Confimred new owners of Raeding Footbal Club

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Re: Buyout

by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Jul 2014 18:55

As per everything else, we actually don't know a thing do we? For all we know, Samrit might be trying to lower the price at the last minute as well.

If however it is true, then JM should do the decent thing & cough it up himself. Frankly it's the least he can do given he let the club go into the hands of these fcuking people. Due diligence my ass.

I'm not buying that there's a big spat over £500k personally & suspect there is more to it than that.

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Re: Buyout

by Royal Ginger » 16 Jul 2014 18:56

Wonga loan anyone?

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Re: Buyout

by CholseyRoyal » 16 Jul 2014 19:04

Royal Ginger Wonga loan anyone?


Maybe that is where this old lady from Thailand fits in!
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Re: Buyout

by Struggle Pig » 16 Jul 2014 19:30

P!ssed Off
Struggle Pig There are various people on here and on other social media outlets that keep saying that the Thai's, SJM, cutting the transfer budget or even selling a player should be done just to get this deal done.

Why are some people so inherently stupid. Why should anyone, bend over, spread cheeks and except this fisting from Virbac.

You wouldn't go into a shop pick up an item knowing what it will cost you say £10 and when you go to the till they say actually Sir/Madam you will need to pay £13 pound. You wouldn't, pay it, you would put it down tell them to stick it and then buy it elsewhere. Rightly so.

Vibrac are disgusting and I hope something gets sorted and this takeover does go through quickly, but if you are one of the stupid one's please don't post just pay it. If it's that simple, you just pay it.

I think the proportionate analogy would be an item tagged at £25, being charged at the till as £25.50.
If I really wanted said item, I would likely pay the extra 50p.

You're correct with your proportionality, I was just exaggerating slightly and hoping no one would be particularly fussy.

But I stand by my point. If I alter it slightly and you were buying a house for £500,000 and on the day of exchanging contracts the seller said you had to pay an extra £10,000, would you still buy it? I know I would be like "What the fudge! Screw your house"

Adding an extra 2% on top of the sale of anything right at the end is ridiculous.

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Re: Buyout

by P!ssed Off » 16 Jul 2014 19:44

I would neither refuse nor accept the demands there and then. There would be things to consider.

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Re: Buyout

by Norfolk Royal » 16 Jul 2014 19:48

Struggle Pig
P!ssed Off
Struggle Pig There are various people on here and on other social media outlets that keep saying that the Thai's, SJM, cutting the transfer budget or even selling a player should be done just to get this deal done.

Why are some people so inherently stupid. Why should anyone, bend over, spread cheeks and except this fisting from Virbac.

You wouldn't go into a shop pick up an item knowing what it will cost you say £10 and when you go to the till they say actually Sir/Madam you will need to pay £13 pound. You wouldn't, pay it, you would put it down tell them to stick it and then buy it elsewhere. Rightly so.

Vibrac are disgusting and I hope something gets sorted and this takeover does go through quickly, but if you are one of the stupid one's please don't post just pay it. If it's that simple, you just pay it.

I think the proportionate analogy would be an item tagged at £25, being charged at the till as £25.50.
If I really wanted said item, I would likely pay the extra 50p.

You're correct with your proportionality, I was just exaggerating slightly and hoping no one would be particularly fussy.

But I stand by my point. If I alter it slightly and you were buying a house for £500,000 and on the day of exchanging contracts the seller said you had to pay an extra £10,000, would you still buy it? I know I would be like "What the fudge! Screw your house"

Adding an extra 2% on top of the sale of anything right at the end is ridiculous.

That's close too it but still not really there. If at the end of a business deal there's a sudden add-on and you get the impression you've been lead along the garden path then shafted, you tend to get the hump. It's a human reaction and one which can be a deal breaker. One would hope that some type of expediency would prevail in this case.

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Re: Buyout

by fruits » 16 Jul 2014 20:01

At the end of the day we are in the hands of vultures who would sell their father, mother, grandfather etc for a mess of potage. How Mr MAD could firstly sell 51% to the mad Russian and then let control fall to vultures I cannot understand. He saved us 20 years ago but he may well have finished us in 2014. Whatever the truth is about the 500k, we are in the ownership of banksters, vultures, scum, filth whatever you want to call them, I just hope somehow we get out of their clutches.

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Re: Buyout

by Royal Rother » 16 Jul 2014 20:03

As has previously been mentioned who pays what fees cannot be a surprise to anyone. Such issues would all be included in a Heads of Agreement and due diligence.

It's possible that Vibrac's agreement with RFC stipulates that the latter should pay all fees and that we are trying to get SB to pay them.

These things always come up in the final stages of a takeover deal - and then, after a bit of posturing and brinkmanship they get sorted.

And as for Vibrac, they have a business model that allows for risk, they offer a "service" that very few others provide, they have clear terms and anyone who enters an arrangement with them knows very clearly what they are getting into.

Vibrac might well be somewhat rigid in how they deal with their debtors but they can't just create new clauses half way through a process just because it suits them.

Many knickers need to be untwisted over Vibrac's role.
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Re: Buyout

by Struggle Pig » 16 Jul 2014 20:03

Norfolk Royal
Struggle Pig You're correct with your proportionality, I was just exaggerating slightly and hoping no one would be particularly fussy.

But I stand by my point. If I alter it slightly and you were buying a house for £500,000 and on the day of exchanging contracts the seller said you had to pay an extra £10,000, would you still buy it? I know I would be like "What the fudge! Screw your house"

Adding an extra 2% on top of the sale of anything right at the end is ridiculous.

