Coppells parking space

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Bacon Double Cheese » 13 May 2008 18:16

Can't be there in body but will be there in spirit.

Thank you Sir Steve and you have my undying gratitude whatever you choose to do. Here's hoping it's to stay here and take us back to the Premiership.

Well done Dom and so many others that have made this event happen this evening. You are all stars.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Readingfanman » 13 May 2008 18:18

Yeah the features been on Meridian. The may do something else in the sport section.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by FiNeRaIn » 13 May 2008 18:26

Going to the ground to show support for your manager, fair enough, I like that idea.

Creating ipetitions and facebook groups is absolutely pathetic.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Bacon Double Cheese » 13 May 2008 18:36

Live on BBCRB - Ben Moore reporting

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Re: Coppells parking space

by earleyroyal » 13 May 2008 18:39

FiNeRaIn Going to the ground to show support for your manager, fair enough, I like that idea.

Creating ipetitions and facebook groups is absolutely pathetic.

... as a way to spread the word and for people to show support who can't get to the ground? Don't really see the distinction to be fair.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Average » 13 May 2008 18:43

Cannot make it tonight, but hope it has the desired effect

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Re: Coppells parking space

by kwik-silva » 13 May 2008 18:45

i'm gonna force my dad to drive me there :P

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Re: Coppells parking space

by RoyalBlue » 13 May 2008 18:45

Been away with work and therefore unaware of what was going on. Now too late to get there but Good Luck and well done to all of those who have.

Fingers crossed for a positive result and even if it doesn't work at least he'll realise how people feel about him.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by cmonurz » 13 May 2008 18:47

FiNeRaIn Going to the ground to show support for your manager, fair enough, I like that idea.

Creating ipetitions and facebook groups is absolutely pathetic.

I never had you down as particularly bright FR, but surely you can see that using the internet makes a huge amount of sense when it comes to spreading word of this to as many supporters as possible?

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Re: Coppells parking space

by kwik-silva » 13 May 2008 18:49

RoyalBlue Been away with work and therefore unaware of what was going on. Now too late to get there but Good Luck and well done to all of those who have.

Fingers crossed for a positive result and even if it doesn't work at least he'll realise how people feel about him.

come down!! I'm only just leaving.. or should i not bother too?? anyone know what time they're gonna give up and go home??

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Re: Coppells parking space

by RoyalBlue » 13 May 2008 18:53

RoyalBlue Been away with work and therefore unaware of what was going on. Now too late to get there but Good Luck and well done to all of those who have.

Fingers crossed for a positive result and even if it doesn't work at least he'll realise how people feel about him.

come down!! I'm only just leaving.. or should i not bother too?? anyone know what time they're gonna give up and go home??

Trouble is, I probably live a fair bit further away than you - not in the Royal County (or even one bordering it for starters!).

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Re: Coppells parking space

by kwik-silva » 13 May 2008 18:53

lol, c ya in a bit.. CMON URZ!!

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Re: Coppells parking space

by AF1 » 13 May 2008 19:18

Alas just got in so wont be there. Well done to all that do

(and plus one obviously)

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Uke » 13 May 2008 19:27

Well done guys - absolutely brilliant!

How many have made it?

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Re: Coppells parking space

by FiNeRaIn » 13 May 2008 19:32

FiNeRaIn Going to the ground to show support for your manager, fair enough, I like that idea.

Creating ipetitions and facebook groups is absolutely pathetic.

I never had you down as particularly bright FR, but surely you can see that using the internet makes a huge amount of sense when it comes to spreading word of this to as many supporters as possible?

I never had you down as much of a football fan cmonurz, but surely you know that creating an ipetition won't change coppells mind, i mean honestly. A petition? :lol:

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Schards#2 » 13 May 2008 19:32

Text from RL at the ground reckons about 200 odd with more arriving. I thought the guys on Meridian did great. Particularly Dirkers speaking about the superb ovation for the manager/players/chairman after the game on Sunday from a group of fans who's team had just been relegated. That's why this club is so special.

Will this function tonight change anything? Probably not, but.....

1. It just might
2. At least Coppell will leave knowing what the fans truely thought of him.
3. It's cathartic after a huge dissapointment and sets a positive mindset going forward.

Well done everyone involved, my initial response to 17 buses first post was along the lines of 'what a waste of time' but, on reflection, it's anything but that and anyone involved should be proud.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Sir David of Brent » 13 May 2008 19:37

Couldn't be there as I don't live in Reading any longer, but completely support what everyone is doing. Haven't seen any coverage on the news at all which is a shame. :-(

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Re: Coppells parking space

by cmonurz » 13 May 2008 19:43

FiNeRaIn I never had you down as much of a football fan cmonurz, but surely you know that creating an ipetition won't change coppells mind, i mean honestly. A petition? :lol:

You said "going to the ground to show support for your manager, fair enough, I like that idea." And the internet is a great way of the spreading the word about that, be it a petition, Facebook group, whatever. Looks like a good turnout, anyway.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by Royalshow » 13 May 2008 19:45

Could people who are in contact with those at the ground asks them to take loads of photos for the benefit of those who wish they could be there!It sounds fantastic and i love the way this came from the fans and developed so quickly.Hob nob is nitrous for 'all talk to action' but this has shown a great level of passion and unity and everyone involved should be congratulated.

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Re: Coppells parking space

by nickbob_sexypants » 13 May 2008 19:58

Any updates on how many people turned up yet? I wish I could make it, although managed to sign the petition 1st :D

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