YorkshireRoyal99NamelessYorkshireRoyal99 I might be missing something pretty obvious but, will aspects like performance-related bonuses i.e. appearance fees, count towards any of our restrictions? Or is it just merely another cost that goes against the club's accounts when they are released?
That might be something that restricts Moore's appearances, if he is earning a sizeable appearance fee.
Yes, their whole salary has to be taken into account.
I’ve never really understood how this can be done fairly. Presumably we will have had to assume players will earn the maximum additional payments possible, which means we will almost certainly come in under budget. In that case Moore earning some appearance money shoukd already be factored in to our agreed budget.
As ever wehave no idea what certain players actually earn and how it is split between basic wage and performance based. Moore may have been on a fairly small basic for the last year if his reported salary has a big performance element.
I don't really see how the maximum additional payments would be possible because what happens in the events of goals bonuses, such as if Joao scores 15 goals this season he will earn x. I don't really think you can include something that hasn't happened. Surely it's just got to a case of weekly meetings to see where the club is at in respect to the budgets we need to stick by for the season.
I've always thought the assumption was that Moore was earning a basic wage of around £30k a week and anything else is added on top of that, although as you say, I suppose it's just an assumption.
Obviously you have to include stuff that hasn’t happened. If our budget is limited to a specific amount and if we exceed that we get a points deduction we cannot let ourselves get in the position of performance bonuses tipping us over the limit. It’s perfectly doable,but woukd mean we’ve had even less to spend on basic salaries than perhaps some assumed.