a fact that SJM needed cash to bail out Sackville Properties, otherwise it was going into administration. So he took the cash available from AZ at the time. I think he probably did have some concerns through his DD which is why he only sold a 51% stake, and didn't sell the hotel either. If it wasn't a "concern" then AZ never had the money to buy everything at the time, which should have raised alarm bells. But desparate men do desparate things. Can't fault SJM trying to save his main business venture - RFC just happened to be the pawn in the middle
I remember seeing that weir documentary about him a few years back and it appeared at the end had was scrambling for cash and was really deflated when went down in 2008.
I don't know anything about his ventures but it always used to make me laugh when he used to bleat on about footballers earning so much money when, all said and done, he made his money scamming an American car magazine.
Fair play to him for that but sometimes I think that people on here see JM as some ace business brain who is a major player in the world of business and finance. He isn't.
I totally agree that he took that Russian cash as a desperate man and wouldn't surprise me if he is in big financial trouble. A buyer is probably need pretty quickly as if we don't go up, debt escalates at the same rate as wealth.
by Ian Royal » 26 Jan 2014 14:54
Ukeloyalroyal4life Rule number 1 : Do your DD
Rule number 2 : You can only do DD on what you are shown
by Harpers So Solid Crew » 26 Jan 2014 17:26
I do know people who know him and he is indeed in the poo.
Add that to his massive Ego and here we are.
I was abused on here, not that thats unusual, about him wanting the ground name to stay the same but i know 100% that it has been an issue before.
Nobody has to believe me and i couldnt care less if you dont but to me it says alot about the man.
by Royal Biscuitman » 28 Jan 2014 13:34
by maffff » 28 Jan 2014 13:46
Ian RoyalUkeloyalroyal4life Rule number 1 : Do your DD
Rule number 2 : You can only do DD on what you are shown
Rule number 3 : DD being done fully and thoroughly doesn't guarantee things will be fine.
by Royal Biscuitman » 28 Jan 2014 14:04
Sometimes the things you don't find/see or hear tell you more.UkeRule number 2 : You can only do DD on what you are shownloyalroyal4life Rule number 1 : Do your DD
by Cureton's Volley » 28 Jan 2014 22:21
by Ian Royal » 28 Jan 2014 23:18
Royal BiscuitmanSometimes the things you don't find/see or hear tell you more.UkeRule number 2 : You can only do DD on what you are shownloyalroyal4life Rule number 1 : Do your DD
Perhaps potential buyers have done their DD on the club and it's owners and backed away before even making contact.
by multisync1830 » 29 Jan 2014 08:04
3points I know for a fact that SJM needed cash to bail out Sackville Properties, otherwise it was going into administration. So he took the cash available from AZ at the time. I think he probably did have some concerns through his DD which is why he only sold a 51% stake, and didn't sell the hotel either. If it wasn't a "concern" then AZ never had the money to buy everything at the time, which should have raised alarm bells. But desparate men do desparate things. Can't fault SJM trying to save his main business venture - RFC just happened to be the pawn in the middle
by Royal Biscuitman » 29 Jan 2014 13:14
I presume he was unable to sell 49% then?3points I know for a fact that SJM needed cash to bail out Sackville Properties, otherwise it was going into administration. So he took the cash available from AZ at the time. I think he probably did have some concerns through his DD which is why he only sold a 51% stake, and didn't sell the hotel either. If it wasn't a "concern" then AZ never had the money to buy everything at the time, which should have raised alarm bells. But desparate men do desparate things. Can't fault SJM trying to save his main business venture - RFC just happened to be the pawn in the middle
by Royal Biscuitman » 29 Jan 2014 13:16
You can make enquiries about those your getting into business with, much like a good scouting network looks beyond what a player does on the pitch or in training.Ian RoyalRoyal BiscuitmanSometimes the things you don't find/see or hear tell you more.Uke Rule number 2 : You can only do DD on what you are shown
Perhaps potential buyers have done their DD on the club and it's owners and backed away before even making contact.
Don't you require full on internal accounts details to have any hope of doing a proper due dilligence. If so that would be quite hard.
by bcubed » 29 Jan 2014 13:32
Cureton's Volley "One John Madejski" + applause near the end sung with the most (non promotion related) feeling & passion since when we all knew Kev Watson was off (against our will) and gave him that mighty send off.
I also believe JM may have been lucky to be where he is today... but what is important is that he never left us behind as he became more successful. He is a true RFC legend who we should all respect.
by bcubed » 29 Jan 2014 13:34
bcubedCureton's Volley "One John Madejski" + applause near the end sung with the most (non promotion related) feeling & passion since when we all knew Kev Watson was off (against our will) and gave him that mighty send off.
I also believe JM may have been lucky to be where he is today... but what is important is that he never left us behind as he became more successful. He is a true RFC legend who we should all respect.
It was indeed, as was "John Madejski's magic etc"
This was prefaced by "Anton Anton give us a wave!!"
by Big Ern » 29 Jan 2014 14:03
I still do not see why he can't put his money where is mouth is and front a spending spree and get new owners to pay it back as part of the takeover. Gives us more chance of going up and gives NA some funds which i am sure he was promised when he joined
by Cureton's Volley » 29 Jan 2014 15:34
bcubedbcubedCureton's Volley "One John Madejski" + applause near the end sung with the most (non promotion related) feeling & passion since when we all knew Kev Watson was off (against our will) and gave him that mighty send off.
I also believe JM may have been lucky to be where he is today... but what is important is that he never left us behind as he became more successful. He is a true RFC legend who we should all respect.
It was indeed, as was "John Madejski's magic etc"
This was prefaced by "Anton Anton give us a wave!!"
And i nearly forgot
"We've got a skint f*cking Russian!"
by Eaststandman » 30 Jan 2014 20:04
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