Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Lacoste » 07 Oct 2013 21:24

handbags_harris Thing is, we can all listen to some bloke down the pub with his RFC conspiracy theories and dismiss them, but when that bloke in the pub is actually known to have good links into RFC then I, for one, tend to stand up and listen. When that bloke in the pub turns into two blokes down the pub saying the same, or similar, thing in different conversations, then it may well be put down to coincidence. But when a third person turns around and says almost exactly the same thing as the other two in another completely separate conversation, well then I tend to lean ever further towards the scepticism end of the spectrum where TSI is concerned.

From day one, the people I know have said that there isn't actually any money. Almost a year after the Jason Roberts transfer, the money had not materialised for that particular transfer. I don't know if the money has now been transferred. The consistent message I get is that TSI doesn't actually have any money and now the exit strategy is being dealt with as we speak, and dependent on which account the PL money gets transferred to, well if it ends up in the wrong one then RFC could well end up in administration.

As I understand it, big earners will probably be sold of in January, or if they feel it is prudent to gamble then the summer. High value assets will be sold, and we will be left with the deadwood like Gorkks and a crop of promising but untried youngsters.

Personally speaking, knowing what I have been told by people I know have links into the club, it has been very difficult not to look upon TSI as one big fraudulent entity full of faceless "investors" who actually have f*ck all in the way of cash. They have duped the powers that be at RFC, the Football League and the Premier League into believing they were the real deal, but most importantly they have duped Reading fans. Gimpish as they may be, Reading fans don't really deserve this, and I only hope that there is a positive outcome at the end of it. From Madejski down, the people at RFC fought for over a decade to embed RFC into the top two divisons of English football, to build the fanbase and the club into the entity that it is now, and it could all come crashing down all because some bent tossers wanted a plaything to embezzle their fraudulently earned funds. And here's the critical point - AZ was a good face for TSI. The locally educated, young "billionaire" with the fit wife who was prepared to front the company, who would easily win over fans due to his links to the town and the fact he was ready to face the music...only he hasn't really has he? He is a perfect foil for the faceless c*nts behind the company. I've resisted many temptations to post these feelings until now because of the sh*t I'd no doubt get, and will probably get on the back of this, but hey, just wait until those chickens come home to roost...I imagine the fox will get them first.

A powerful post full of emotion.


Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Lacoste » 07 Oct 2013 21:28

Anton never did seem comfortable in front of the cameras during interviews etc.

But then why sack Brian when it would be cheaper to keep him? why buy Bridge and Drenthe?

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by handbags_harris » 07 Oct 2013 21:33

handbags_harris Thing is, we can all listen to some bloke down the pub with his RFC conspiracy theories and dismiss them, but when that bloke in the pub is actually known to have good links into RFC then I, for one, tend to stand up and listen. When that bloke in the pub turns into two blokes down the pub saying the same, or similar, thing in different conversations, then it may well be put down to coincidence. But when a third person turns around and says almost exactly the same thing as the other two in another completely separate conversation, well then I tend to lean ever further towards the scepticism end of the spectrum where TSI is concerned.

From day one, the people I know have said that there isn't actually any money. Almost a year after the Jason Roberts transfer, the money had not materialised for that particular transfer. I don't know if the money has now been transferred. The consistent message I get is that TSI doesn't actually have any money and now the exit strategy is being dealt with as we speak, and dependent on which account the PL money gets transferred to, well if it ends up in the wrong one then RFC could well end up in administration.

As I understand it, big earners will probably be sold of in January, or if they feel it is prudent to gamble then the summer. High value assets will be sold, and we will be left with the deadwood like Gorkks and a crop of promising but untried youngsters.

Personally speaking, knowing what I have been told by people I know have links into the club, it has been very difficult not to look upon TSI as one big fraudulent entity full of faceless "investors" who actually have f*ck all in the way of cash. They have duped the powers that be at RFC, the Football League and the Premier League into believing they were the real deal, but most importantly they have duped Reading fans. Gimpish as they may be, Reading fans don't really deserve this, and I only hope that there is a positive outcome at the end of it. From Madejski down, the people at RFC fought for over a decade to embed RFC into the top two divisons of English football, to build the fanbase and the club into the entity that it is now, and it could all come crashing down all because some bent tossers wanted a plaything to embezzle their fraudulently earned funds. And here's the critical point - AZ was a good face for TSI. The locally educated, young "billionaire" with the fit wife who was prepared to front the company, who would easily win over fans due to his links to the town and the fact he was ready to face the music...only he hasn't really has he? He is a perfect foil for the faceless c*nts behind the company. I've resisted many temptations to post these feelings until now because of the sh*t I'd no doubt get, and will probably get on the back of this, but hey, just wait until those chickens come home to roost...I imagine the fox will get them first.

If things do turn out how you warn, then the people you name who worked so hard to build up Reading FC will also be very much to blame for allowing it all to crash in flames. If proper due diligence has been carried out then it would not be possible to dupe Madejski and others in the manner you sugggest.

Exactly, but then what happens when the majority shareholder is so desperate to sell because, basically, he has no money himself? To put it another way, when JM sold the club to TSI, he probably had less money than Compo*. JM had no more to give which is why the club had to sell the likes of Sigurdsson, Long, Doyle, Kitson, Sonko, Hunt etc. The sole benefactor was unable to put any more money into the club, even as a loan, because he simply did not have the spare cash to do so. The situation was desperate and so he had no choice but to sell to the first legitimate buyer.

