by Barry the bird boggler » 10 Mar 2013 10:33
by windermere_royal » 10 Mar 2013 10:53
Barry the bird boggler Brian will remain as manager at the club into next season. If we are not at least in/around the play off places throughout then I would expect there to be changes
Personally though I would make the change now so any new appointment will at least get a few games to see what he has available.
Of course, if all goes well next season and we're looking like making a swift return we'll all be behind Brian again presuming that he has learned his lessons...!
by royal_ross » 10 Mar 2013 14:38
by RoyalBlue » 10 Mar 2013 14:45
Victor MeldrewHoop Blah I'd appreciate someone showing McDermott a league table this evening and explaining how our position in relation to Villa's is now six points worse off than if we'd gone and won today.
Perhaps then he'll stop pulling out his own lengthy list of cliches whilst pissing on the fire of anyone who dares suggest games like Wigan or Villa are six pointers.
We had the usual drivel on Radio Berks about:-
Stonewall penalties
Offside goal not being offside
Decisions going against us
We played well and were the better side
One of their players cost more than our whole team
royal_ross Brian has clearly struggled this season. Tactics and substitutions have been bad, I'm not getting on his back for January window as it is a crap month to do deals in however in the summer we should have added more quality. But I've seen comments from the last few weeks about him, some which aren't worthy of repeating. Whatever has happened this season we should not forget the fantastic job he's done in the last 3 years, I'd personally be happy for him to be in charge next season, get some quality in and get us back up. If by November/December we are not in the mix, then yes I'd be happy for a change.
by RoyalBlue » 10 Mar 2013 14:54
Big Ern I think a lot depends on who is available. At present Adkins is available and has a good track record. He irritates me. but you cannot argue with his record and he's bound to be snapped up sooner rather that later by another club. Could be wise moving for him now.
by Royal Lady » 10 Mar 2013 17:38
Ian RoyalRoyal LadyDivvy
We're down no matter now. Get someone in as early as possible, prepare for the summer. The longer you leave it, the less organised we'll be in the summer and going into the new season.
That said, I expect BM to stay. He'll be convinced he's learnt enough to turn it around next season, and he's cheap
Fixed for you
What makes you think a manager with a second tier title who is quite highly rated and has had at least one pl club (at the time) try to head hunt him, is cheap?
I'd like Adkins but Brian's going nowhere soon so we''ll have to accept he'll have a job by the time we're recruiting.
by BraisingsteakRoyal » 11 Mar 2013 18:04
by Arch » 11 Mar 2013 19:17
by RoyalBlue » 11 Mar 2013 19:39
RoyalBlueBig Ern I think a lot depends on who is available. At present Adkins is available and has a good track record. He irritates me. but you cannot argue with his record and he's bound to be snapped up sooner rather that later by another club. Could be wise moving for him now.
Hasn't Anton already got a Greek successor in place?
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