by CountryRoyal »
16 Aug 2018 09:01
Coppells Lost Coat Rea Ding Coppells Lost Coat
Christ how easily distracted are you?
I get more annoyed at people talking shite pretending knowing how to mange the team.
It can be very distracting if people are talking about random non-football related things for the full match. I much prefer hearing people's weird and wonderful opinions on how to manage the game
Suppose if the ground is quiet it could be annoying but I dont really tune in to other people conversations. However some one doing a running commentary directed at who ever is in ear shot, of which pass the player should be doing / who is open / what ball to play, through out the entire game is the most irritating thing to endure during a game.
I can understand the annoyance on less of a distraction level but more of respect thing. It’s your team, your club, your game, your passion. You spend hundreds of pounds and hours watching it and I guess someone there who doesn’t really care or give a shit is a bit annoying/disrespectful. It’s blatant ignorance which is always frustrating even if it’s not necessarily their fault.
That’s how I see it anyway.
I do fully understand that it’s part and parcel and a necessary and inevitable consequence of trying to build the fan base. I think the only real way of truly doing that though is by a prolonged stint in the premier league.