That's close too it but still not really there. If at the end of a business deal there's a sudden add-on and you get the impression you've been lead along the garden path then shafted, you tend to get the hump. It's a human reaction and one which can be a deal breaker. One would hope that some type of expediency would prevail in this case.


That is the exact point I am making or was trying to make. You have managed to say it more eloquently than I and in a shorter sentence.

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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by Ian Royal » 16 Jul 2014 20:29

Ian Royal
floyd__streete John Madejski, come out and explain this monumental series of f*ck ups you have caused us

His only cock up was selling to Anton.


He wasn't very actively involved in the day to day running of the club post that sale?

11/12 - Madejski sells the controlling share to Anton at the end of the season. Anton is in charge and oversees overspending on high profile players who under perform
12/13 - Anton is in charge. We overspend and underachieve. Anton fails to pull together the investment he thought he'd get from his other rich kid buddies that was going to fund the rest of the buyout and his ambitions.
13/14 1st half - Anton hasn't the money to complete the buyout or continue running us at the loss he's made us operate at. He takes out the loan with Vibrac as an advance on parachute payments to cover the wages he can't pay.
13/14 2nd half - Anton has done a runner, Madejski takes back over and tries to deal with the mess he's been left
Now - Madejski is in the process of selling. Vibrac are being awkward. Samrit is threatening to walk. Samuelson is being sinister. HNA is over-reacting to the barest hint of anything.


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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by TBM » 16 Jul 2014 20:32

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Re: Buyout

by Ian Royal » 16 Jul 2014 20:39

P!ssed Off
Struggle Pig There are various people on here and on other social media outlets that keep saying that the Thai's, SJM, cutting the transfer budget or even selling a player should be done just to get this deal done.

Why are some people so inherently stupid. Why should anyone, bend over, spread cheeks and except this fisting from Virbac.

You wouldn't go into a shop pick up an item knowing what it will cost you say £10 and when you go to the till they say actually Sir/Madam you will need to pay £13 pound. You wouldn't, pay it, you would put it down tell them to stick it and then buy it elsewhere. Rightly so.

Vibrac are disgusting and I hope something gets sorted and this takeover does go through quickly, but if you are one of the stupid one's please don't post just pay it. If it's that simple, you just pay it.

I think the proportionate analogy would be an item tagged at £25, being charged at the till as £25.50.
If I really wanted said item, I would likely pay the extra 50p.

Pretty sure it's not a good analogy because that's specifically prohibited by law. While we have no idea of the terms of this deal and whether a contract had already been entered into.

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Re: Buyout

by sandman » 16 Jul 2014 21:09

@sonkimarsson Everyone calm down. Samrit "liked" the Reading FC - Official page yesterday, so despite the silence, you have to feel he's still in for us. Unless something drastic has happened in the last 24 hours of course.

Basically can people please have some oxfording patience. :roll:

It's ok everyone, it's all still on because he liked a Facebook page and as we all know these are the sort of things that the takeover of a football club truly hinge on.

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Re: Buyout

by SydenhamRoyal » 16 Jul 2014 21:55

ZacNaloen Anyone got a spare 500k?

Lets have a whip round or alternatively ship out Nick Blackman

and the other £499,999?

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Re: Buyout

by SydenhamRoyal » 16 Jul 2014 21:58

Wasnt aware of Vibrac before Reading, surely this will be a golden case for other parties to stay clear in future? Simply not worth it[/quote]


Hang on a moment, weren't we told that Madejski was still effectively running the club on a day to day basis? He also still held a 49% so although he couldn't veto a deal with Vibrac, he could have kicked up a massive stink about it. Each and everyone involved in this ownership and financial fiasco must bear some responsibility for creating it.[/quote]

Possibly DID kick up a stink - but behind the scenes. Not all dirty washing needs to be aired in public


Re: Buyout

by Lacoste » 16 Jul 2014 22:27

Schards#2 FFS, just get the deal done, have a transfer budget of £9.5m instead of £10m, learn never to deal with shysters like this again and move on.

I fear for this club if this doesn't go through.

Top fukcing post. Sense


Re: Buyout

by Lacoste » 16 Jul 2014 22:48

Royal Rother As has previously been mentioned who pays what fees cannot be a surprise to anyone. Such issues would all be included in a Heads of Agreement and due diligence.

It's possible that Vibrac's agreement with RFC stipulates that the latter should pay all fees and that we are trying to get SB to pay them.

These things always come up in the final stages of a takeover deal - and then, after a bit of posturing and brinkmanship they get sorted.

And as for Vibrac, they have a business model that allows for risk, they offer a "service" that very few others provide, they have clear terms and anyone who enters an arrangement with them knows very clearly what they are getting into.

Vibrac might well be somewhat rigid in how they deal with their debtors but they can't just create new clauses half way through a process just because it suits them.

Many knickers need to be untwisted over Vibrac's role.

Again, top post.....

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Re: Buyout

by Super Kevin Bremner! » 16 Jul 2014 23:39

25,000 people, £20 quid each, £500,000 = DONE!

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Re: Buyout

by Mike Hunt » 16 Jul 2014 23:55

Schards#2 FFS, just get the deal done, have a transfer budget of £9.5m instead of £10m, learn never to deal with shysters like this again and move on.

I fear for this club if this doesn't go through.

Top fukcing post. Sense

May I ask where they are getting the £500K figure from?

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Re: Buyout

by Mike Hunt » 16 Jul 2014 23:57

Super Kevin Bremner! 25,000 people, £20 quid each, £500,000 = DONE!

I'm happy to throw in £500. I dont get to buy a seasons ticket (being an Australian and all) so am happy to contribute.

Hang on, £500 is like $850 AUD.... on second thoughts...

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