earleyroyal Whether this damages our club's standing or not, I couldn't give a flying fcuk. There is a large group of football fans who are, how can I put it...confused? who think that Reading had an obligation to disagree with the officials at the time and let Watford walk it in, but wouldn't dream of, say, missing a penalty if their team hadn't deserved to win it (no contradiction in that is there), and another group who realise that this is totally the officials' fault and not Reading's at all.
If a bunch of keyboard warriors (check out some of the stinkers on the 606 discussion thread, started by a man who thinks Reading should be deducted two points and the game replayed) think that it's Reading fault, then let them. Any sensible fan knows that, at the time, the Reading players were in no position to decide to let Watford walk through and score. Maybe things were different at half-time, but having thought about it I now think Reading would've had no good reason to let Watford score after half-time - the course of the game was changed by the goal. It was a bad decision, Reading benefited from it. No team would ever let Watford score because the officials cocked up. What next, if Hunt runs out for a throw then crosses for a goal do we let them score?
I'm really warming to your posts.