by BirminghamRoyal »
31 May 2011 13:40
Overall it was a good day and i'm glad I went but should have expected disappointment after the way it started.
Supposed to get a train to London at 8:10, which was cancelled and had to wait an hour for another one. We got there and were supposed to meet someone in Euston. He was late and told us he'd meet us in Wembley. Then he ended up going to Baker Street. We finally got to Wembley to find the Green Man was full and weren't getting in. Ended up getting my first pint in Thirsty Eddies three hours after getting to London.
The first 45 minutes were terrible but I honestly believed the comeback was on after our first goal. The atmosphere in 130 in the second half was incredible. Both of my legs are cut up from celebrating and my voice is still hoarse. It's a shame it was the same 3 songs over and over though.
Ended up in Covent Garden to meet another friend but my phone died.
We then went to Marylebone to get the 9pm train which was also cancelled. Crap end to an otherwise entertaining afternoon.