by Ian Royal »
23 Jul 2014 15:15
LoyalRoyal22 Don't know why everyone so convinced Samrit is better option than the Billionaire Yanks. The Samrit situation so far just reminds me of Anton.. Happy to be proven wrong though. Also the Samuelson hate is waaaaaaaay over the top.
Because his proposals have nothing to do with developing land and everything to do with developing the club. He's obviously interested in football. He isn't associated with the previous disastrous regime at all. SJM, once burnt, has opted for him.
Everything coming out of the US lot and probably Samuelson reeks of manipulation and sour grapes. Samuelson was part of the crew that got us involved with the footballing equivalent of a loan shark, and possibly has links to them. He's also an expert in fiddling finances and dodgy deals. On the plus side, he went to a lot of our games, including youth team stuff. Woop.
I can't say I'm completely convinced by Samrit, but apart from naivety and over-enthusiasm I can't see a whole lot of warning signs against him. Some concerns over the wealth, but I'm hoping once the deal becomes official those will be cleared up.