Relegation the Reading Way

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Re: The Reading Way

by Hoop Blah » 30 Nov 2012 16:09

Royalee This 'Reading Way' nonsense does my head in - we play long ball shit with no creativity and poor results. We should focus on the winning way.

/deep exhale of breath

We can't compete with the rest of the Championship, let alone the Premiership, if we try and match them like for like. We don't have the resources or the history or the reputation, really......

In what way don't we have the resources to compete with the rest of the Championship?

Our reputation is pretty sounds now, after 10 years in the top two divisions and being at the right end of the table for most of that.

Crowds wise we do pretty well in comparison and history doesn't really account for too much these days.

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Re: The Reading Way

by Esteban » 30 Nov 2012 16:09

Victor Meldrew
I'm not convinced we are different from the norm as most clubs want to buy players that are undervalued,develop your own players and run the club on sound finacial principles.

Most clubs don't. That's why there's such a gap in the market for a club, our club, to exploit.

If we were mid-table like Swansea I might agree with you but our league placing hardly suggests that in football terms we are a raging success nor would being relegated twice in three years of Premier League membership.
I can see an argument for Arsenal being seen as different and successful but I really don't see ours as being so different.
Let's hope the club makes loads of money for Anton as that is what it seems to be all about with the football and entertainment being secondary.

But Swansea have been playing the passing game for many years and have brought in managers to compliment that style. That's no different to what we've done, save for the fact that the style of football we've played for the past 10 years doesn't bode well for the PL. When we brought in Rodgers, we tried to change our style of play, but he did too much, too soon and was paying the price for it in results. So, we reverted back to the style we were used to, under a manager that fitted in with the Reading Way and hey presto, saved from relegation (whether or not it would have come to that had Rodgers continued is a matter of debate), took us to two FA cup quarter finals, a play-off final at Wembley and won the Championship.

I don't see the Reading Way as a condescending remark made because we think it sounds good. It's a tangible thing and has driven the club forward. We are in a far better position now than we were 10 years ago. With Zingarevich on board, we are able to keep our better players and add to the squad. Before, we have had to lose our better players and replace them with players that aren't quite at that level. In this respect, we are far better off.

West Brom didn't become a PL club over night, they yo-yo'd around for a few years, slowly building towards where they are now. Our downfall last time was not getting up within the parachute payments period. Assuming we do go down, if we can get back up within the parachute payment period this time (and there's no reason we can't we with a slightly wealthier owner, four years of payments instead of three and no need to sell our best players unless we think it's worth it), then next time, we'll be better positioned.

Knowing where you are going requires you to know where you've been. If memory serves, we spent 50 seasons in a row (50!) in division 4, then bounced around between divisions 3 and 4, had a few seasons in Division 2, then back down to division 3; but in the past 11 or 12 seasons, we've grown from a small club and have established ourselves as a top 10 Championship side, with a few flirtations with the PL. And we've done that without racking up masses of debt and risking our long term future. That should be applauded, not derided as 'having no ambition'. We've shown plenty of ambition compared to where we were 10, 20, 30 years ago!

I will concede that Swansea have been more successful, following a similar path. But I'm not a Swansea fan, so fair play to them, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

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Re: The Reading Way

by melonhead » 30 Nov 2012 16:15

Victor Meldrew
I'm not convinced we are different from the norm as most clubs want to buy players that are undervalued,develop your own players and run the club on sound finacial principles.

Most clubs don't. That's why there's such a gap in the market for a club, our club, to exploit.

If we were mid-table like Swansea I might agree with you but our league placing hardly suggests that in football terms we are a raging success nor would being relegated twice in three years of Premier League membership.
I can see an argument for Arsenal being seen as different and successful but I really don't see ours as being so different.
Let's hope the club makes loads of money for Anton as that is what it seems to be all about with the football and entertainment being secondary.

two promotions to the premiere leage as champions? where once there were that not a sign of some improvment and success?
its all relative ainit?

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Re: The Reading Way

by REMTARDROYAL » 30 Nov 2012 16:20

Hoop Blah
Royalee This 'Reading Way' nonsense does my head in - we play long ball shit with no creativity and poor results. We should focus on the winning way.

/deep exhale of breath

We can't compete with the rest of the Championship, let alone the Premiership, if we try and match them like for like. We don't have the resources or the history or the reputation, really......

