by Dirk Gently » 15 May 2009 09:26
Dirk Gently Where's the option for "life is complicated and it'll be down to a combination of factors, not just one"?
by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 15 May 2009 09:40
by brendywendy » 15 May 2009 09:45
boy1985Dirk Gently Where's the option for "life is complicated and it'll be down to a combination of factors, not just one"?
use clappers for that one.
by watfordroyal » 15 May 2009 09:48
by Royalwaster » 15 May 2009 09:52
Royalwaster Who is 'Madjeski'? And for that matter is 'John Madesjki' mentioned on the OS under the 'Full report of press conference'? (Steve Coppell, John Madesjki and Nick Hammond today held a press conference to mark Steve's departure) - are these guy in some way related to our chairman, John Madejski?
by yuomi » 15 May 2009 10:09
by Snowball » 15 May 2009 10:20
yuomi i want to blame fate. for its confluence of events that could not have been conceived or contrived by any sentient man or beast. that and the fact that the beer was even more watered down this season...
by yuomi » 15 May 2009 10:23
Snowballyuomi i want to blame fate. for its confluence of events that could not have been conceived or contrived by any sentient man or beast. that and the fact that the beer was even more watered down this season...
On that count, in the last game we lost to two outstanding (freakish?) goals
There was a goal of the season against us at Plymouth
There was another great run and shot from distance, Forest?
a very very good scissor kick v us for Ipswich
a keeper who had a blinder in the league 1-0 defeat at Burnley
The off-the-bar that doesn't result in a goal (for us) and a minute later a goal for them off the bar and then knocked in
Even the phantom goal worked against us. We were looking winners but the PG got Watford riled up
Seriously, have we been a tad unlucky this season?
by rhroyal » 15 May 2009 10:49
boy1985 Who's to blame?
by rhroyal » 15 May 2009 11:00
loyalroyalboy1985 Who's to blame?
Your crap spelling
by yuomi » 15 May 2009 11:07
rhroyalloyalroyalboy1985 Who's to blame?
Your crap spelling
Excuse me? Nothing wrong with those 3 words. I wouldn't put "Who's" in an essay, but this is a football forum.
by West Stand Man » 15 May 2009 11:07
Dirk Gently Where's the option for "life is complicated and it'll be down to a combination of factors, not just one"?
rhroyalloyalroyalboy1985 Who's to blame?
Your crap spelling
Excuse me? Nothing wrong with those 3 words. I wouldn't put "Who's" in an essay, but this is a football forum.
by Still Hate Futcher! » 15 May 2009 11:09
by West Stand Man » 15 May 2009 11:20
its a total missapropriation of the word though. its whose. you wouldnt put it in an essay because itd be wrong.
by yuomi » 15 May 2009 11:27
West Stand Manyuomi
its a total missapropriation of the word though. its whose. you wouldnt put it in an essay because itd be wrong.
Sorry but you are wrong. I hate to defend the originator of the phrase used, but it certainly is not a place where whose is the right word. It should be written in full as who is and so, if you feel the need to abbreviate, the apostrophe is correct and who's will be quite reasonable.
misappropriation is the right spelling. Sentences start with capitalised letter, and if you insist on adulterating the language do use an apostrophe - it'd (as in it would) and It's (as in it is), wouldn't as in would not).
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