by Ian Royal »
11 Dec 2007 17:34
I'm sorry but a player who consistantly gets into trouble.
Being glassed - for his attitude
assualting someone - only not getting arrested because the charges were dropped
being thrown out of a nightclub
And then theres the filming too.
He consistantly shows he is not capable of behaving himself. You can't expect players not to go out and enjoy themselves, but as athletes and professional sportsmen you expect them to do it responsibly
getting into fights can easily lead to injuries which prevent him playing. He is also clearly easy to wind up and provides plenty of ammunition with which defenders can provoke him into doing something stupid.
He seems to be a perfect example of the young talented player who thinks he is somehow better than everyone else - this IMO can only lead to problems.
One or two isolated incidents can be ignored - but it isn't that and there is no sign that he is trying to sort himself out.
He's not just a player he's also an ambassador for the club and partly the community. He needs to sort himself out or we get rid. I trust Coppell to know the full facts and deal with things accordingly, but it doesn't look good.
Finally anyone who is willing to shag that minger Charlie from big brother as he reportedly has,* doesn't have the intelligence to make it in our squad of footballs intellectual giants and shows a lack of judgement.
Is the clap likely to affect playing performance.
*late night drunken orgies with mates arn't exactly going to be good preperation for games. Fair play to him having a good time and getting it on with the ladies, but I think this is a little more than just that