Sidwell - Now the dust begins to settle...

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by comeonthebiscuitmen » 15 May 2007 11:47

Slightly Hungover It's interesting that Gunnarsson scored just as many goals as Sidders this season in just a fraction of the appearances...

but he hasnt got the pace and doesnt drive forward or hold up play as well as sidwell.

we need to clone shorey for the centre midfield possition.
someone who can pass, tackle and is supremely confident on the ball.
oh yeah and has pace and can shoot too.

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by nickbob_sexypants » 15 May 2007 11:57

I myself fully believe that Coppell will bring in a player to cover for Sidwell. They would have been scouting to find his replacement for at least 6 months now. Im sure it will be the 'next' sidwell. Im hoping anyways.

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by nivek elyod » 15 May 2007 12:34

Fezza What happens to Sidders if Moronio is sacked over the summer for failing to deliver?

We sign him. :wink:

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by Once were Biscuitmen » 15 May 2007 12:40

Well we can always take him on loan after his duties on the Reserves bench expire after the African nations cup. Just offer to pay about a 1/3 wages though obviously.....

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by All 5 goals » 15 May 2007 13:00

I am surprised that there has been no official announcement from Chelsea, or ahve I missed it. I expected one yesterday after SC had said that he left and that he knew which club he was going to.

Perhaps, like Gerrard he is having second thoughts ? :)

Perhaps its not Chelsea but Newcastle after all and they are just waiting to announce it after Sam's Appointment.

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by Behindu » 15 May 2007 13:04

Am I alone in hoping that Sidwell actually does well at Chelsea?

Once he's gone I can;t see why anyone would be that bothered to be honest.

He's not exactly a 'legend' in the Senior / Gilkes / Shaka / Parkinson mould where whatever happens he'll be one of 'us'.

He's been a very good servant during an exceptional time for the club, but one marked out by the team rather than individuals. He's not built a particular bond with the fans in the way Murts or Marcus has and wherever he ends up I'll not be following his career especially closely.

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by Henleyensian » 15 May 2007 13:06

Huntley & Palmer
Royalee I don't think it matters what the club would have done as his wife appears to be an utter moron and would have tried to persuade him to move on no matter what. It's a shame because he's done supberbly for us over the last few years, but there you go.

What has this got to do with his wife? :?

Just her general demeanor - he's noticeably changed in terms of his interviews a and how he's seen things since she's been on the scene. She just strikes me as one of these WAGs who wants to get into a clique at one of the fashionable London clubs, etc. People will disagree but I think it to be the case.

Hasn't he been seeing her for pretty much the whole time he's been at the club?

Not only that, but I understand that he has been seeing her ever since they were at school together.

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by Limerick Royal » 15 May 2007 13:14

southbank you are not alone i hope siddy does well at chelsea if that is where he goes, and i actually believe that he will. All things considered i think we have had our moneys worth and should wish him all the best.

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by Hoop Blah » 15 May 2007 13:17

Huntley & Palmer
Royalee I don't think it matters what the club would have done as his wife appears to be an utter moron and would have tried to persuade him to move on no matter what. It's a shame because he's done supberbly for us over the last few years, but there you go.

What has this got to do with his wife? :?

Just her general demeanor - he's noticeably changed in terms of his interviews a and how he's seen things since she's been on the scene. She just strikes me as one of these WAGs who wants to get into a clique at one of the fashionable London clubs, etc. People will disagree but I think it to be the case.

Hasn't he been seeing her for pretty much the whole time he's been at the club?

Not only that, but I understand that he has been seeing her ever since they were at school together.

They do both seem to have bought into the chavy football celebrity thing though so I can kind of see where Royalee is coming from.

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by RoyalBlue » 15 May 2007 13:50

Behindu First of all the 'myth' of the club not offering new deals. For ages the club have had players they want to keep tied in to long term contracts, and if they let a player run his deal down it is usally becasue the future of the player in in doubt anyway. There aren;t too many examples of players doing what Sidwell has done and sitting it out to become a free agent, or players walking and going on to success elsewhere.

