WOW. . How did we not lose that 8-1?
When you’re glad Blackett is coming on you know something is wrong.
When you consider Adam your best player right to the end of 97minutes you know something is wrong.
That was a
ridiculously bad display.
Rafa - 5. Never has a brilliant game. No idea why he needed to play from the back, even though it was Morrison’s howler.
Gunter - 6. Tried to go forward but his display was overegged by BBCRB. He’s half the player Yiadom is going forward. Some good passes, lots of energy but nowhere near what Yiadom can do on the attack. Is he double the player defensively? No not at all. Dangerous needless backward pass to Miazga early on nearly cost us.
Morrison - 3. Unforgivable cockup for their goal. Put under pressure by Rafa but let’s not forget his own goal last game. Unfair to mention it here but he is slipping.
Moore - 2. Seriously I lost count the number of scuffed clearances, dodgy passes etc he made. Basically shite all game.
Miazga - 6. Always solid. A class above. Shocking decision to have removed him last game. At least Bowen kept him on this time.
Obita - 1. Never have I been so glad to see Blackett come on. What was Obita doing? Seriously? Waves of attacks down their right. Where was he???. Obita made a massive cock up losing his man early on at LB and they really ought to have scored. His response to that seemed to have been to just not be at left back anymore. He left it to Moore (who was already having a shit game) and anyone else. At one point Joao (Yes Joao!) was there at left back doing Obita’s job. At another point there was no one there and Obita was - wait for it - on the RIGHT WING. WTAF!??? What do we expect when we have shoehorned a left winger into a LB spot. Our left back problem has been going on literally for years.
Adam - 7. Showed leadership, excellent pass after excellent pass. Some good tackles too, good shots, great corner, good FKs. Had as much energy as anyone and I thought he wouldn’t last. Even won some tackles. Literally a shockingly good display. The best Reading player on the pitch.
Rino - 6. Solid. Some good wins but got lost in the scrappiness of it.
Ejaria - 6. Very surprised at his low key performance today. The usual 3 men on him but he just seemed tired and not with it today.
Puscas - 5. Typical Puscas good positions doing good stuff but then cocking up at crucial moments.
Joao - 6.5 Another game another goal and actually quite a good instinctive one into the corner. Awkward daddy long legs not pretty to watch but even without the goal our second best player for sure. Really did his job well winning balls, holding the ball up, some good touches, causing them problems. Our best left back too.
Bowen - 5. Again, not impressed. Is his honeymoon period over? Learned from his early 442 error. Used it to good effect this time round. Good changes, we got the goal back. Dropped Richards. Adam was actually a good call. I feel for the lack of Swift and a fit Ejaria, BUT what concerns me is how the defence is still awful, we seem to have gone backwards, there seems to be confusion in the team. Gomes must be laughing.
Subs - Meite did ok. Pity about the header. Blackett actually played as a left back so that’s a plus. Baldock was very good , we miss him.