Terminal Boardom I recall an away game at Hereford in 1984 where a well known supporter was so pissed that he could not stand on the terraces. His excuse was that the heat of the day had caused his artificial knnes to swell in size rendering him incapable of standing. The Police pissed themselves laughing and decided to let this man off and not cart him away for a spell in the local cells.
Was that the year of the RDS trip to Edgar Street? A lot of very drunk Royals for that one.
Anyway, for me, Elland Road League Cup, the one we lost 2-1, early 1996 ish (?)
Early minibus up there, pcunted by 11:00 am, drank all day, went to the match, sat down for a curry at midnight in Leeds city centre, puked on my shoes at 6 am in Loddon Bridge Road, got home 30 mins later, brushed my teeth, showered and went to work. Happy days.
Can't really remember the match but Eric Nixon was in goal for us and was bloody awful.