In what way don't we have the resources to compete with the rest of the Championship?

My understanding was that our income and wage bill in the Championship were at the lower-mid-table end of the scale.

Hoop Blah Our reputation is pretty sounds now, after 10 years in the top two divisions and being at the right end of the table for most of that.

Crowds wise we do pretty well in comparison and history doesn't really account for too much these days.

And those 10 years were after we decided we couldn't match them like for like. Q.E.D. really.

As for history and reputation, I think it matters all other things being equal.

But, I guess, opinions.

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Re: The Reading Way

by MeMeMe » 30 Nov 2012 16:21

Victor Meldrew
Stooper Doncaster? Sound?

They employed a whole team of merceneries to put themselves in the shop window and got relegated beacuse of it.

Classic Hob-Nobbing-pick on a very minor point but have nothing to say on the topic.

When its a fucking stupid point, it deserves picking.

And so says Super RETARDTROYAL :roll:

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Re: The Reading Way

by REMTARDROYAL » 30 Nov 2012 16:22

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Re: The Reading Way

by USA_Loyal_Royal » 30 Nov 2012 16:32

If we were mid-table like Swansea I might agree with you but our league placing hardly suggests that in football terms we are a raging success nor would being relegated twice in three years of Premier League membership.
I can see an argument for Arsenal being seen as different and successful but I really don't see ours as being so different.
Let's hope the club makes loads of money for Anton as that is what it seems to be all about with the football and entertainment being secondary.[/quote]

But Swansea have been playing the passing game for many years and have brought in managers to compliment that style. That's no different to what we've done, save for the fact that the style of football we've played for the past 10 years doesn't bode well for the PL. When we brought in Rodgers, we tried to change our style of play, but he did too much, too soon and was paying the price for it in results. So, we reverted back to the style we were used to, under a manager that fitted in with the Reading Way and hey presto, saved from relegation (whether or not it would have come to that had Rodgers continued is a matter of debate), took us to two FA cup quarter finals, a play-off final at Wembley and won the Championship.

I don't see the Reading Way as a condescending remark made because we think it sounds good. It's a tangible thing and has driven the club forward. We are in a far better position now than we were 10 years ago. With Zingarevich on board, we are able to keep our better players and add to the squad. Before, we have had to lose our better players and replace them with players that aren't quite at that level. In this respect, we are far better off.

West Brom didn't become a PL club over night, they yo-yo'd around for a few years, slowly building towards where they are now. Our downfall last time was not getting up within the parachute payments period. Assuming we do go down, if we can get back up within the parachute payment period this time (and there's no reason we can't we with a slightly wealthier owner, four years of payments instead of three and no need to sell our best players unless we think it's worth it), then next time, we'll be better positioned.

Knowing where you are going requires you to know where you've been. If memory serves, we spent 50 seasons in a row (50!) in division 4, then bounced around between divisions 3 and 4, had a few seasons in Division 2, then back down to division 3; but in the past 11 or 12 seasons, we've grown from a small club and have established ourselves as a top 10 Championship side, with a few flirtations with the PL. And we've done that without racking up masses of debt and risking our long term future. That should be applauded, not derided as 'having no ambition'. We've shown plenty of ambition compared to where we were 10, 20, 30 years ago!

I will concede that Swansea have been more successful, following a similar path. But I'm not a Swansea fan, so fair play to them, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.[/quote]

^^^^^this x infinity. it might take a few years of yo-yoing but i bet we could end up like west brom! they are doing really well!

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Re: The Reading Way

by melonhead » 30 Nov 2012 16:38

My understanding was that our income and wage bill in the Championship were at the lower-mid-table end of the scale.

your understanding was a misunderstanding

was defo mid-higher end

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Re: The Reading Way

by REMTARDROYAL » 30 Nov 2012 16:41

My understanding was that our income and wage bill in the Championship were at the lower-mid-table end of the scale.

your understanding was a misunderstanding

was defo mid-higher end

So we're still punching above our weight ...

It'll come. If we keep succeeding as we have done, we will get bigger and bigger crowds, we will build on what we've done.

I don't get the panic. Frustration that its not come together, sure, but this seems like a crowd of idiots in a cinema all running round screaming fire.

There is one thing that reassures me further - the way our last three seasons panned out.

