by CountryRoyal »
24 Jul 2017 14:16
strap I don't understand the point of Twitter at all. In fact I don't understand the point of FaceBook, Instagram, MySpace (?) and a whole load of other rather bizarre "social media offerings", whose sole intent seems to be to allow people the opportunity of posting drivel that basically says "look at me, my life is SO interesting".
I'd rather chat/argue/opine with actual friends face to face over a pint or two. Does that make me a bad person as I have no "online friends"??
(No offence intended to anyone who does have accounts at said sites, but why?... Just why??)
Not at all but in which case why post on hob nob?
They're just different means of connecting with people online, no different to a forum or message board which was obviously relatively pioneering.
Things have snowballed now and the basic point has been somewhat convoluted with an abundance of features, parallels and other changed which have come about by market demand and commercial dictate.
Social media CAN be a very useful tool, unfortunately when something is available to the masses the lowest common denominator usually takes dominance, hence it all being filled up with bollocks.
Wholeheartedly agree with you though. The people that continually post "look at me" type content are always the ones whose lives are the most empty and unfulfilled.