Millsy OK, so thus far most of us seem to be saying ludicrous that he should go, but there is likely some disagreement as to whether he should next season if not good enough, so let me ask people to stick their necks out....
A) there are no huge unexpected changes in personnel (i.e. perhaps Richards goes but we get a step in) or Olise but we have Swift back from injury
B) come Xmas we're 16th or below with uninspiring hit and miss performances much like we've come to expect since the Magic 8
c) there is a viable alternative option
would you be Pauno IN or Pauno OUT?
Taking all of the above into account, and knowing our owners, they would probably sack him at this point anyway regardless of what us fans thought.
Three of the current top 6 have different managers now to at the start of the season (Watford and Bournemouth sacked their previous managers as soon as results took an ever so slight turn for the worse) while the other three have the same manager (probably as they've been doing ok all season). Two of the bottom three are unchanged.