by Arnie_Pie » 11 Jul 2011 18:01
by Hoop Blah » 11 Jul 2011 18:12
by Northern Git » 11 Jul 2011 18:18
starliaisonNorthern Git
So in my humble view there is nothing in the events of the previous season that would indicate an unexpected shortfall of predicted income, indeed there are several events that would suggest that substantial additional monies have come into the club, FA cup , Playoffs and attached TV monies (even after the additional costs that would have been generated).
So to suggest the sale of Mills fills a ‘unforeseen black hole’ is in my view bollocks, as is the requirement to sell any other player for this reason.
There may have been a player sale required to cover a normal operating costs / income deficit but I think this season that should be at a minimum considering the extra revenue generated by our FA Cup and League play off final games.
If it is any help I can confirm that in the middle of last season the matchday income was below that budgeted and well below what was needed for the then level of spending on the playing staff. I was not told if the size of the squad was what made it over-budget or the wage increase after renegotiated contracts or the increase in coaching staff but I suspect it is all 3.
Svlad is correct in saying that despite what we may all wish even competing the way Reading does (whether that is considered furstrating and lacking ambition or prudent) needs an injection of capital.
As long as there is no ultimate control other than bankruptcy there will always be some willing to spend to achieve success as the industry is all about competition. However it is a fact that there can only be 3 promoted teams under current rules so just spending is not enough, you have to spend more than a fair proportion of the rest of the league, and also have greater skills than the spending indicates unless you are in the top spenders.
The fact that at the present there are no buyers on the horizon and the chairman does/will not inject more money and the banks are not generous in the current climate, there seems one other obvious source of funds - players. As long as the Academy is producing good players we are likely to play at being the new Crewe (or to be fair follow the usual lower league model until Prem clubs bought foreign players).
by Svlad Cjelli » 11 Jul 2011 18:24
by Arnie_Pie » 11 Jul 2011 18:43
Hoop Blah Arnie, in recent history RFC is a profit making enterprise though. I think what some people struggle to understand is why the profits or levels of re-investment (through transfer fees at least) are so relatively low when you look at the headline income figures.
All that Premier League money we're always hearing about, plus the significant profit on transfers, equates to a lot of cash and we don't see a lot of it spent attracting our most important resource, decent playing staff.
£130m is wages since 2005 should give most a decent start in seeing where the majority of the money has gone.
by Hoop Blah » 11 Jul 2011 18:44
Svlad Cjelli Ther's a big difference between "selling" and being "unable to stop them leaving" - we have developed the key players so much that they feel they are now able to play at a higher level then we can give them and/or demand a greater salary than we have the capacity to pay.
by Hoop Blah » 11 Jul 2011 18:46
by brendywendy » 11 Jul 2011 18:46
by Arnie_Pie » 11 Jul 2011 18:56
Hoop Blah Arnie, the P&Ls from the year we went up to 2010 show a profit every year.
by Who Moved The Goalposts? » 11 Jul 2011 19:00
by Hoop Blah » 11 Jul 2011 19:26
Arnie_PieHoop Blah Arnie, the P&Ls from the year we went up to 2010 show a profit every year.
Who has got them would be an interesting read.
by Cypry » 11 Jul 2011 19:35
We hardly spent anything on buying players in the prem when you supposedly get in the region of 90 million quid...we were there for two seasons.
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 11 Jul 2011 19:38
Hoop BlahSvlad Cjelli Ther's a big difference between "selling" and being "unable to stop them leaving" - we have developed the key players so much that they feel they are now able to play at a higher level then we can give them and/or demand a greater salary than we have the capacity to pay.
...or that they feel the club aren't willing to push on to compete at the level they think/thought we could and so feel their career will be better served elsewhere in the same division.
by facaldaqui » 11 Jul 2011 19:44
CypryWe hardly spent anything on buying players in the prem when you supposedly get in the region of 90 million quid...we were there for two seasons.
I think you'll find that promotion from the Championship is worth around £90 million - that is based on one year in the Prem, followed by four years parachute payments (we only got two).
Let's face it, the club runs at a trading loss, income from ticket sales, merchandising, TV money etc, is lower than what it costs to run the club; capital costs, maintaining the facilities, transfers in etc, with the bulk of the costs in players wages.
So we have three options:
1) Reduce the costs so that the club is cost-neutral. It's not possible to reduce maintenance costs etc, so the only feasible option is to reduce your main cost - players wages. The problem is, how do you get, and hold onto good players if you don't pay the going rate? If you pay less, you'll get a poorer stamp of player, and are therefore likely to see results suffer (which is likely to result in a drop in income as attendances fall). So we need to keep control of salaries, whilst paying just sufficiently to deliver what we need on the pitch.
2) Increase income - OK, so we've had some joy in this the last couple of years in the cup runs and play-offs delivering some unexpected windfalls, but I've seen some wild estimates of the amounts taken from these which beggar belief - I'd be surprised if we netted much more than £1 million combined from the cup and play-offs this year once costs are taken into account. Other than that, attendances seem fairly static, so I'd anticipate that income will be little different year on year from last year to this.