* Doesn't, of course, take into account asset value, just cash.

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Northern Git » 07 Oct 2013 21:46

Like Handbags I have been hearing a few alarming doubts raised by people who have much closer links to the club than I.
One with long term historical links came out with remarkable ‘I think we may be in trouble’ statement, another with local media connections told me ‘he did not like what he was hearing from within the club’
I have to say I was pleased with the initial TSI deal and had high hopes that they would provide a stable financial base, without the constraints that JM ended up working within, from which the club could build & develop both on and off the pitch.
However when two people, who am not aware have any axe to grind with the Club, TSI or Anton, express serious doubts about the current set up, my normal ‘it’s all a load of message board b*llocks’ view on the TSI rumours starts to look a bit shaky. :-(

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by winchester_royal » 07 Oct 2013 21:47

Can understand why Sir John was so eager to sell...what doesn't quite compute though is the stuff that has happened in the last 2 years. How did TSI pass the PL f&pp test? Why did AZ sack Brian, a decision always likely to rile fans and increase media attention? Why all the moves into Asia? Why invest to get Cat 1 status? Why look into a new training ground? Where did the money for the late Gylf bid come from?

They don't seem like the moves of a man acting as a front for fraudulent activity. They appear to me to be the actions of a naive yet ambitious young man with a clear idea of the path he wants the club to head down.

All very odd.


Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Lacoste » 07 Oct 2013 21:49

What worries me is why some of these ITK posters are only now posting what they've heard.



Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Lacoste » 07 Oct 2013 21:51

This could of course, all be bollox :lol:

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by winchester_royal » 07 Oct 2013 21:53

Also..if the club's about to put into the financial shitter...who signed off on Sharp and Baird :?: :!:

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by windermere_royal » 07 Oct 2013 21:53

Lacoste What worries me is why some of these ITK posters are only now posting what they've heard.


Really is quite amazing how many people have links inside the club

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by BenReadingFC » 07 Oct 2013 21:56

Bye Bye Bearwood

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Maguire » 07 Oct 2013 22:49

This board is going to be LOL if it all falls through.

As long as we can still get a team out on the pitch then I, for one, welcome our new Saudi overlords.

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Scutterbucketz » 08 Oct 2013 01:31

Don't you have to spend a load of money you haven't got to go into administration?

Also, as much as he's a shady Russian, does AZ really stand to enough out of any of this to send the club into administration and destroy his reputation?

Fair enough if he selling up because Daddy's stopped his allowance, but there's a large leap from that to us "doing a Pompey"

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Arch » 08 Oct 2013 03:40

This is nothing.

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by dizzynewheights » 08 Oct 2013 09:16

Yeah, the 'I knew all along but didn't say anything' brigade can bore right off

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Maguire » 08 Oct 2013 09:27

I'm inclined to believe xxxx given he's something of an expert on the topic of unpaid debt.
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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Silver Fox » 08 Oct 2013 09:28

That piece in the Chronic is fvcking dreadful by the way, nothing concrete in the entire thing. i do like the way they've found a picture of Anton with a brown man to illustrate it though

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Ian Royal » 08 Oct 2013 12:40

I appreciate what hh is saying, but in the twitter age there's far less credence to several different blokes down the pub saying the same thing. Because this has been all over the web and media. None of it stacks up with what we've done.

Anton would have to either be an amazing actor or been totally duped himself in my view. It's easy to talk about a delay in the deal, anton's recent absence and a lack of transfer funds, but that ignores everything else that has been going on. Frankly it screams as being the same old 'where's the money gone' bollox as we've always had thats always been wrong.

There are more reliable posters saying this as well. But I tend to dismiss dirk on tsi because he seems to have had an axe to grind from the beginning that hasn't tallied with the actions. I still think this is a lot of hot air that doesn't fit what we actually know, spreading panic.

At least hh's post is constructive and has the hint of substance to it. Rather than relying on absolutely empty articles or twitter gossip

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by floyd__streete » 08 Oct 2013 12:48

winchester_royal I wanted to believe that there was ambitious investment behind the club. I wanted to believe that significant amounts of money were going into making our academy one of the best in the country. I wanted to believe in our young Russian owner's fairytale quest for European football. I wanted to believe in the Adkins Adolescents. :(

Why do you lot do this to yourselves? Why now this out-pouring of grief and disappointment that the shadowy overseas investor that you don't know anything about turns out to be anything other than the Knight in shining armour 'you wanted' to believe in.

I suggest if you ever find an e-mail in your inbox from a Nigerian Prince asking you to transfer money into his account then you must delete it straight away.

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by genome » 08 Oct 2013 12:50

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Re: Anton To Face Fans Backlash?

by Ian Royal » 08 Oct 2013 13:06

winchester_royal I wanted to believe that there was ambitious investment behind the club. I wanted to believe that significant amounts of money were going into making our academy one of the best in the country. I wanted to believe in our young Russian owner's fairytale quest for European football. I wanted to believe in the Adkins Adolescents. :(

Why do you lot do this to yourselves? Why now this out-pouring of grief and disappointment that the shadowy overseas investor that you don't know anything about turns out to be anything other than the Knight in shining armour 'you wanted' to believe in.

I suggest if you ever find an e-mail in your inbox from a Nigerian Prince asking you to transfer money into his account then you must delete it straight away.

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