floyd__streete Two half-decent games in a row and you've now all decided you love this huge drain on our wage bill?
K then.
TBF he's been pretty good in the last two games
by SHORT AND CURLY » 14 Mar 2014 17:08
floyd__streete Two half-decent games in a row and you've now all decided you love this huge drain on our wage bill?
K then.
by Ian Royal » 14 Mar 2014 17:51
SHORT AND CURLYfloyd__streete Two half-decent games in a row and you've now all decided you love this huge drain on our wage bill?
K then.
TBF he's been pretty good in the last two games
by melonhead » 14 Mar 2014 17:55
by RG7Fan » 14 Mar 2014 17:58
Ian RoyalSHORT AND CURLYfloyd__streete Two half-decent games in a row and you've now all decided you love this huge drain on our wage bill?
K then.
TBF he's been pretty good in the last two games
I loved him anyway. He's looked quality every time I've seen him. Albeit maverick unfit and not produced a final product.
don't understand how you can't like him. He's like bikey crossed with kebe.
by Pepe the Horseman » 14 Mar 2014 20:52
RG7FanIan Royal He's like bikey crossed with kebe.
Definite Marmite player.
by Extended-Phenotype » 17 Mar 2014 17:14
Pepe the HorsemanRG7FanIan Royal He's like bikey crossed with kebe.
Definite Marmite player.
Some of the most racist shit I've ever had the misfortune of reading.
by SPARTA » 17 Mar 2014 17:47
by Pepe the Horseman » 21 Mar 2014 10:47
Royston Drenthe has said he would play anywhere for the Royals, even if he had to don the goalie gloves!
The Dutchman has received praise from manager Nigel Adkins in recent weeks, who said the former Real Madrid man had 'turned a corner' following an excellent recent spate of form.
"I'm playing in any position the gaffer wants me to. For me, it's not a problem if he wants me to play as goalkeeper!" said Drenthe.
"I will do it for the team because we all want the same beautiful thing, to be in the Premier League. Our heads aren't going down, we are only looking forward. We just keep fighting for the next game, and we want more points and more wins at Madejski Stadium."
The 26-year-old also announced he feels very much at home at Reading, and is looking forward to a potentially dramatic climax to the season.
"I want to keep fighting, I want to get this club as high as possible. The club is in my heart. It's not about me, it's about our team spirit and the whole club. Scoring is not the most important thing, you have to work hard for the team. I had a good week, I played in four good games, I hope that I can keep going down this line. That's the most important thing to me, my future and my team."
Read more at http://www.readingfc.co.uk/news/article ... jXh79C9.99
by mr_number » 21 Mar 2014 10:50
by Pepe the Horseman » 21 Mar 2014 10:52
by mr_number » 21 Mar 2014 11:22
by Pepe the Horseman » 21 Mar 2014 11:24
by Uke » 21 Mar 2014 12:07
Pepe the Horseman Roy Roy said he'll play in goals if need be. He'd die for us and that's the truth.Royston Drenthe has said he would play anywhere for the Royals, even if he had to don the goalie gloves!
The Dutchman has received praise from manager Nigel Adkins in recent weeks, who said the former Real Madrid man had 'turned a corner' following an excellent recent spate of form.
"I'm playing in any position the gaffer wants me to. For me, it's not a problem if he wants me to play as goalkeeper!" said Drenthe.
"I will do it for the team because we all want the same beautiful thing, to be in the Premier League. Our heads aren't going down, we are only looking forward. We just keep fighting for the next game, and we want more points and more wins at Madejski Stadium."
The 26-year-old also announced he feels very much at home at Reading, and is looking forward to a potentially dramatic climax to the season.
"I want to keep fighting, I want to get this club as high as possible. The club is in my heart. It's not about me, it's about our team spirit and the whole club. Scoring is not the most important thing, you have to work hard for the team. I had a good week, I played in four good games, I hope that I can keep going down this line. That's the most important thing to me, my future and my team."
Read more at http://www.readingfc.co.uk/news/article ... jXh79C9.99
by Royal Lady » 21 Mar 2014 12:09
by Big Foot » 21 Mar 2014 12:11
by genome » 21 Mar 2014 13:21
by Pepe the Horseman » 21 Mar 2014 13:23
by Agent Balti » 21 Mar 2014 13:44
Royal Lady Don't knock it ffs. Could do with more players feeling like this tbh.
by melonhead » 21 Mar 2014 17:01
Royal Lady Don't knock it ffs. Could do with more players feeling like this tbh.
by Agent Balti » 21 Mar 2014 19:57
melonheadRoyal Lady Don't knock it ffs. Could do with more players feeling like this tbh.
bless him for saying it
even if he would be off in a shot if a bigger team offered him more money
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