Personally, I think it was just a foul. Barry jumped in very early to attack the ball and by the time Shorey should have been jumping to clear it Barry was impeding him. But because Barry went so early and hung (on Shorey) it did look like Shorey made no effort to play the ball. I think there was an element of Shorey thinking about backing in to impede Barry. I can see why the ref wouldn't give it and I think it's one of those 52% - 48% splits in whether it should be given or not.
Fact seems to be we played much better (couldn't watch myself) with the right tactics, and should have got a couple of goals, but just couldn't keep out a top draw City side that just didn't do it's homework on how to beat us. From what I saw on MotD they played very narrow and intricate through the middle, when Neville clearly highlighted (and was spot on) that you beat us by going wide and pulling it back to just outside the six yard box.
Savage highlighted our excellent defence, but tbh, I wasn't overly impressed at seeing a bank of 6 and a bank of 3. Just smacked me of sitting way too deep and having no outlet again. Although I guess we were there for the draw.