Hang on, that 'myth' depends on how you define 'for ages' . A couple of years ago I am sure they are on record at things like fans forums stating that it was not their policy to offer new deals more than a year (18 months max) before the end of their current one. Even if we weren't sure of future league status etc. it should not have been beyond the ability of lawyers and agents to come up with a legally binding contract that covered the various permutations e.g. increase in wages if promoted, freedom to leave for a certain fee if not. Contracts that vary according to future circumstances exist in normal business and, as far as I'm aware, the law of contract does not cease to apply in football!

That having been said, I would once again stress (lest I be wrongly accused of anti the club on everything) that I am really grateful that the club decided to let Sidwell's contract run down over the past season, this enabling him to contribute significantly to our success/survival, rather than being tempted to try to cash in on what monetary value was left in him.

BTW Brynjar is a great player but is starting to get on a bit and, I believe, has a record of being rather more injury prone than Sidders.

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by Behindu » 15 May 2007 13:54

Behindu First of all the 'myth' of the club not offering new deals. For ages the club have had players they want to keep tied in to long term contracts, and if they let a player run his deal down it is usally becasue the future of the player in in doubt anyway. There aren;t too many examples of players doing what Sidwell has done and sitting it out to become a free agent, or players walking and going on to success elsewhere.

Hang on, that 'myth' depends on how you define 'for ages' . A couple of years ago I am sure they are on record at things like fans forums stating that it was not their policy to offer new deals more than a year (18 months max) before the end of their current one. Even if we weren't sure of future league status etc. it should not have been beyond the ability of lawyers and agents to come up with a legally binding contract that covered the various permutations e.g. increase in wages if promoted, freedom to leave for a certain fee if not. Contracts that vary according to future circumstances exist in normal business and, as far as I'm aware, the law of contract does not cease to apply in football!

That having been said, I would once again stress (lest I be wrongly accused of anti the club on everything) that I am really grateful that the club decided to let Sidwell's contract run down over the past season, this enabling him to contribute significantly to our success/survival, rather than being tempted to try to cash in on what monetary value was left in him.

Players are rarely on more than 3 year deals (often ) so starting to negotiate extensions 18-12 months ahead of the expiry date doesn't seem too short termist.

I think the situation you are thinking of is where players were nearing the end of their deals and started agitating for new deals at Xmas. The club often said they wouldn;t discuss new deals until the end of the season, but as previously mentioned this usually applied to players who were older or not key squad members.

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by No Hoops » 15 May 2007 14:54

nickbob_sexypants I myself fully believe that Coppell will bring in a player to cover for Sidwell. They would have been scouting to find his replacement for at least 6 months now. Im sure it will be the 'next' sidwell. Im hoping anyways.

Sidwell could well be the replacement, he will be surplas to Chelsea's needs until Xmas so we could loan him back. :shock:

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by Binfield Royal » 15 May 2007 15:12

No Hoops
nickbob_sexypants I myself fully believe that Coppell will bring in a player to cover for Sidwell. They would have been scouting to find his replacement for at least 6 months now. Im sure it will be the 'next' sidwell. Im hoping anyways.

Sidwell could well be the replacement, he will be surplas to Chelsea's needs until Xmas so we could loan him back. :shock:

Bad idea. I think he would come back with a "big time Charlie" attitude and this would be very unsettling for morale.

Whats the point in not moving on. Sidwell is a good player but not irreplacable (as has been said before).

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by Woodcote Royal » 16 May 2007 01:48

Maguire There's no way we can get through a season with Gunnarrson in the middle of the park. No way. That's not criticism, just realism.

Exactly. In a lot of ways he's a better player technically than Sidwell but one of the mainstays of our consistent success in recent times is that both Harper & Sidwell can put in a shift for a whole 90 minutes virtually every week over a long season. I just don't see 31 year old Gunnar being able to do so and I'm pretty positive that Coppell has no intention of putting it to the test.

