The Surgeon of Crowthorne If it's not explicit, it's certainly an inference (if not an extrapolation!)
Well, no. Someone claimed that the vast majority were successful. His point, if I'm not mistaken and please correct me if I am, was that that claim was not the case.
Certainly, in certain periods of Coppell's stint at Reading, the vast majority of signings have not been successful. Early on, when we were dealing with the fall-out from Pardew leaving, you expect/tolerate it. But since we've needed to push on, I don't think we have been as successful as we could have been. (There's also something else I've seen but I think its more a symptom of football in general but ... Lita, Seol, Halford and Fae were all biggest signings at the time. At leats three of those would be down as the most vocal critics of Coppell from within the squad)
I'll add my usual caveat: if our finances genuinely mean that we will struggle to do so then I withdraw my comments completely.
And certainly when you get posters claiming that players like Bennett were not failures at the club ...