by weybridgewanderer » 28 Jun 2006 08:08
by Finch Royal » 28 Jun 2006 08:16
by The 17 Bus » 28 Jun 2006 08:43
by STAR Liaison » 28 Jun 2006 10:13
by Finch Royal » 28 Jun 2006 10:15
starliaison STAR knows nothing about this and will be taking it up with the club as soon as one of has a chance.
However I suspect it has something to do with the fact that to have a home friendly you have to play a foreign team when you are a premiership club. To play a foreign team you have to pay them to come and play and so in order for this fixture not to make a loss maybe they think that the Royalty points are necessary.
by bobby1413 » 28 Jun 2006 10:24
Finch Royalstarliaison STAR knows nothing about this and will be taking it up with the club as soon as one of has a chance.
However I suspect it has something to do with the fact that to have a home friendly you have to play a foreign team when you are a premiership club. To play a foreign team you have to pay them to come and play and so in order for this fixture not to make a loss maybe they think that the Royalty points are necessary.
R£ading FC
by Readingfanman » 28 Jun 2006 20:29
by Forbury Lion » 28 Jun 2006 20:41
by Dangerous » 28 Jun 2006 21:41
weybridgewanderer Sir,
It has come to my attention that one of our pre season friendlies this summer is being rewarded with 20 Royalty points.
I appreciate that this will have been done to try and attract people to this "meaningless" fixture however this is the equivalent of 10 away fixtures last season.
This really shows a lack of respect by Reading Football Club for the fans who put in time and effort following the team away from home over the last 2 years.
Has STAR or does STAR plan to raise any questions of concerns about this appartent high allocation of points.
For example. could STAR request that retrospective points are allocated to those who attended a number of away games. over the last 2 seasons?
Maybe an extra 10 points for every 5 away games attended?
by Control Freak » 28 Jun 2006 22:21
by Stranded » 28 Jun 2006 22:48
Control Freak Why would you need to seek permission before publicising YOUR letter?
LOL @ RFC, clueLOLess
by Stranded » 28 Jun 2006 22:54
by weybridgewanderer » 29 Jun 2006 13:40
starliaison STAR knows nothing about this and will be taking it up with the club as soon as one of has a chance.
However I suspect it has something to do with the fact that to have a home friendly you have to play a foreign team when you are a premiership club. To play a foreign team you have to pay them to come and play and so in order for this fixture not to make a loss maybe they think that the Royalty points are necessary.
by STAR Liaison » 29 Jun 2006 14:45
weybridgewandererstarliaison STAR knows nothing about this and will be taking it up with the club as soon as one of has a chance.
However I suspect it has something to do with the fact that to have a home friendly you have to play a foreign team when you are a premiership club. To play a foreign team you have to pay them to come and play and so in order for this fixture not to make a loss maybe they think that the Royalty points are necessary.
If the club had brought either Rangers or Celtic rather than a Dutch team the madstad could have sold out just from the "away" support !!
Last season Rangers played Ipswich the previous season Fulham, so I am sure they would consider Reading!
by weybridgewanderer » 29 Jun 2006 15:48
starliaisonweybridgewandererstarliaison STAR knows nothing about this and will be taking it up with the club as soon as one of has a chance.
However I suspect it has something to do with the fact that to have a home friendly you have to play a foreign team when you are a premiership club. To play a foreign team you have to pay them to come and play and so in order for this fixture not to make a loss maybe they think that the Royalty points are necessary.
If the club had brought either Rangers or Celtic rather than a Dutch team the madstad could have sold out just from the "away" support !!
Last season Rangers played Ipswich the previous season Fulham, so I am sure they would consider Reading!
Sorry I do not know sll the problems of sorting out a friendly although I believe there was only the one date possible so it may be that they are already booked. It is easy in principle but sometimes reality gets in the way.
by Royal Lady » 29 Jun 2006 17:34
by Just 2-0 » 29 Jun 2006 19:07
by RoyalBlue » 29 Jun 2006 19:30
StrandedControl Freak Why would you need to seek permission before publicising YOUR letter?
LOL @ RFC, clueLOLess
I assume they meant the response from the club, which was a personal response to Dang and as such they have the right to ask permission before it is posted elsewhere.
by Dangerous » 29 Jun 2006 21:20
RoyalBlueStrandedControl Freak Why would you need to seek permission before publicising YOUR letter?
LOL @ RFC, clueLOLess
I assume they meant the response from the club, which was a personal response to Dang and as such they have the right to ask permission before it is posted elsewhere.
Yeh, wouldn't want to be publically embarrassed by a daft response would they!
Perhaps a couple of hundred of us should have signed the letter/email that was sent in, then their response would have been pretty much public anyway.
by STAR Liaison » 30 Jun 2006 14:32
weybridgewanderer I am glad you will take it up with the club when you have a chance. I didn;t say rangers or celtic would come, just that they would consider Reading. The date of this fixture is after the SPL starts (not that seems important to celtic who are playing in Japan that week).
I disagree you "have" to have foreign opposition for a pre season friendly, if you do the club needs to look at the cost of bringing them v the attractiveness before agreeing the price. They can't agree to pay a huge amount and then think "oh shit we need to fund this how we going to do that, lets bribe people to come with Royalty points".
1/ find cheaper opposition or
2/ find "more attractive" opposition
Personnally I think most Reading fans would find Feynoord attractive provided the cost of a ticket is acceptable so I am surprised at the need for the 20 point "bribe".
This is also
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