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Re: The Reading Way

by Alexander Litvinenko » 30 Nov 2012 16:42

FTR, for 2010/11 were were around 7th or 8th top spenders in the Championship - forget exactly which and don't have time to dig out the Deloitte report right now, but it was higher than most think.
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Re: The Reading Way

by melonhead » 30 Nov 2012 16:51

My understanding was that our income and wage bill in the Championship were at the lower-mid-table end of the scale.

your understanding was a misunderstanding

was defo mid-higher end

So we're still punching above our weight ...

It'll come. If we keep succeeding as we have done, we will get bigger and bigger crowds, we will build on what we've done.

I don't get the panic. Frustration that its not come together, sure, but this seems like a crowd of idiots in a cinema all running round screaming fire.

There is one thing that reassures me further - the way our last three seasons panned out.

relegation from the prem apart our season ticket base, and general ticket sales have risen pretty much year on year for the last ten
this is th eonly way we can build ourselves into an established prem team without a sugar daddy intent on losing his hard won money

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Re: The Reading Way

by Alexander Litvinenko » 30 Nov 2012 16:54

Yes, but ticket sales and merchandising revenues pale into near insignificance compared to TV income in the PL. They're definitely a nice to have, but make a small percentage of total revenue.

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by melonhead » 30 Nov 2012 17:32

since we arent established in the prem,and even if we had been up for three years wouldnt be able to guarantee we wouldnt go down next year, it would be best to try and grow as a club while running to a model that is sustainable in the championship, while using any money from promotion years and yo you payments to help dampen any relegation dips in finances/quality of player, and add infrastructure to the club.

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by Victor Meldrew » 30 Nov 2012 19:46

melonhead since we arent established in the prem,and even if we had been up for three years wouldnt be able to guarantee we wouldnt go down next year, it would be best to try and grow as a club while running to a model that is sustainable in the championship, while using any money from promotion years and yo you payments to help dampen any relegation dips in finances/quality of player, and add infrastructure to the club.

What does "grow as a club " mean?
You really are a PR man or a spin doctor aren't you,planted by the club.?

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by melonhead » 30 Nov 2012 20:06

as in grow, as a club- gain fans, gain money, get better as a squad, improve infrastructure

you know


as a club

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Re: The Reading Way

by Hoop Blah » 30 Nov 2012 22:32

Alexander Litvinenko FTR, for 2010/11 were were around 7th or 8th top spenders in the Championship - forget exactly which and don't have time to dig out the Deloitte report right now, but it was higher than most think.

Higher than that I think. From memory when we finished 5th we'd under performed against our place in the wage table (not sure if that included 'Boro who might note declared their wages).

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by cmonurz » 30 Nov 2012 22:55

melonhead as in grow, as a club- gain fans, gain money, get better as a squad, improve infrastructure

you know


as a club

Is that seriously (for a second!) what you think will happen if we are dismally relegated in May? More fans, more money, better players? Really?

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by winchester_royal » 30 Nov 2012 23:02

melonhead as in grow, as a club- gain fans, gain money, get better as a squad, improve infrastructure

you know


as a club

Is that seriously (for a second!) what you think will happen if we are dismally relegated in May? More fans, more money, better players? Really?

If we can evolve the squad by getting some of the youngsters in and getting rid of some of the dead (leigert)wood and start playing some nice football then yeah I can see us being in a better position in the long run.

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by cmonurz » 30 Nov 2012 23:08

I'm just not convinced, but then I assume our respective definitions of 'good in the long run' are different. Your way is fine if you fancy being a Crewe, I look at the club and what to see us sustain in the top division. I don't see how getting relegated, signing a few more like Roberts, and giving Lawson D'Ath a career contribute to that.

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Re: Relegation the Reading Way

by winchester_royal » 30 Nov 2012 23:19

cmonurz I'm just not convinced, but then I assume our respective definitions of 'good in the long run' are different. Your way is fine if you fancy being a Crewe, I look at the club and what to see us sustain in the top division. I don't see how getting relegated, signing a few more like Roberts, and giving Lawson D'Ath a career contribute to that.

Build a new, better team in a league which is more forgiving to younger players which will allow us to compete properly next time we come up a la West Brom. Not suggesting we become a Crewe at all.

Sometimes you need to take a step backwards to then take 2 steps forward.

Not ideal of course, but relegation might not be the end of the world.

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