I've yet to see one post suggesting that Sidwell will not be replaced :?

However, rather than panicing at the prospect of us relying on Gunnarsson as a regular in our midfield, you and the rest of Sidwell's fan club should use his performances to gauge just how average dear Siddie is at this level.

I didn't go to Blackburn but if Gunnarsson scored at the away end, I'm sure most of our fans realised that Sidwell would have threatened the corner flag rather than the net, had the same opportunity come his way.

Yes, Gunnarsson's 31 and may well struggle to play every game next season, but you bet he's technically superior to Sidwell :?

I've seen plenty of games this season when Sidwell and Harper have not controlled the midfield and I've seen nothing in the last few games, with Coppell perming 2 from 3 in the centre, that made it weaker with Gunnarsson or stronger with Sidwell.

At 8k a week, I guess 4 goals for the season isn't too bad a return but thank God he turned down 25 :roll:

I remain convinced that we have every chance of replacing him without breaking the bank but would love this to be where we really push the boat out this summer.

I'll be mildly interested to know where Sidwell ends up but delighted when those who are pining for a player who clearly decided to leave a long time ago, finally turn their attention to the remainder of our squad who still want to play for this club :?

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by Vision » 16 May 2007 08:40

Woodcote Royal
Maguire There's no way we can get through a season with Gunnarrson in the middle of the park. No way. That's not criticism, just realism.

Exactly. In a lot of ways he's a better player technically than Sidwell but one of the mainstays of our consistent success in recent times is that both Harper & Sidwell can put in a shift for a whole 90 minutes virtually every week over a long season. I just don't see 31 year old Gunnar being able to do so and I'm pretty positive that Coppell has no intention of putting it to the test.

I've yet to see one post suggesting that Sidwell will not be replaced :?

N ot that i said there was but there are several who still want to make direct comnparisons between the 2 players which is what myself and others were replying to.. Including this one

Blue Blood
cmonurz Imho, we will not get a player of Sidwell's calibre in replacement for a lower wage than that anyway.

Imho we have one already.........Gunnarsson

and this one

Blue Blood
cmonurz Imho, we will not get a player of Sidwell's calibre in replacement for a lower wage than that anyway.

Imho we have one already.........Gunnarsson

spot on

Oh and of course the next 4 paragrapghs where you directly compare the 2. Again.

Woodcote Royal However, rather than panicing at the prospect of us relying on Gunnarsson as a regular in our midfield, you and the rest of Sidwell's fan club should use his performances to gauge just how average dear Siddie is at this level.

I didn't go to Blackburn but if Gunnarsson scored at the away end, I'm sure most of our fans realised that Sidwell would have threatened the corner flag rather than the net, had the same opportunity come his way.

Yes, Gunnarsson's 31 and may well struggle to play every game next season, but you bet he's technically superior to Sidwell :?

I've seen plenty of games this season when Sidwell and Harper have not controlled the midfield and I've seen nothing in the last few games, with Coppell perming 2 from 3 in the centre, that made it weaker with Gunnarsson or stronger with Sidwell.

At 8k a week, I guess 4 goals for the season isn't too bad a return but thank God he turned down 25 :roll:

I remain convinced that we have every chance of replacing him without breaking the bank but would love this to be where we really push the boat out this summer.

I'll be mildly interested to know where Sidwell ends up but delighted when those who are pining for a player who clearly decided to leave a long time ago, finally turn their attention to the remainder of our squad who still want to play for this club :?

No-ones panicking at replacing Sidwell as such it's just that some of us believe his influence on this side is greater than others and that part of that influence is the fact that he can perform consistently for 90 minutes of a game throughout the course of the season.

Of course the positive thing is that it all allows the scope for your wonderfully sarcastic posts and ever increasing use of the rolling eyes emoticon which you love so much.
Last edited by Vision on 16 May 2007 09:05, edited 1 time in total.

