by Pepe the Horseman » 01 Mar 2015 15:06
by MmmMonsterMunch » 01 Mar 2015 15:19
by Pepe the Horseman » 01 Mar 2015 15:28
by melonhead » 01 Mar 2015 15:36
Pepe the Horseman He's outlived four managers, and the fifth one isn't exactly covering himself in glory at the moment. Not sure how much he had to do with Clarke coming in, but iirc he was heavily involved in the other appointments.
A lot of people slating our recent signings. We all know what a good job he does selling players, but not so much when it comes to buying players. The Murray deal in particular seems to have been one big fcuk up. And if his hands are tied over transfers, then what exactly does he do?
So, should we start escapegoating Squeaky?
by MmmMonsterMunch » 01 Mar 2015 15:37
Pepe the Horseman What does he do then? Doesn't/can't sign players. Not negotiating any new contracts.
by Ian Royal » 01 Mar 2015 15:51
Pepe the Horseman What does he do then? Doesn't/can't sign players. Not negotiating any new contracts.
by SapperBRoyal » 01 Mar 2015 17:04
by AthleticoSpizz » 01 Mar 2015 17:17
by 3points » 01 Mar 2015 18:15
Ian RoyalPepe the Horseman What does he do then? Doesn't/can't sign players. Not negotiating any new contracts.
So far this season, we've signed
Plus Murray & Mackie on loan.
We've loaned out
Plus sold ALF, Morro, Cummings & Drenthe
We've extended contracts for Hector amongst several others.
I'd say that's plenty for him to do personally. Would we like better players? Absolutely. But we can't magic money out of thin air, so we'll have to rely on Hammond continuing to try to make what we've got go as far as possible. Something he's pretty good at. Although lots of people are involved in the signings business for the club, from the scouts, through Hammond to the coaching staff and board.
by Royal Rother » 01 Mar 2015 18:50
SapperBRoyal For my money, Hammond is the only member of the executive consistently adding value for a decade. We will never fully understand the relationships he has had to build, the pride he has had to swallow, the wheeling and dealing he has had to accomplish in order to paper over the cracks. He's rarely in the limelight, rarely gets the credit, and yet two 'big' takeover organisations have quickly realised that his acumen, experience and network is too valuable to let go somewhere else. And make no mistake, should he and his big tin of turd polish ever get laid off, it would be to the advantage of another club in our division, possibly one looking to consolidate in the Prem. Hammond's headlines have come from selling well, because we are a selling club. Were the situation to ever change, who knows?
by Pepe the Horseman » 01 Mar 2015 20:04
AthleticoSpizz What did you vote Pepe?
by AthleticoSpizz » 01 Mar 2015 20:12
by Moonfish » 01 Mar 2015 20:18
by Faithful Son » 01 Mar 2015 20:28
by sandman » 01 Mar 2015 20:53
3pointsIan RoyalPepe the Horseman What does he do then? Doesn't/can't sign players. Not negotiating any new contracts.
So far this season, we've signed
Plus Murray & Mackie on loan.
We've loaned out
Plus sold ALF, Morro, Cummings & Drenthe
We've extended contracts for Hector amongst several others.
I'd say that's plenty for him to do personally. Would we like better players? Absolutely. But we can't magic money out of thin air, so we'll have to rely on Hammond continuing to try to make what we've got go as far as possible. Something he's pretty good at. Although lots of people are involved in the signings business for the club, from the scouts, through Hammond to the coaching staff and board.
And sold McCarthy
by SapperBRoyal » 02 Mar 2015 22:39
Faithful Son I'm puzzled why people are criticising Squeaky and blaming him for our bad signings. I may be wrong but doesn't the manager choose the players we go for? I thought Hammond's job is to then do the negotiating on the club's behalf. Is this not the case? If it's not then I can finally understand why the club is in such a state. We have somebody buying players the manager doesn't want.
by Snowball » 02 Mar 2015 22:43
Pepe the HorsemanAthleticoSpizz What did you vote Pepe?
I haven't voted yet. I'm waiting to see who the majority go with, and then siding with them.
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