by 79Royal »
15 Feb 2008 15:14
Royalee Having seen every game bar Spurs in the cup this season, as well as the likes of dross like Oster play in years gone by, I feel very qualified to give my opinion thank you, especially as the majority of the fans can also see his failings. I'd love to be in your world and imagine that Gunnarsson, Oster, Harper and Lita among others magically transform to play like Pele in training, but unfortunately I'm not seeing it somehow.
If our manager refuses to select his team based on how they do on a Saturday, then I suggest that maybe he should be looking at signing Mr Woo if he prefers to look on unchallenged exhibitions to judge whether or not a player is good enough to earn a first team place.
Firstly, I was referring only to Harper. I agree that the others on that list have been found out this season, though I do think that they would make satisfactory squad players and should be kept hold of for now.
Secondly, I never said that the players perform like Pele in training. I was merely stating the fact the Coppell sees these players everyday and you do not, making him better qualified to make team selections than you.
Finally, if a player cannot be bothered to put in the effort in training, or fails to impress, then he is unlikely to make the first team, regardless of how the 11 that play on a Saturday perform. What is the point in bringing a player that looks worse in training than what you've already got?
By all means, put your views forward on this board, but don't expect everyone to agree with them. Harper's not for you, but personally, I think that he's a battler and that's the type of player we need at the moment.
Oh and congratulations on being such a loyal royal.