by Hoop Blah »
11 Aug 2008 16:30
Royal Rother Hoop Blah cmonurz I guess with the success of Doyle when he came into the team, we haven't looked for a bit from Long than running around a bit. He's got a poor goal-scoring record, even allowing for many of his appearances being as a sub.
I agree his goal scoring record is poor.
Whereas Lita....?
Lita looked pretty hopeless on Sunday - Long could / should have been brought on to liven things up. He usually does that quite well. He's not afraid to rough the defenders up a bit whereas all Lita looks to do is rub his arse into their groins...
Whereas Lita's goal scoring record isn't too bad. Not that I was talking about Lita at all of course.
I agree Coppell should've changed things around on Sunday. We could've nicked all three points if we'd been a bit more positive.
According to Murty on Radio Berks this morning, Coppell didn't make changes because he probably felt the side he picked to start the game where the best eleven to win him the game. Unfortunately they didn't ask him why he bothers to have subs at all then!