3) Trade at a loss, but find something else to fill the shortfall. Now there are a number of ways we could do this:
- borrow from the Banks; not easy in the current climate and given that we were required to pay off our overdraft a couple of years ago, this doesn't look like an option.
- find a rich new owner to bankroll us (as per Leicester); we know no new cash will come from SJM, but he has stated that he won't just up and leave without a "suitable" new owner - for this I think we should thank him.
- sell one or two players a year, who we've developed, at a profit, and use those profits to fill the shortfall.
As it happens, we seem to have a blend of all three. Salaries are effectively under control (although we have been able to meet the requirements of some key players; Jobi, HRK etc), we've been lucky enough to have a bit of extra income from cup runs and play-offs, but we still need to balance the books somehow hence the sale of players such as Mills, Sig etc.
It's unfortunate that this is the way things are, but it's a fine balancing act, and I don't believe that the sale of players and subsequent use of funds to help achieve a break-even point is a surprise to anyone at the club, not least McDermott. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if his apparent displeasure when explaining that none of the Mills money would be available for transfers, wasn't so much that he was unhappy at the situation, as he was unhappy at being asked the same old question, when everyone knows the answer. He's been with us for more than ten years - he knows the score!
You also have to look at this against a background that results are not declining, we've had two fantastic cup runs, and improved on our league position this year over last - supporting the club certainly isn't boring. Have we suffered from player sales? You can argue that having Sig in this years side could have led to automatic promotion, but then I know a couple of Cardiff fans who thought that having Bellamy would mean they were guaranteed a top two finish - it's all fine in theory, but rarely works out how you think it will...
Before I get flamed, I don't consider myself an RTG, just a realist. In todays climate, you cannot just magic money from thin air, it's right that the books should balance somehow and I for one don't believe that racking up huge debts is the way to go
by Hoop Blah » 11 Jul 2011 19:47
by Ian Royal » 11 Jul 2011 20:44
by FiNeRaIn » 11 Jul 2011 20:51
Ian Royal Two things.
1) Finerain, it's all well and good saying why didn't we spend even another £5m of the £37m you're talking about. But that amount has come over what? 3 seasons? That's an extra £1.6m a season, which is one £1m player on about £10k a week (leaving a couple of £k for employer cost things). Is that really going to have reliably made a huge difference to how we did? And where does it stop?
by brendywendy » 11 Jul 2011 20:58
the same applies to every club except barca. Players will always want to move upwards.with mills he just wanted out,and we took the highest offer.Hoop BlahSvlad Cjelli Ther's a big difference between "selling" and being "unable to stop them leaving" - we have developed the key players so much that they feel they are now able to play at a higher level then we can give them and/or demand a greater salary than we have the capacity to pay.
...or that they feel the club aren't willing to push on to compete at the level they think/thought we could and so feel their career will be better served elsewhere in the same division.
by Ian Royal » 11 Jul 2011 21:09
FiNeRaInIan Royal Two things.
1) Finerain, it's all well and good saying why didn't we spend even another £5m of the £37m you're talking about. But that amount has come over what? 3 seasons? That's an extra £1.6m a season, which is one £1m player on about £10k a week (leaving a couple of £k for employer cost things). Is that really going to have reliably made a huge difference to how we did? And where does it stop?
I've never said that anywhere, what I said was we should spend the 5 million we got for mills on 3 replacements THIS season, if we sell long. That is absolutely MORE than reasonable. How can people sit there and see our best players sold and be happy with no or cheap unproven replacements. Can you imagine the fans reaction if something like that happened at other cubs?
Just whats the point in being a reading fan anymore when as soon as we start building rapport with the players or start to feel we are moving in the right direction the club flog our players off. Its frustrating beyond belief.
finrain You don't get it, who is saying gamble the clubs future? You seriously think spending 5 million on players is going to send us into administration out of the 37 million + parachute payments since we have been really?
by brendywendy » 11 Jul 2011 21:16
i will be gutted if we sell long and mills and dont replace them too.but i think we will. And if we dont we will replace injurys with loans until jan,and if it looks shaky, well have money to get back on track. Dont think i like losing good players either.but if they want to go,and someone offers a high,fair and profitable amount theyll go. And i dont think we can, or should stop them. We actually have a decent record of holding players longer than we should have done.sig and mills aside.FiNeRaInIan Royal Two things.
1) Finerain, it's all well and good saying why didn't we spend even another £5m of the £37m you're talking about. But that amount has come over what? 3 seasons? That's an extra £1.6m a season, which is one £1m player on about £10k a week (leaving a couple of £k for employer cost things). Is that really going to have reliably made a huge difference to how we did? And where does it stop?
I've never said that anywhere, what I said was we should spend the 5 million we got for mills on 3 replacements THIS season, if we sell long. That is absolutely MORE than reasonable. How can people sit there and see our best players sold and be happy with no or cheap unproven replacements. Can you imagine the fans reaction if something like that happened at other cubs?
Just whats the point in being a reading fan anymore when as soon as we start building rapport with the players or start to feel we are moving in the right direction the club flog our players off. Its frustrating beyond belief.
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