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by Platypuss » 16 May 2007 08:51

Woodcote Royal
Maguire There's no way we can get through a season with Gunnarrson in the middle of the park. No way. That's not criticism, just realism.

Exactly. In a lot of ways he's a better player technically than Sidwell but one of the mainstays of our consistent success in recent times is that both Harper & Sidwell can put in a shift for a whole 90 minutes virtually every week over a long season. I just don't see 31 year old Gunnar being able to do so and I'm pretty positive that Coppell has no intention of putting it to the test.

I've yet to see one post suggesting that Sidwell will not be replaced :?

However, rather than panicing at the prospect of us relying on Gunnarsson as a regular in our midfield, you and the rest of Sidwell's fan club should use his performances to gauge just how average dear Siddie is at this level.

I didn't go to Blackburn but if Gunnarsson scored at the away end, I'm sure most of our fans realised that Sidwell would have threatened the corner flag rather than the net, had the same opportunity come his way.

Yes, Gunnarsson's 31 and may well struggle to play every game next season, but you bet he's technically superior to Sidwell :?

I've seen plenty of games this season when Sidwell and Harper have not controlled the midfield and I've seen nothing in the last few games, with Coppell perming 2 from 3 in the centre, that made it weaker with Gunnarsson or stronger with Sidwell.

At 8k a week, I guess 4 goals for the season isn't too bad a return but thank God he turned down 25 :roll:

I remain convinced that we have every chance of replacing him without breaking the bank but would love this to be where we really push the boat out this summer.

I'll be mildly interested to know where Sidwell ends up but delighted when those who are pining for a player who clearly decided to leave a long time ago, finally turn their attention to the remainder of our squad who still want to play for this club :?

So many words to say so very little.

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by Mr Angry » 16 May 2007 09:01

I could be wrong, but I think Moanrinho (despite being a twat!) knows more about football than those Reading fans who think that Sidwell isn't worth £25K a week; he has judged Sidwells' worth to the double Premiership champions as twice that sum..........

............but maybe those people have, in fact, mananged teams that have won the European Cup, and won the Premiership.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

One other thing; it truly beggars belief that ANYONE could think we would have performed better this season with a central midfield of Oster & Gunnarsson!


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by Scarface » 16 May 2007 09:07

Mr Angry I could be wrong, but I think Moanrinho (despite being a twat!) knows more about football than those Reading fans who think that Sidwell isn't worth £25K a week; he has judged Sidwells' worth to the double Premiership champions as twice that sum..........

............but maybe those people have, in fact, mananged teams that have won the European Cup, and won the Premiership.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

One other thing; it truly beggars belief that ANYONE could think we would have performed better this season with a central midfield of Oster & Gunnarsson!


He wouldn't of signed him for £5m, but as a free transfer I think it's a low risk signing for Chelsea, to have a decent player just to play in the Carling Cup and when the African Nations cup is on.

I'm surpised Sidwell has gone there on those terms.

To answer your question, I actually believe we would of performed better away from home with Gunnarsson and Sidwell in the middle.

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by Hoop Blah » 16 May 2007 09:13

Mr Angry I could be wrong, but I think Moanrinho (despite being a twat!) knows more about football than those Reading fans who think that Sidwell isn't worth £25K a week; he has judged Sidwells' worth to the double Premiership champions as twice that sum..........

............but maybe those people have, in fact, mananged teams that have won the European Cup, and won the Premiership.

That and the fact that money isn't really a problem for Chelsea so they can pay what they like to who they like.

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by Mr Angry » 16 May 2007 09:15

My view (for what its worth) is that there were times when playing one up front and a genuine defensive midfielder in Gunnar playing behind the central midfield pairing would have been the conservative approach; however, Coppell saw it differently and we finshed 8th.

Thats the point, isnt it - Coppell judges his squad and stuck pretty religeously to a Sidwell/Harper central midfield pairing.

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